MOD: Darkoff – GIRL: Carol – BOY: Jersi the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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MOD: Darkoff – GIRL: Carol – BOY: Jersi, 21 y.o.


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MOD: Darkoff - GIRL: Carol - BOY: Jersi live sex chat


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37 thoughts on “MOD: Darkoff – GIRL: Carol – BOY: Jersi the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Using the F word isn't the problem. You attacked her with it. You can do that without ever using swear words and that is the problem you need to address. You were upset and you chose to attack. You chose to hurt her rather than continue to engage with a difficult subject.

    Thing number one here is to stop focusing on how YOU feel. Because there is an awful lot of self focus in what you wrote. You're sad, you're angry, you're ashamed, you're hurt, you're afraid of losing her, etc. The selfishness is why you did what you did, and that's what you need to address.

    Ironically, this happened because you were avoiding dealing with something difficult and you're still being avoidant and focusing on the wrong thing.

  2. Well put! Honestly, I think it’s a lot more self-centered to go on one date and believe that you’re immediately entitled to an exclusive relationship.

  3. They all have children and I dont. I dont want to be step mom. My ex was 33 when he met his 20 year old wife. Theyve been together for 8 years now.

  4. You sound like a great person with her life together, what’s stopping you from dropping him out of your life?

  5. From the picture you've painted it seems like he's lost interest and maybe is just uncomfortable with ending it. Also, what's up with people going through each other's phones?

  6. The thing with this is youre focusing on “men who cheat” and why THEY move on quicker, the reason if fairly simple and that’s that they emotionally checked out of the relationship long before the actual breakup, they cheated, stopped respecting you, lost their feelings towards you and when the break finally came they were already past you, whereas you were only just starting that phase

  7. Bruh how do you accidentally have an emotional affair :/ No idea what a 'shit test' is or 'red pill' is but you still sound hella misogynistic. You make it sound like your affair is all the other women's fault and take no blame for it? Maybe reflect a bit 🙂

  8. Heterosexual men are overrated. If for some reason you still want to date them, you should stop sharing your sexual history because some men use it to act ugly. You need to dump this guy. Hang out with women friends.

  9. That's too bad. It sounds like she's done. Does she have any immune compromised people in her family? Are you all vaccinated?

  10. Add to that the fact that some women want men more if they hear they are in a monogamous relationship for two reasons, pre-selection and “I want what I can't have”

  11. Which one was it, then: that he didn't mean to do it, or that he thought “you could take the punches”? Because those things are mutually exclusive.

    Hint: it's neither, and he's just an abusive piece of shit. He has never stopped disrespecting you. Do the math, love.

  12. Some advice for the future, “when are you free for coffee?” isn’t the best thing to say. I would say “would you like to get coffee sometime?”. You kind of set yourself up for a harsh rejection imo

  13. It's not worth wasting your time, but lots of people can't make an easy break, cuz feelings, so they “try” to work through it. Typically, it makes things hurt worse, and you pack on tons more baggage to have to work through by staying. Most times, people need to experience it firsthand tho. Life is made of our own unique experiences after all. Is it a mistake? Will you regret giving it a second try? More than likely, but such is life

  14. No, definitely not….he knows how to have sex….very well too :/ he didn’t have sex in highschool once he got out he had a bit of a hoe phase.

  15. Your husband is boning somebody with your sisters first name I’m sorry about all the shit you’re dealing with here.

  16. Then why do so much drama with me? When I tried to cut him off he wouldn't accept it and became upset and sad. He wouldn't stop talking to me and would constantly say hello and look distraught with our fall out. Even after meeting her, he would keep staring at me , and then when I took him back, he became happy and normal. Otherwise he couldn't sit and study and would keep looking back at me while leaving.

    Why do so much drama if he always liked her?

  17. I think the problem is not agreeing to disagree but feeling like your side was heard. Do you feel like your partner is listening to you when you speak from your pov?

  18. I just want to callyour attention to an excellent “script” posted by u/usuallywrite2 in the comment section here. You should check it out.

    If your text didn't explicitly spell it the reason you're contacting him chances are good that he won't respond since he's engaged now.

  19. Wow, he should be ashamed of himself. He can't take care of himself, the house, and your son while you are away? Is he really that incomplete? Or that controlling? Not a good look whichever the reason. So he might want to divorce you? Beat him to the punch. Then he'll have to take care of himself all the time, and son on weekends. Is he such a prize that he thinks some woman will fall all over herself to feed him? Please. Even if there is, let him be there problem.

  20. My child's other parent abandoned her and came back when she was older. My child knows the history and the risk the other parent will leave again, but I leave it up to her to decide what contact she wants. That doesn't mean handing over custody, but we do visits when my child wants them.

    This isn't your place to decide. And I think your husband should really consider if it's his place to decide, too. This is his child's other parent. There will be resentment if he makes this choice for her.

  21. She never said she was getting an abortion though. She never even confirmed his comment about it…

  22. We really don't have a lot of info here. I daresay, you may not have a lot of info, either. She may be fully separated from her husband. They may both be actively dating. They may be seriously planning for divorce. Or, she may also be misleading her husband and you, and you're actively helping her cheat on her husband.

    Now, I understand that divorce is complex and that the legal side of it is not quick or straightforward, but is that enough of a reason to jump face first into this nest of potential immorality and unethicality without planning?

    Ultimately it's up to you, but in your shoes, the least that I would do is take precautions. That can be in the form of getting this woman to give you a specific, measurable deadline for her divorce. If you are indeed as serious about each other as it seems. Because, if she then goes on and remains married to her husband past the point you agreed on, then you can start holding her accountable.

    Because right now.. she seemingly has promised you nothing concrete. Which means, you're just going along with her, on hopes and wishes, with no way to verify and no timeline to measure against. Which is very unwise.

  23. This guy clearly doesn't give a crap about what you want and think, let alone what your child needs.

    Walk away from this dude asap. This is not love in the slightest

  24. on the up-side, he’s apparently got too poor of social skills to bang. and since they no longer look alike, these rapists can’t pull this trick anymore. so hopefully this line goes nowhere

  25. She is most likely asexual or any attraction towards you is gone. You are looking at a life with no more sex.

    Get divorced now. You will probably get more attention and respect from a girl that you will date for 3 months.

  26. They're pretty comfortable and I can typically wear them all day without my ears hurting (most earbuds end up hurting me). It took a little bit to figure out which size eartip worked best for each ear, but it's been smooth sailing since.

    I use the Experience version, usually with the 'Mute' inserts, and I can still hear people speaking to me most of the time. The only problem with wearing them is that I can't always gauge my own volume and end up speaking too quiet to be heard properly.

  27. I’m not anti-vax but like many people around the world question if it was worth my 3 jabs. The vaccine won’t prevent her from getting covid and if she’s young and healthy, Covid isn’t going to kill her. News in vaccine side effects has been suppressed which should make one suspicious. Anyone paying attention to the twitter files knows this. So, maybe your GF is a critical thinker and not prone to being fed horse shit. I like her already.

  28. You can’t say someone is kind and considerate in the same breath as them treating you like a servant ? that cancels out whatever “kind and considerate” means here


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