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18 thoughts on “Ann the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Oh Come on! I have mental issues myself, but i would NEVER consider cheating.. And even if i did, i would totally accept those insults, it doesn't matter how bad my mental health would be, because it would be MY fault, and the least i could do is not argue back, because guess what; i would deserve it! Your fault, now deal the consequences. You can't expect everyone to feel sympathy for you just because you have mental issues. Also, you said you wanted opinions, and he told you just what you asked for; An Opinion. Yeah maybe you HAVE changed, but just think how you would feel, stressing every day if your partner is cheating or not.. Maybe you aren't, but if he stays with you, his stress will become permanent. If you truly do love him, you should not guilt trip him into a life-long stress and suffering, you already caused enough stress.

    Sorry if i made some grammar mistakes, i am not very good at english.

  2. 1) nothing happened. She should have kept quiet about her attraction, IMO, or become better at making it less obvious. But still, this is not a situation where she owes you an apology or anything…like you said, people are attracted to multiple people and it’s not necessarily a threat to your relationship.

    2) neither of you sound entirely ready for a relationship.

  3. And just what the fuck are you waiting to kick this asshole to the curb? Are you going to wait until your son moves out and never talks to you again to realize this is abuse and the longer you wait the longer you will be seen as enabling this shit?

  4. Teach him to be accountable for his actions. He knows it was wrong, therefore the proper thing to do is to be honest about it. His GF deserves to know. This is apart of life. You do something that is mortally wrong, there is no easy way out besides man'ing up and admit your wrong doing.

  5. Good that you’re trying out living together and finding these issues now vs after being married.

    Before you moved in, did she know you hung out with Eli this much? Like is this a surprise to her or did she have some weird “let’s play house” idea that once you on-line together, you have to give up all of your hobbies, friends, and interests? Did you guys discuss having guests and such?

    That she’s calling you selfish or just getting her way is not very healthy. I’m sure you realize that. She’s manipulating you and being unreasonable.

    I dunno. Every couple is different.

    Yes, even when you’re paying half or more, when you move into someone else’s place it can be quite an adjustment and feel like the other person gets to call the shots for their territory. And yes, when you online together, there’s an expectation that you’ll spend more than just sleep time together more days a week.

    The fact that she doesn’t really have hobbies or do anything with friends probably should have been a ?for you previously but now it’s very evident that she doesn’t and by golly doesn’t want you to either. To me, that’s a fundamental incompatibility.

    All that said….

    1) I (44F) am not comfortable when my partner informs me last minute that he has company dropping by. Yep, it’s literally his house and he can do as he wishes. But I live here too (and pay larger share of bills as I make more) and at the end of the work day, I’m not always in the mood for company. I want to put on PJs and relax and not worry about how the house looks or feel like I need to play hostess and make food or whatever. That was something we discussed before I moved in because it was common for him to have a buddy or two just drop by whenever. Now he plans for the most part so I have a day of notice. Sometimes that’s not possible and I roll with it. Perhaps planning more in advance would be a compromise? Like have a friend over once a week not multiple times and plan a day in advance at least? And maybe go meet at Eli’s or out somewhere other than the apt?

    2) I think it’s healthy and reasonable for people to maintain their friendships and hobbies and such. I have my stuff. My partner has his. In my ideal world though, I’d spend 5-6 days a week doing my hobby (horses). But I don’t because he’s my partner and we live together. So I go a few days instead of every day so I’m not leaving him home alone every night for hours. So maybe you cut back a little but not altogether? 2 days a week with your buddy seems like enough. ?‍♀️

    3) you asked for ideas about compromise and I’ve given you what I can. But the thing is, it doesn’t sound like she wants yo compromise so much as dictate how you spend your time. And if it’s not to her liking, you’re some how selfish. That’s not cool. But I’ve seen a lot of women do this where they basically try to take over all of their partner’time and dictate who and when they can hang out.

    Talk about it more when there’s nothing actually going on. Try to come to an agreement. But realize that people who are really codependent or possessive likely aren’t going to compromise. They dictate. So it may not be something you two can overcome.

  6. I get downvoted every time I tell a person to let their partner cheat in peace. Since they're staying, there's no point in creating all the drama.

  7. Get divorced and don't confront him. That gives him things to twist and turn. The best thing is to walk away and on-line a better life without him.

  8. If u didnt want to divorce Id just do seperate bank accts. Alot of ppl know crypto is a scam. But if ur sexually not compatible, why did u marry?

  9. As someone who is polyamorous, I can tell you that this is a very bad idea. This is not a healthy way to start a polyamorous relationship, and having such an extended time where she was betraying your trust isn't conducive towards polyamory. You have to have trust in each other, and she's done nothing to be trustworthy.

  10. It sounds like he has a virgin fetish. I'm willing to bet that after having sex for the first time, he would probably lose interest anyway.

    Rip the band-aid off now and tell him you're not a virgin and it's weird that he assumed you were. This relationship is doomed either way.

  11. You're young and new to relationships, so you have somewhat of an excuse for being ignorant about what to do. BUT, what you need to do is very simple, you need to get out of the relationship immediately.

    He's lied, cheated, and he's manipulative. He now has 2 kids with 2 different women and got the last one pregnant while dating you. Are you just going to hang around until he gets you pregnant and you wnd up being a single mom in 8-10 years? Eventually, he will trade you in for a younger and more easily controlled woman, which will probably start as his affair partner during your relationship.

    If you stick it out, you'll have nobody but yourself to blame for the consequences. You won't even be able to blame him because the writing was always on the wall.

  12. Dude, first of all, major asshole alert. Manipulating people for sex is 100% disgusting and wrong. Second of all, he’s be stooping to her level by doing that and he shouldn’t of he wants to continue being a decent human being

  13. Yeah, agreed 100%. I think the parents have a right to set their boundaries for their relationship with their child and she, as an adult, has the right to have her own boundaries and if they conflict, then she should leave the nest for her own sake and find a place where she can on-line the way she wants to, whether her parents support it or not.

    Do I support the way she's living? No, I wouldn't want my sons or daughters living like they're married without being married and actually making a commitment to the relationshipand each other. But I am not the dictator of anyone's life. The best I can do is try to raise you in the ways I see leading to the best outcomes, then I have to trust you to take what you've learned and apply it.

    But ultimately, I hope there is reconciliation whether she decides to stay or go. I would hope that regardless of the way she chooses to online her life, at the end of the day the love between child and parent would never be thrown away over something like this, even though there is fundamental disagreement. I'm glad we could have a discussion about this, it's always good to hear outside perspective


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