Mike & Miranda the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Mike & Miranda, 37 y.o.


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30 thoughts on “Mike & Miranda the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. It's safer and easier for her to be indirect.

    She's not interested and likely won't ever tell you directly. From either a combination of being honest is very hot, she feels unsafe rejecting you, she was never interested and liked the attention, or some other factor you'll likely never know.

  2. You are being abused,Your MIL and Wife are disgusting.They are isolating you from you family and now want to entrap you even further by telling you to quit your job.This is serious grounds for divorce,I'd take my son and get the heck out of there.

  3. The photos without consent or knowledge isn't cool at all. No excuses.

    He was persistent and seemed to have won you. You told him that you loved him after the first date? Okay that's a bit fast.

    Flaking out on a date last minute isn't cool at all. Only unless it's an emergency.

    Blocking and unblocking him repeatedly sends him mixed messages. And it sounds like you need to figure out what you want and to stick by your decision once you make it.

    Why do you need permission to sit? I have to side with him on this. You should have just sat down, you don't need anyone's permission. So you slamming the door is your acting out, not cool.

    6…okay after reading all the rest of them, it seems like both of you are toxic.

    You should learn to value yourself and not put up with someone who mistreats you. But you also need to realize that your actions send out mixed messages. Stick to your guns once you decide something. That way if he ignores your requests, it's on him for not respecting your wishes which would be him harassing you.

    The fact that he's a coworker is bad news. Now I've been guilty of this myself. But only at temp jobs or jobs that I didn't care about. If this is a career, a position you worked for, or a company you plan to be at for a long time, you don't want to have a workplace romance. The damage it can cause to all your time and very hot work isn't worth it.

  4. Whole thing sounds carefully planned. What's strange is she couldn't even pretend to get along with you until she had her green card. Strange situation.

  5. I think i was his first. he had just gotten a divorce with his high school sweetheart, and i was his first gf after that. I’ve definitely been love bombed before, and this just wasn’t the situation. I appreciate your insight on the situation

  6. It sounds like she’s suffering from burnout or depression. But depression can be a symptom of burnout. A day off from her daily life is unlikely to do much if she’s burnt out. I have experienced depression due to burnout from several years of being a workaholic and supporting a workaholic spouse. While I’m not currently depressed/anxious, I am def still burned out. Therapy really helped me get out of depression, but ultimately I needed radical change in my life. Currently I am taking a break from working (several months) to literally do nothing (besides rest/sahw responsibilities) and explore other career options. If this is something you can handle financially, highly recommend seeing if this can improve things for her, unless you’re already ready to bow out of the relationship.

  7. Sounds like you dodged a bullet tbh, and you have only been stopping yourself finding true happiness.

    My usual advice in this situation is focus on the things that make you happy, and surround yourself with friends and family who love and support and respect you.

  8. Lmao I told him I was going to make a list and he was not happy about that. He’s very keen to double standards

  9. You know funny thing lol, my last ex would bug me into meowing cuz she thought it was cute some reason

    Now sometimes a mew bubbles out

    Glad not around people lol

  10. I'm glad to hear (well technically, rad) you say that, as understanding that fact is the most difficult part of it really. Then it's a matter of time and talking about it. It's gonna happen at some point

    Also, it's important that you know that the only thing you can control is what and how you say or do. Not how people receive or interpret it. He may eve' say how hurt he is, but not be that hurt, or you may think he is as hurt as something you've felt one day when it's not that much for him. His hurt is not on you here. He is hurt because YOU were RAPED. Just read the sentence again. Even if it hadn't been rape. His EGO is hurt because you weren't crying in a corner every second you weren't with him. He wants you to be nothing without him. His heart isn't hurt. His ego is because he feels like he is not the man if you exist without him.

    You have to understand that you have to put yourself first. Your wellbeing trumps his every day, any time. I must admit i can't be graceful with him because he blamed you for being raped and saw it as you having sex with another guy. At that point, that guy would be dead to me. I think if my sister was telling me about it, i'd take her out of there by force if necessary until she sees the light cause that guy doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as you. Thinking this way is seeing you as his property, not as his equal, which you are. Not superior, not inferior. Equal.

  11. If he wanted to use a sex toy on himself and she said no, she would be in the wrong, bodily autonomy has no gender.

  12. No, what you should do is say, “This was a minor disappointment, and I don't want it to hurt or impact our friendship.”

    You need to extend an olive branch.

    You are viewing this as a conflict. It doesn't have to be a conflict. You can resolve it very easily.

  13. I doubt someone broke into your car, I bet bf stole it, sold it and trashed the rest. Be thankful you still have your life. Listen – he THREW you across the room – that is not love. Your post is concerning. You should report your important papers stolen before he steals your identity and ruins your credit. There is no changing this dude. Leave while you still can.

  14. Do relationships come back from this ?

    They can and do, but often they come back as a weirdly disfigured facsimile of what a proper relationship should be. Everything will just seem so fake and artificial and you'll spend all your time on tenterhooks waiting for the facade to drop and the true her – the one you see now – to come back again.

    Do you really want a life of walking on eggshells?

  15. I’m worried leaving will lead to him hurting himself or someone else. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to slowly remove myself in a way he’s not so unstable with if that even makes sense

  16. Honey, relationships are a two way street. The idea that you alone can hold up a relationship by your work alone is ludicrous. If the other person doesn’t put in their due diligence the relationship will crumble. And that isn’t your fault.

  17. I didn’t get her an ultimatum. I let her know and if she’s not ok with it then that’s that. I just shared with her what I was thinking. Relationships change over time and sometimes your feelings change. If she never wants to then im fine with that. But thank you for your comment.

  18. People talk a lot about love. But I think they forget to talk about what love isn't.

    Love isn't asking your partner to face abuse because you're not in a place to stand up to your family.

    Love isn't asking someone to face this abuse indefinitely while you get ready to stand up for your partner and yourself.

    Letting your partner get to a place where they are blaming their own trauma on not taking abuse from your family isn't love. And that looks like where you are right now.

    I don't generally like to tell people to not date until they reach specific mile stones. Because there are almost always outliers. But if you can't stick up for your partner with your family. I don't think you should be dating.

    You cope by remembering you deserve somebody who will stand up for you. That you deserve somebody who will notice when you're being abused and not stand for it.

  19. Bro. You’re dating someone almost double your age and you have your shit more together than she does. She’s almost 50 and she doesn’t have shit. She’s controlling. She’s insecure, which is more common at your age, but I think around her’s if you aren’t sure of yourself you probably never will be without a lot of very hot work and she isn’t doing any of the work needed soooo… It’ll be downhill from here and you’re already miserable. Get out now. Seems like you feel trapped because without you she doesn’t have crap, but she’s made it this far in life without you so I’m sure she could figure something out.


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