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57 thoughts on “maddilizlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. I mostly kept it vague because of cultural difference which can easily be misunderstood. My main point was to convey that there is some reasonable in her request but at the same time the hangout isn't immediately bad.

  2. You're not his mother and he's not a child…stop paying for everything …he's gotten used to this lifestyle because you make excuses for him not to pay. And you allow this behavior.

  3. And she has changed. She put you in the middle of this. That's not something someone who is still a good friend, would do.

  4. Is she paying for the policy and are you a dependent on that policy?

    If that is the case, there is not fraud. She just put in a claim, provided the documents required and voilà, the policy paid. To her because she is the owner of the policy.

  5. You’ve only known this girl for 1 mo and only long distance. You don’t really know her. It sounds like she is a bit unstable and looking for an escape since she is trying to move everything so quickly. Be careful and don’t ignore all the red flags.

  6. Everything has been going a lot better since that situation but my friends still think I should break up wit her I don't blame then but they just don't see it from my perspective

  7. Girls' brains do indeed mature faster than boys', but what that means specifically is that their brains prune earlier, which essentially allows for faster neuronal transmissions, which makes learning easier to put it very simply. It used to be believed that this process is completed by sexual maturity, but this isn't true. In other words, even beyond puberty, brains are still growing.

    Another thing is that synaptic pruning is influenced by environmental factors, i.e. the way you raise a child. Practically from birth, girls are labeled as docile, graceful damsels who should want to have children. Girls are expected to fit into a rigid box of grace, empathy, passiveness, and selflessness.

    The reality is that girls have a tremendous amount of pressure, whether they feel it or not (which they often do), to conform to this expectation.

  8. First if all, stop snooping. You brought this issue upon yourself. Second, tell her how you broke her trust and invaded her privacy. Apologise. See if she forgives you.

    If she does, you can start working on letting go of her past. That's none of your business, and obviously you can't handle it.

  9. There's nothing to forgive it was a simple accident. You're definitely blowing this way out of proportion. Don't be petty or play silly games like ignoring him. You can be upset all you like but you also need to be understanding and fair. He didn't ghost you on purpose. The poor guy was obviously exhausted and he's human for heaven's sake. He fell asleep. If you want to keep it casual then maybe this isn't for you because you're the one bringing in emotions and feelings.

  10. You can't make someone feel bad for being smart and for having supportive parents. If she's “out of your league” and you see this as a threat rather than a gift then you just can't be with her. There's no point in talking to her, this is a you problem. You're going to have to either develop a strong enough sense of self esteem to be honestly happy to have such a high achieving parter, or you're going to have to break up with her and try your hardest not to know that she's excelling in the same course you chose. As for her parents' social media postings, you probably shouldn't be connected with them on social media anyway. So you won't even see them bragging about their kid.

  11. Yes, and that is the plan. But I still like him. My ex and I are done. As he’s barely home and I’m sure he’s doing his thing as well. If I have feelings I do, obviously not to jump right in but can’t deny that

  12. Yeah I guess thats another part thats getting to me. I dont know what I was thinking taking my eyes off the guy. I thought he was just a drunk or homeless guy, they usually talk shit and then walk off once you try to call the cops.

    I've always been attracted to how strong and tough but still soft she is, before this I wouldnt say I'm a gender role type of guy, but I dont know if its shame or guilt. I really try to think of it as a good thing, a daily reminder of my wife being the best woman I could possibly ever even ask for, and I'm not being appreciative. I find myself losing my temper with her over small things and then apologizing, and she's obviously confused, but even when she feels upset she's still trying to be there for me. She thinks all of this stuff is about work and my clients. I don't even know how to tell her its about what happened when she's so obviously over it completely unless she catches someone looking at the scar.

  13. It's not just the sex, it's the physical affection also. I don't think it's transactional to want this in a relationship.

  14. All abusers are very loving in the beginning. They shower you with affection and gifts to lower your defenses and make you relax. Then they make you marry them or get you with child and that’s when the trap snaps and their whole demeanor changes. That’s the strategy. Don’t be fooled.

  15. Idk what the problem is w the age gap.

    The problem is that the gap is 17 years. You are closer in age to her child. You are young enough to BE her child.

