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Rosyy__live sex stripping with hd cam

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Room for online sex video chat Rosyy__

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29 thoughts on “Rosyy__live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Dude, one of my favorite past times when working 12 to 16 hour days has been listening to true crime podcasts.

    This sounds like the beginning of a serial killer’s origin story. Seriously. You need to stop.

  2. It's not about me, it's about the bell curve. Lol at the comments, they track as well. The vast majority of people are fine with this and realize how normal it is.

  3. I know you're young but you can't be that naive. He assaulted you. I'd report him to the police. Screw your friendship! He could end up raping you next time round. The man is obviously delusional so why would you want to be friends?

  4. They’re both in the wrong.

    People who do loyalty tests on peoples partners to prove that that person was unfaithful in some way are immature, jealous, insecure and almost always intend on trying to get with the person by attempting to break them up first so it doesn’t look bad on their end. Your sister was possibly more than likely hoping that she’d start the catalyst that ended with you breaking up thanks to her “proof” and hoping to be the rebound that ends up being your bfs gf.

    Your bf? Yeah if I caught my partner messaging someone like that and they tried to feed me some bullshit excuse that they were just playing along because they thought it was fake, they’d have five minutes to explain why they didn’t let me in on the situation before they get told to pack their bags and leave.

    Tell your sister to butt out of your dating life and tell your bf that he can go meet up with his “buddy” that is playing a prank on him and ask that he stay there until you’re both ready to have a discussion about your relationship.

  5. The thing is that we go to the same college. I tried to block him once but he went completely nuts. Blocking him didn’t make him exit my life and I still had to deal with all the consequences.

  6. Your unconscious mind will make connections between unconnected things, and it sounds like your past trauma is severely impacting your current state. If you have access to counseling, it is your best bet, but understandably it isn't available to everyone. Talking to your BF about it could be therapeutic. Even though it's in your subconscious, it still makes you psychologically and physiologically experience trauma. If he understands what you're going through it will be easier for him to support you, as long as you're able to separate the real-world him from the dream.

    How you talk to him is important too. I know a lot of people with past trauma who will try to brush things off by saying “I had the craziest dream” which undermines the re-traumatizing effect it has on you. It can also be scary thinking that he will say “it's just a dream,” but from what you say it sounds like he'd be empathetic to your situation.

  7. He’s not your soulmate. As much as that hurts to hear he isn’t. Your soulmate doesn’t accuse you of getting drunk because your at work a little later than expected. Your soul mate doesn’t force you to delete people or have you phone open to whatever he wants to see. This is not a healthy way to on-line.

  8. You know what, one of my close friends had to have an abortion last year. I on-line in a different city, but a mutual friend spent the day physically with her, and I was there on facetime with them the entire day. If it was my partner (or if my friend didn't have anyone there with her), I would have travelled to be with her. Your boyfriend is a complete and utter asshole for not showing up for you.

  9. You do know there are also services that you opt into to give others your location right? She would also know his location at the same time.

  10. I would give it a couple days, just to not come across as too emotional. But no point in waiting a whole month, it will just eat away at you for no reason, and he will probably not be as affected.

  11. But with this you don't even need to think about edge cases. What happened here is the first and most straightforward definition of rape.

  12. Doesn’t matter. He does not love you. And you’re better off saying good bye. The first year together should be the easiest. Instead you are here upset that he couldn’t set aside his feelings for one day. He does not love you.

  13. No, you're just wrong. This isn't even like you did it at the beginning of a relationship where you didn't know the person. You waited until you were engaged then implied you believe they might be an abusive cheater and spread it out in the world and don't even recognize why that's hurtful.

    It has nothing to do with gender; you're just flat out in the wrong.

  14. It might not have anything to do with you. Have you tried comparing her to what your mother looked like in her twenties?

  15. It's worth telling him that you don't want to be in a relationship with someone that resorts to name calling on a regular basis. At least that way he'll have the chance to realize that his actions are what's fucking things up.

  16. The relationship is over…. She just hasn’t told you yet.

    So do it for her. Tell her that her attitude, behaviour and actions has shown you that she no longer loves, cares or respects you (if she ever actually did) and that you deserve better. Tell her that the relationship is over.

  17. I won’t lie. You sound very naive and borderline pathetic. 1, there’s no friendship to save so throw that out. 2, you knew not to fall for him and did it anyway. It happens, but you know you gotta walk. 3, he’s either playing you aka he gets regular sex and attention from a non rando but w no strings attached, or 4, he’s mister nice guy bad timing, which, unless you had a rom-com meet cute, I highly doubt.

    Preserve your dignity. Do not tell him you love him and beg for a relationship. Be busy, keep your distance so this wears off, date other men. Let him go wherever he is or isn’t going, but just let him go. Anyone who gets you to the point of in love w no intention of loving you back is NOT GOOD FOR YOU. Wake up and smell the reality. Walk away and protect your heart. Like yesterday sis.

  18. Due to previous issues in our relationship, I am currently in the process of fully rebuilding my trust in him. He was right there, and it’s something I’m making a conscious effort to work on too, but throwing it in my face like he did when I had not brought it up in the conversation at hand felt like another red flag.

  19. You’re right…it’s so heartbreaking I don’t know what to do.

    If I call the cops she will hate me and blame me for not becoming one. Should I just step away from it all and limit contact or really just call the cops? I’m worried she might be mistreated in psych care. Maybe i can look into it more.


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