my name is Moon ^_^ the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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my name is Moon ^_^, 18 y.o.


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26 thoughts on “my name is Moon ^_^ the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I'm not going to lie, a part of me is happy to see them break up, but that's only because I don't think he deserves to be with anybody until he learns to respect women.

  2. Well probably was up to you to choose what you wanted at the time and you gave him 24 hours to come to his own conclusion of what he wanted.

    So my guess? He's tired of the games and doesn't care anymore, not wanting to deal with being left on the line. Telling him 'that's fine' and leaving it there further solidifies his original thinking.

  3. Did you respond anything to that? In terms of : “I appreciate your feminist way of thinking. But being equal means splitting the bill unless someone offers to pay for the whole meal. I didn't offer to pay for your share so there wasn't much of a choice, was there?”

  4. first of all get rid of him, he´s a ticking time bomb who clearly is hiding something and has anger issues or something, you and your children don´t need a man like that around, if you want to have this baby IT´S YOUR CHOICE NOT HIS, if you want to have it and he doesn´t want to be involved then good riddance and have him sign his rights away, if you want to give the baby up it´s also your choice, having an abortion could affect your future pregnancies if you have a complication from the procedure but you can never know until you get it done but it´s still you choice, don´t let him control you and in the future if you are not really planing to have a baby don´t leave things to chance and use some type of contraceptive method

  5. My mother almost got pregnant with an abusive man. He was so mean and violet. The best thing for you and especially your kids is to leave him. Im begging you, even if you don’t want to leave, your kids need it.

  6. Ever since I told him I didn’t have to parallel park for my license and he’s seen how the drivers are compared to Indiana. But I agree he still shouldn’t use it against me because I’m a good driver, just a little too defensive as he says

  7. Let me back up here and tell you about myself for context; I’m a guy and I’m happily married. I have a toddler and one on the way. I’m a decade older than you. So I’m not “old,” but yeah, I’m old as far as you’re concerned.

    Initially, I think we could all logically understand the actual root cause of your hesitation; not feeling financially stable. Comparing yourself with her childhood is ultimately nonsense. That’s not up for you to decide and is ultimately an excuse.

    That becomes fully apparent when you then apparently find success (congratulations, genuinely), and now THAT is your excuse not to have a child.

    I again assure you that I’m not here just blindly attacking you. You’re 26. I absolutely support you having fun and loving life. You both have plenty of time from a pregnancy perspective. All is fine there.

    I just think your mindset is so far off. To be fair to you, this might be a cultural thing that you’ll have to let us know about. With no context as to that part of the situation, I both believe that living with a partner is essential prior to committing to marriage, but I’d also entirely advise against it if you’re not ready for it.

    What’s the cultural situation?

  8. Hey brother, definitely should tell and give her a heads up at some point. If she's a half decent and genuine person, she won't be turned off by this and will very much coach you through it all!

    Just make sure to explain that you have dated in the past just never just went to that point for whatever reason.

    If she's the type to be turned off by this fact and dismisses you, well then it just means she took the trash out herself imo.

  9. if he was seeing other people concurrently that would be a dealbreaker for me

    It's either a dealbreaker or it's not. If it is, then it's not “too soon” to ask. You're otherwise just torturing yourself wondering.

    People are able to sleep with one person. To suggest otherwise is a ridiculous notion. You're just trying to psych yourself out from addressing it. Making assumptions is how you end up hurt. Use your words.

  10. “Her own trauma”??? Give me a break, TikTok. Not only is that not any kind of excuse for treating a disabled person, who has to rely on others for day-to-day basic survival, like an abomination; there's absolutely no evidence that OP's gf has experienced any meaningful trauma whatsoever. Stop making excuses for people whose behavior is deplorable.

  11. Six months in, her sex drive for you is gone, you’re constantly being rejected, and she’s a selfish lover to boot. It’s perfectly okay to end a relationship over these things, and especially such a short term relationship.

    There seems to be a lot of these posts lately. So let me reiterate: sexual incompatibility is a perfectly fine reason to end a relationship, even if the rest of the relationship is “perfectly fine.” It doesn’t make you a bad person. Regardless of your gender.

  12. Idk if I should though. Just the fact she applied to the place I work is throwing me a little but the whole situation is throwing me. Ugh

  13. I am. OP said he hinted multiple times for her to get a bf. Then finally put the jokes aside to say BOTH should sleep around. OP changed her mind, and now the bf is mad and doesn’t care and is being accusatory. Literally the easiest thing to piece together. Feel free to connect the dots like every other comment has lol

  14. First GET YOUR BIRTH CONTROL ON LOCK! Your bf is a loser. Right now it's the best time to leave him and on-line your best life! Don't move somewhere with him. Your life, friends, support system is where you are now. His world is small and he wants yours to be as small as his. Girl leave this fart sniffer and on-line your best life!

  15. You don’t deserve this disrespect, you’ve done nothing wrong or immoral.

    Allow yourself distance from him.

  16. Thanks dude.

    Like I'd booked some tickets to travel to watch my football team play here in the UK. It's a lot of money so I put it on my Monzo Flex.

    A day or two later I went to the pub to watch said football team play, later that day we had a video call with her dad just a catch up and she just blamed me for everything Ripping into everything that I do. Like in front of her dad, it was shocking, I'm a placid person so I didn't rise to it or anything she says ever.

  17. I hate to say this but please be careful of someone like this. It's love bombing, which often leads to abuse.

  18. I can't, but your doctor probably can. Most people just don't have the bedside manner to know what to do when a loved one is this upset over something they can't fix. So talk to your doctor about pain relief first. Then when you're in pain try giving your boyfriend specific direction. “Can you please get me a heating pad?” is better than just “it hurts, it hurts”. If you want a hug ask for one. Never expect other people to be able to read your mind.

  19. If you joke at him about it 1st he'll be MUCH more likely to change his behavior. Ask if he could either do it before you're asleep (if you're comfortable with that) or go to the bathroom so it doesn't wake you.

    He'll probably be relieved that he doesn't have to hide lol

  20. Well, having adult responsibilities is understandable. However you should work to on-line, not the other way around (unless you both think otherwise of course).

    You should be honest with your feelings, and needs with him. Perhaps can both of you temporarily reduce your focus on your jobs, to spend some quality time together?

    This is vital for a long term relationship to find proper time for each other, even if it must come at the expense of other things. Without it relationship will erode, and whatever you may achieve spending time on other things will not bring love back to your Relationship once it dies out.

    This also what you should convey to your partner.

  21. Think about how you feel with him. And think about how you feel away.

    If you are happier away. Then it's time to leave him.

    If it's only a communication issue. Get to therapy. Get professional help with that.


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