Tong , ♀ Ralph ♂ the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD
8KTong , ♀ Ralph ♂, 18 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
Tong , ♀ Ralph ♂, 18 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
I am a 30 year old female, been with my husband for almost 9 years so my opinion may not be the current view but….
To me it’s tacky AF to expect someone to pay IF I am the one inviting, I’ve always believed if I invite you I pay. She invited you but wants you to cater to her still, that’s fucken nuts. When I was dating my now husband if I was the one that asked him out on a date, I’d pick him up and pay for the meal. 9 times out of 10 we’d have a full on date like dinner and movie and he’d pay for the tickets if I was the one paying for dinner. When he paid for dinner I’d pay for the movie. Your girlfriend (go me) has a shit character.
You’re better off getting a scholarship and taking responsibility for yourself.
You’re father is stepping up for a child he had abandoned and who grew up without her father. Good for him.
Keep encouraging your father to come clean. Give him a deadline. Then encourage reconciliation.
Her mom lives far away and won't fly to us, I haven't gotten time off work to fly to her. My gf has went to visit a few times but I still havent met them and she acts like its not a big deal because she has never introduced anyone to her parents.
Dude, just find a really cool coffee shop and ask if she wants to go there on a Saturday morning to see a cool spot.
Yes every time she has come over we had sex, and from what I can tell she really enjoyed it.