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42 thoughts on “///Kiko Nona/// Free OF is @free.chat///Paid OF @chaturbatable /// the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. There is an excellent chance that she cheated way more than once. She was forced to own up to the once by her lover, who had his own reasons. Not a good spot for the OP.

  2. You need to make it abruptly obvious that she is no longer welcome in your life. Start with your husband filling sexual harassment again her for unsolicited sexual images since there is now a national law against it.

    Cripple her financial after it, during her arrest, file a pain and suffering suit against her for the emotional turmoil she purposely put you through.

    I assure you once she's gets slapped with that after getting out of jail/processing she will literally fold into her self like the scene from ren and stimpy belly button episode.

    If she has any S.O. make sure it's brought to there attention as well as any family members over 18.

  3. I'm sorry this is happening. Is there anything going on with her that might be causing her to do this? Arguments or past trauma she's acting on?

  4. Exactly. Someone stated this has been going on for 5-6 years or more.

    Clearly the husband knows about this history and that nothing has helped the sister and doesn’t want a life of having to be affected by endless visits from her that cause him stress.

    I can understand where he’s coming from.

  5. Haha the pettiness in me thought about that but there's no way I could or would! Yeah I know it will be a struggle to get the trust back, thanks so much for your response!

  6. You are genuinely THE WORST brand of person.

    For anyone who sees this post. They posted five days later claiming to be demisexual and aromantic while in this “relationship”; they led her on until Christmas so far.

    When confronted, this woman, who is 28 years old, BLAMED her victim and tried to say trauma made her strong a person along and use them for sex.

    This person is a HORRIBLE partner and shouldn’t be in relationships.

  7. Does she make effort to meet up with you or is it always you arranging the dates? I think that would be a sign of how interested she is by this point.

  8. By his own admission he's neglecting his duties as a partner – by being high when she was miscarrying. If this is what he freely admits to, I wonder what he's leaving out

  9. Please don’t let yourself get stuck in this abusive relationship. There are so many better things out there for you.

  10. The petty option that potentially leads to a violent escalation is to start selling his shit you don't like. If it weren't so extra illegal cigarettes would be the most hilarious choice, if he smokes.

    The actual optimal solution for self-preservation is to do whatever you can to keep your self and your shit safe from him (keep it in your car if you have one, leave it at a friends' house, whatever) until you move out ASAP.

  11. Tell the wife, give her his address too (she may not know), provide proof, answer questions, block him everywhere.

  12. She won't chase a man as a black woman? That's a seriously dumb thing to say. We all chase after those we are fully into she is no different. Tell her to enjoy loneliness for the rest of her life.

  13. You don't want to hear it and no, you will not convince us he's caring and loving and whatever. Hes abusive. Plain and simple.

  14. He’s a nice person who kidnaps and imprisons his girlfriend. Just a great guy. You’re a total fool if you stay. He’s figured out that kidnapping works.

  15. It doesn’t sound like a loss. She wants to move her way through this world manipulating and relying on people and not by helping herself. That’s not the kind of friend you need because she doesn’t appreciate, she just expects, with her hands out.

  16. You leave. He’s a 44 year old man who is abusing you on every level. This is not okay. He is not a good man. He’s abusive. A man in love does everything he can to make you happy. It’s a 2 way street. You don’t have that. He’s sexually abusive. He’s emotionally abusive and he’s blackmailing you. He chose a 25 year old because no one else would ever tolerate this. He’s too old. He treats you like his maid, cook and cleaner plus he assaulted you. Please leave. This is awful and it’s dangerous.

  17. Just say it. If you're breaking up with him that means you're not really caring if you find off as breaching protocol or something

  18. Whoever the caller was and for whatever reason, they wanted to ruin your relationship with your boyfriend, and sounds like they have been very successful.

  19. Your girlfriend has done you a huge favour.

    She has told you precisely what she thinks.

    This woman thinks that feeling sad when someone you loved dies is “pathetic”. That is who your girlfriend is. That is the kind of person you’re dating.

    You should know that just because your girlfriend is unapologetic, it doesn’t make her right. It only means that she’s rigid and unable to see your point of view. Again, that’s a good thing to know about her.

    You get to decide what to do with this information. Personally, I don’t think I’d want to date a person like that.

  20. Trust me. I'm 13 years older than you. He's never going to change. He wants a mom, not a partner. You will grow to resent him and his behavior. Currently, there are no children and no real ties (as in: house, marriage), and think about the kind of father you want for your children. You'll need someone that will co parent with you, not just add more work. Your kids will need to learn from examples, things like basic hygiene, financial responsibility, chores, etc.

    Even if you decide not to have children, you need and deserve an equal partner, you shouldn't be dragging someone along with you.

  21. Well, you wanted her to lose weight and now she's lost a tonne of it by kicking your ass to the curb. Absolute hero of a woman.

  22. Once a day is not enough for him?

    Oh my gosh…

    Relationships are not all about sex.

    How can you even find time to have multiple encounters in a single day.

  23. I really appreciate your comment. Overall this has been plain strange to me since even now the other comments seem to imply that if it was going to send him to the ER, it would've happened by now since it has been a few months. I'm not very medically educated, I apologize for that. I did tell him that it could be potentially very serious (and did specifically mention kidney failure). He doesn't remember any changes to his routine and says he remembers the talk but that he didn't remember doing much different afterward. I made a point of mentioning that even though I don't always have them washed, we do have more than enough towels for him to use different ones for his upper and lower body, since that was something that came to mind.

    I really don't think he's doing any hot drugs. He works in a very demanding industry and if he were to mess something up he could endanger himself and others. He would never do that.

  24. i disagree that if it's with only one person, its manipulation. i can deal with disagreements with most ppl easily, but i get anxious when i get into a fight with my mom, bc shes the most important person to me, and also bc she has a temper that scares me, so sometimes i will just end up feeling cornered and overwhelmed and have a full blown meltdown. i dont want to have a meltdown, they feel awful, but it happens with her only.

    idk how op reacts in a disagreement, but i believe it's more likely thats shes doing it from the anxiety of having conflict with someone as important to her life as her husband, as opposed to coworkers or strangers.

  25. You two seem to be uninformed about something important.

    If you are healthy and the brother is healthy – all the brother needs to do is squirt in something and then proceed with artificial insemination. This route can be as little as 700 bucks.

  26. So..

    “He promised me he didn’t and to prove that, he’d basically cut her off”


    “he said he couldn’t do it and had to have her in his life”

    basically he couldn't prove that he didnt have “feelings for this friend of his”

    That means… Break up? The reason that got you to say yes to this relationship was just shot down by his change of commitment/heart so.. Its over..

    Now you can close this short 8 month chapter and start over in a better desired relationship

  27. You’re not stupid! It’s unfortunately a common feeling when you’re a victim of abuse. The abuser wears you down and makes you think you’re overreacting or dumb. It makes you feel like you’re stuck with them and owe them something.

    The first step is realizing there’s an issue. You can do this! We’re all rooting for you


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