  16. I'm not sure how you can't make the connection between her saying you asking for threesomes makes her feel like she's not enough and then…. not wanting to initiate sex with you after you have been asking for threesomes repeatedly over the years. You said in your post that you asked for one when she was pregnant in the last year. So I don't think you took that listening to her emotions thing to heart.

    All in all, it looks like maybe that super sexual open being you first met was affected by the alcohol and now since that's the woman you want and she's not that anymore, she doesn't feel attractive. If she's in mom zone with the kids and then with the more you press on her for sex, she's getting turned off.

    Also I don't think your relationship is in “shambles” (nor do I think insinuated it) but everything you mentioned is just standard day to day stuff of being an adult so idk if that's really indicative of a strong relationship. I talk ab podcasts with my coworkers and I don't even have their cell phone numbers lmao. I'd suggest something more like alone time away from the kids and house to try to initiate a spark, but at this point it might be time to just let it go.

  17. You could just up the drama and wait until the baby is born and still continue to be a lying cheater.

    Or you can find that little bit of good that you have left in you and come clean.

    Its amazing how cheating wasn't an issue, but now that you have physical proof, now you're scared. Karma is funny.

  18. Sometimes the simplest and most effective way to show someone how ugly their actions are is by holding up a mirror, kinda like what OP did. No need to make this complicated. His girlfriend sounds like an Ahole, she knows he doesn’t like the jokes but too woke to care.

  19. Bro, you're 22. Get away from this relationship. Anyone who considers taking care of your disabled family member as incentuous is a moron. So like does she consider caregivers as doing the job because they like to have sexual relationships with their patients? Like what kind of backwards logic is this.

    Honestly it be one thing if your girl was 16 and didnt know better. But being 22 and acting like this is embarassing. You're a hero for being able to take care of your sister.

  20. Why on earth are you two married? It doesn’t really sound like you even like each other, let alone love. My partner and I get annoyed with each other, most couples do: but I would hope most couples don’t lecture one another like you do your wife. Both my partner and I have been known to cut a look or roll our eyes from time to time but, not about important things.

    Additionally we also know how to request consideration instead of being pompous. “I’m beat, would you mind not turning on the lights or tv so I can get a bit of rest?” vs…talking to her like you’re talking to your teenager. No wonder she reacted like a child- that’s how you speak to her.

    I’m certain it’s not one sided, it usually isn’t: but, I agree with her.

    Perhaps try speaking to her like your partner and not a little kid.

  21. Ya I understand what you're saying. Im not crazy for feeling this way but I'm really hoping we'll find a groove, just looking for tips to proceed

  22. People like her are the worst and make people who are polyamorous/ open relationship/ non-monogamous look awful. Drop her and her partners!

  23. You gotta call it unless you want to take care of two babies. Taking care of the household is no joke and it sounds like she ain’t got what it takes.

  24. You two are a mess. You can't just sit down together, apologize for fighting, and work it out? Instead you are arguing via text inside your own home? I have no advice. This whole thing is too ridiculous. You are both incredibly immature.

  25. Also I do understand that strangers on the web can reason better and without the emotions I am feeling, but strangers on the web are also extrapolating a lot from a very very small amount of information. That's why my title and question was how to confront her about it, not whether she was cheating.

    When I called my two brothers, who are more rational about the situation while also knowing my girlfriend (and our relationship issues), both of them considered it more likely that she was telling the truth, than that she had cheated.

  26. I'm sorry to say, your relationship was doomed when he ignored you while you were going through an abortion.

    If your partner can't be there for you during illness and very hot times, then he's not worth any of the good times, because the good times are EASY. The very hot times will really show you your partner's character.

    He showed you his total lack of character when he withdrew from you instead of supporting you. You should have ended it right there.

    All the other stuff you two have done to each other, while clinging to this dumpster fire relationship just prove the point I already made.

    Please put this thing out of it' misery and move on. You deserve to be happy, and you deserve someone who will stick with you during tough times. It's not this guy.

  27. God forbid the bloke have feelings right? Should just nottle them up, not allowed to show disappointment at all.

  28. Afraid of wasted time, afraid of being alone, afraid of going through the pain of a break up (not realising they're simply prolonging the pain for an infinite time.

    Anyone who needs to hear it: embrace the tidal wave of pain. It's going to hit anyway, and trying to out run it only makes you suffer longer. You're strong, you can handle it.

