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20 thoughts on “Alexa the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Item indicator for clothing. Alternatively, safe word. Personally, I love being woken up this way(FtM, 30), but I get the consent thing which is why I am similar to you in that I like to have an ease of mind to not push boundaries. Hope y'all can come to a solution on this.

  2. Say something along the lines of you met at work, you knew right away she'd be a good friend because (list some qualities she has), you know she and her husband are such a good team, you hope they'll have a long and happy life together, please raise your glasses ….

    If you have an anecdote about work where she did something kind or funny, stick that in too. You only need to say a few words. You can't invent a lifetime's memories when you've only known her for such a short time!

  3. Imma try to do a punnet square on reddit mobile ? I'm assigning blood types kinda randomly. The generations have the correct ones, but dad/mom might be flipped, and the respective grandpa's might be flipped. I know grandma's are correct.


    Grandpa 1: AX (where X doesn't matter) Grandma 1: OO (only way to get O phenotype is to be both O)

    Dad: AO (A from grandpa, O from grandma)

    Grandpa 2: BX Grandma 2: OO

    Mom: BO

    …. A. O

    B. AB. BO

  4. Oh ignore them. The dude literally has “happy to debate with redditors” or something in his bio. They're trolling

  5. It’s never going to ease with time. You are too young to grasp the significance of this life changing event. You will be in a 4-way relationship: you, him, her and the child. His primary responsibility will be the child, not you. Suggest you take some time away from him, tell him you need some space and time away from him. Don’t contact him after you tell him, don’t talk to his friends or family. Focus on you and you only.

  6. Lol do you want actual advice or “validation?”

    Validation isn't going to fix this but maybe it will make you feel better about ruining things for no reason.

  7. Dude what? She asked for sex and he said no. This is an absolutely fucked response.

    Anyone is allowed to turn down sex for any reason, and if someone is going to respond the way you claim she did to it, then they're not mature enough to be in a relationship. And yes, I include you in that statement.

  8. My wife is south-east Asian and while if you’re particularly religious it is expected for you to get married young, young for most is still like 27. He’s only you to ask to wait around a year or 2 more than that and for very valid reasons. I honestly wouldn’t stress it. Me and my wife got married fairly young I would say but we still dated for 7 years before that. Even that was a bit short for me but that’s a different story.

  9. Well this is a doozy.

    The friend is crossing a line. She’s disrespecting your gf and your relationship by asking to hook up. It’s okay to have girl friends. It’s not okay to have girl friends who want to be girlfriends.

    If you love your girlfriend and do want to marry her (because you want to spend your life with her and not just to get into her pants), you need to cut off the girl friend. It’s good you’re respecting your girlfriend’s wishes by waiting until marriage, and if this is something you can tolerate until marriage happens, you’ve got to find another outlet that isn’t getting too close to another woman. Talk to your girlfriend about what sexual acts, if any, she’s comfortable with before marriage. Masturbate. Journal. Join a gym.

    If you can’t wait, you should do the right thing and break up with her. Simple as that. Putting yourself in situations with the girl friend knowing you’ll be tempted while stringing your girlfriend along is a worse offense than premarital sex.

    Lastly, this is your religious belief so you do you. But for what it’s worth, God is not going to smite you for premarital sex. Sex is an important aspect to a relationship, and in this day and age it’s important and acceptable to find out if you’re sexually comparable before marriage. If you’re waiting until marriage because in your heart you believe it’s wrong, that’s okay. Follow your morals. But if you’re only waiting because you feel like you “should,” that’s not fair to yourself. Don’t pressure your girlfriend to have sex if she doesn’t want to. But don’t hold yourself to her standards if you don’t agree or care. Find someone on the same wavelength so you’re not at odds in the relationship.

  10. Time for you to grow up, decide whether you love the girl and want to be a father to the baby or a POS which sounds like how you re leaning. Your best friends sound like Dbags, pressuring for an abortion, she seems to smart for you to be honest, you sound like a boy. Time for you to make some grown up decisions.

  11. Tell him he needs to trust you or the relationship isn’t going to work. Especially long distance. If he’s paranoid and refuses to believe you over something that minor, I’d think about whether constantly defending yourself for doing normal things is worth it.

  12. I've had 2 children and am at my pre-pregnancy weight. Yes, getting pregnant does put a LOT on the body, but a lot of people use it as an excuse to not even bother after like it's a curse that keeps you fat or something forever.

  13. Unfortunately, she isn't known for having good judgment. But it is because she is very independent and always wants to do what she wants. I said earlier that she's a rebel and only does what she wants.

    I'm concerned but don't know what to do. I'd rather not take the situation to a new level.

  14. That’s an oddly frequent amount to bring up his ex. But otherwise, what he said isn’t a red flag. Similarly, if my ex and I hadn’t been ultimately incompatible, we’d probably still be together too.

  15. It doesn’t sound like you are compatible. At your age it’s quite fair and reasonable to expect a sex life in a relationship so if you don’t want that you need to be very clear with him, ie explicit say exactly what you are thinking re : your sex life. Both of you need to be fully informed. It’s totally your right not to want sex but you shouldn’t keep him hanging either. In short: communication.


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