Yue Lang and Samm the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Yue Lang and Samm, 18 y.o.


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47 thoughts on “Yue Lang and Samm the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Omg quit playing games.

    You’re experienced enough to have had a previous friends with benefits relationship quit screwing yourself over by playing games.

    Communicate with him. Ask for what you want if he says no he says no and you can move on. But don’t do that to yourself, hanging around trying to be all fwb because you think that will make him keep you around longer.

  2. That's what I'm wondering, too. Considering that most people posting here want to make things be viewed in their favor, I'd put money on OP being early twenties (20-24) and her BF being in his mid- to late thirties (35-39). Which is its very own can of worms…

  3. I would edit the above comparison to say it’s the same as your bf calling you fat when you are the same size you were when y’all started dating though. You were good with it then and had no issues. Why now?

  4. dont see how thats immaturity i think you are juist butthurt about the standard existing, even thou he is entitled to that standards regardless of what you think

  5. the choices keep getting worse and worse the more i read.

    first of all – you've been together 2 months….it is way too soon to consider moving in together.

    second – you're seriously saying you're still planning on paying rent for your own apartment? like girl what. dumbest thing ever.

    third – piggy backing off the 2nd point, if you're doing that STAY IN YOUR OWN PLACE jfc

    lastly – do not be a doormat for this man. he is taking advantage of you whether it is his intention to or not. he needs to find another roommmate, he is a full grown adult and he needs to take care of that himself, do not feel obligated to have to move in with him because his roommate is moving out.

    if you actually want the relationship to last, do not move in with him now.

  6. Something being in a regular amazon box is not greater than something in a box that reads “handle with care”. You just need to find someone who respects you and your sensitivity. You're allowed to want someone who wants the best for you.

  7. I know you've had a shit hand dealt to you. None of it your fault. So I know you may not believe this. But you deserve better. Someone who truly cares would not have sex with others or make rape jokes. I'm sure there's more he's doing that is not helping you feel better but instead is putting you down more. It could be just sex to him but it didn't have to be to you. If he needs it, then you guys are not compatible. If he truly cares he wouldn't be doing things to hurt you. Take care of yourself OP. Get away from him and focus on you.

  8. Damn if you're willing to stay with him after all this, he must be rich AF because he is garbage in every other respect.

  9. Did he tell you where he was until 3 in the morning? Did he go visit her to do damage control?

    OP, you deserve better. Ending a long term relationship is not easy. But you have to protect yourself now. Contact a lawyer as soon as possible. If you are in the U.S. ALL his earnings are community property, even if he keeps it in his personal account. He can't just buy her a $1K gift, or spend tons of money on her. That's YOUR money too. He's using YOUR money to date her, impress her by taking her out every Saturday, buying her stuff, and probably giving her money.

    An attorney will make sure that he stops spending YOUR money on her. Good luck.

  10. OP, while your FIL is a problem, your husband is a much bigger one. I've been with my wife for 30+ years, and I would never allow my father to act like this. (Not that he would).

    Your husband should be putting his father in his place, not leaving it up to you. Talk to your husband. Tell him that you have had enough. Tell him to “fix” his father. Tell him what you intend to do when he goes to work. Make him understand just how serious you are about this.

    As for your FIL, he'll be more scared of not seeing his grandkids than actually going through with the threat.

    Good luck

  11. Hello /u/crynoS1,

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  12. Thank you, and honestly, going on here and asking was already a very big step for me. I had cut out friends that she ‘hated,’ and for petty reasons no less (like because she didn’t like the way they looked or maybe because she thinks they are a ‘bad’ influence). I wished she would do the same for me, yet she didn’t even though I had a good reason unlike her.

  13. Hello /u/FionaCake420,

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  14. Is it “normal” to be anxious?


    Is it a warning that you’re rushing yourself? Almost certainly.

  15. Is it “normal” to be anxious?


    Is it a warning that you’re rushing yourself? Almost certainly.

  16. Dude, you got excited about her fantasy and you're hoping it's reality? 5 months is too early to fully engage in that level of play. You need to earn that. Keep it in the back of your mind as your relationship progresses.

  17. Haha, I’m not sure he would like that … I’ve asked multiple times but he literally just says “go harley quinn on me” every time

  18. I honestly would like to hear his side of this. I personally would have walked out and broke up the minute you called me stupid. Two sides of everything and I would like to hear his, I think it would be interesting for him to share what he thinks about this situation and you.

  19. You can't say in one breath that you don't expect something then get upset and “resent” the fact that money wasn't spent on you. You understand how ridiculous that sounds?

  20. Ignore her and trust him.

    After all this time, you are his gf and she is just a friend.

    She is probably romantically attracted but is stuck in the friendzone forever.

  21. So let me get this straight….

    Today, and for the entire time you’ve dated, your fiancé has enjoyed things like hanging with single friends, going to the bar, going boating, etc. But it’s your expectation that once married, all of that will/should change and he should participate in this up til now secret lifestyle you desire but have not communicated?

    Boy if that’s not a bait and switch….

    You need to tell him what it is you want so he can decide if that’s something he wants as well—or not.

    What you describe as your ideal life sounds like a nightmare to me. It sounds simple minded and short sighted and lacking in any kind of drive or individual energy. It sounds suffocating and boring. What if he feels the same way?

    And if you have concerns about this friend to the point that you’re thinking in JANUARY of “not letting” your partner hang out at some point next summer? You need to talk about that too. I personally think it’s really inappropriate to try to dictate who your partner hangs out with.

    This sounds like a marriage based on a lie…like you’re just acting a part to hook the guy then plan to flip the whole script.

  22. The list is a good idea try it out and if that doesn't work have a calm not judgemental conversation on how if this doesn't change resentment will grow from this.

  23. Nah just the post about the insecure girl who you wouldn't beg for her nudes and instead watched johnny bravo to feel like more of a man lol

  24. That's very interesting. If you don't mind me asking, do you find the way your husband views the relationship as something that could lead to problems?

    If that's too personal feel free to ignore me.

  25. It's horrifying to me when people can't seem to entertain the thought that someone can believe that abortions should be accessible and safe AND they personally wouldn't get an abortion themselves.

    Like, they seriously think that pro-choice people just wanna fuck and kill babies? No middle ground? Insane. No critical thinking.

  26. Idk how many people will say this, but get off the bottle and hit the gym brother, let the healing begin.

  27. If your wife doesn't tell the husband..it reflects really badly on her. It's moral situations like this that reveal who people really are.

  28. Why do you even track her location? You don’t trust her … break up. She doesn’t know you hacked her phone, otherwise she wouldn’t have lied. Clearly you are already breaking her trust by snooping on her location.

    Nobody knows why she was at that place and it doesn’t matter. If you need to track your gfs location without her knowledge, you shouldn’t be in a relationship with her.

  29. Sounds like your significant other is now just your best friend. Makes sense considering you married a man because you wanted a man… so sounds like an amicable divorce should be on the horizon.

  30. She's a babysitter not a housekeeper. You are a grown man. Do your own laundry you fucking imbecile.


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