    Break ups suck. They really, really do. The thing is though, it only sucks for a short time. Within a month, it will hurt significantly less, in three? Usually your home clear.

    Cry as much as you can; you only have so many tears for a situation or person, and once those are out, none more will come even if you want them too. Cry it out.

  29. Depends on the relationship u wanna have. Me and bb had a great time eating takeout during valentine's only cus it's one of the few times we get to get away from school and just spend time together.

    Just tell him how you feel as well. Really no harm done in communicating clearly how you feel.

  30. If you get upset by having a boyfriend who masturbates, you absolutely should not be dating men. At his age most guys jerk off 1-3x every day, and honestly he probably can’t even fall asleep at night otherwise. Seriously.

    However, masturbation is a private activity, and you should ask him to stop telling you about it when he masturbates. That is none of your business, and it clearly makes you feel insecure, so he should not be talking about it with you.

  31. No problem, and if you do decide to ask her directly I think a good opener would be asking why you’ve never met her parents, not even briefly. It has been almost half a year, which would be bizarre if she lives with or close enough to her parents to respect their rules.

  32. What you really should be asking yourself now is why is going to be different this time?

    You never said the reasons of why you broke, but besides the reason, have you worked on your part of the reasons that led to the break up?

    LLooks like she was tired to try to make things work because she doesn't want to try anymore, why younwant to insist on rekindling things?

  33. i’m sorry you feel that way, but it doesn’t change the fact that people are going to do what works for them in their relationship and there’s nothing you can do about it

  34. I’d say once you’ve had a vasectomy the best place to nut is wherever you want since pregnancy is no longer an issue, so his statement a few weeks ago doesn’t change his assault last year.

  35. The reason I never suggested therapy is because he wouldn’t likely accept it. Some of her biggest complaints were attention based and she’s guaranteeing a worse result.

    To paraphrase your reason. She feels single already. Well it’s going to be a drastic change to actually single. She would pick, not getting enough to getting; to none with no hope for more and too late ever. It is a terrible decision. Life changes with time. The kids get older, things get more stable and attention and money may resume better. Versus Leaving, it’s done. It only goes down. Kids split between parents and fixed resources.

    People pretending a divorce will increase her happiness, is ridiculous.

  36. A lot of guys have fantasies about forced impregnation. A number of those guys even write fan fiction for each other to get off to. This reads like one of those stories.

  37. It totally is real though. I always thought I wanted kids, but then when the time came around that we were settled and it would be a good time to have them…. I didn’t really want kids. Until all of a sudden I did. It really was a hormone thing. My logic brain was no longer there. I felt that biological clock for sure.

  38. Don't text her. Call her.

    Tell her you've been struggling with mental health, and apologize of the lack of contact. Then ask about her, and what her life has been like.

    Once you start talking, I'm sure the awkwardness will melt away. I know it doesn't SEEM like that could be the case, but I bet that's exactly how it will happen.

  39. Ok I’m a nice person but I’m a realist and going to share a story…

    When I was in my 20s, I had a long term bf. We were toxic. . Stormy if yoh will lol. Sometimes he would delete me off FB and not re add me for a while and add random people. I don’t want to say trashy but they weren’t exactly my idea of quality people.

    Him adding me back on would be a fight. He finally would let up but it bugged me .. he always kept his ex on there which was weird. She made herself deactivated for a while though and then fast forward some years, and we break up abruptly and he’ gets back with her! The week we broke up after 7 years together.

    I put two and two together and the way they kept in contact was by FB messages (she had moved out of state with her bf) .. but messages and text I’m Sure ….

    He rarely would post me (sometimes if he was feeling nice he would) but otherwise you wouldn’t know he had a gf unless you were in his circle of friends because everyone knew we were together …

    I dated another man for 3 years and because of my trauma I hid some things from him…

    Through therapy I’ve learned a relationship needs to be open and honest. You put all your cards on the table. No secrets, no hiding things ….

    She’s being sneaky. Maybe she’s not doing anything wrong but you are her husband. She turned it around on you and let me tell you as an outsider, that’s wrong ….. no secrets … no hiding stuff … even if she just wants some privacy or to have a sense of self outside of you, she needs to use her words

  40. How do you even know who you “love”? If he doesn't share about himself how the heck did you get to know him enough to know you liked him?


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