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40 thoughts on “Daddy, ‘s Trouble the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I believe the same thing you do, if he truly wanted to be with me, he would try and fix our issue. But alas, I will not force anyone to be with me if they don’t want to. Yes, he definitely has financial motive, but I’ve come to terms with that knowing that I’m also taking advantage of that by still having him here which in turn is allowing me to grieve the relationship while still being able to see him and be with him when it’s too very hot for me to be alone.

  2. That’s a defense mechanism so your mother doesn’t get arrested or in legal very hot water. Tell law enforcement ASAP

  3. Actually the most impressive thing to me in this is that she did NOT lie. She told him she wants to change that agreement. Why is it an instant deal breaker if shes admitting shes not 100% sure she wants to spend her whole life with him? Thats everyone whos not ready for marriage, unspoken.

  4. Hello /u/Apprehensive-Role919,

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  5. I’m sorry for what you’re dealing with, this is an unfortunate pickle.

    One thing I’m not seeing here: yes, you are at a disadvantage because you are financially reliant on your dad. BUT, your dad is clearly also reliant on you to a significant degree. You have some leverage here too.

    I’d tell your dad you want accept drop off pick up responsibilities but you’re happy to sit for him other that that. He’s not going to kick out the only assistance he has with his newborn.

    I’d die on this hill man. They did you dirty and now they’re making you fester in it.

  6. Former swimmer here and state champ for breaststroke (go away with the jokes, heard them all). Also, a dude.

    There is no way your husband doesn’t know how beneficial swimming is as opposed to impact exercise. If a person wants to get trim, lean and fit without tearing your body down, swimming is where it’s at.

    You said he doesn’t want other guys to see you without him. I highly doubt he thinks guys seeing you in a swimsuit is any better and by his response, he seems to think swimming is a waste of money.

    The truth here is what others have pointed out: you married a red flag of jealousy and apparently one who thinks he can control you. Im guessing this has shown up more than with just this.

    So, you tell him that it’s probably best that he finds a different workout partner as you have different goals for working out (as well as different limitations). Or, just say “fuck off I’m swimming. You do whatever you want to”.

    Im a married guy and couldn’t imagine saying what he did to you to my wife. I don’t own her and he doesn’t own you. He has a very hot lesson to learn if he thinks jealousy does anything to stop anyone from looking at you or you at other people at the least.

  7. Dr Phil has said hundreds of times that each spouse must manage their own family. It's not appropriate for you.

  8. It’s like he married you so he could file his income taxes jointly and get that benefit while he tries to talk his ex wife into remarrying him

  9. Gotcha.

    So yeah I think you did go a little too very hot, but he’s also being a baby. I can see how his comment is more just joking and your comment has more implications for the relationship.

    He was obviously exaggerating and you kinda brought it back to earth and said you weren’t taking the relationship seriously.

    Now a comment like that should be cleared up that night with some discussion and reassurance about expectations for the relationship and clarifying you were just going along with the banter. But it seems he just won’t talk about it.

    If he’s not going to have a grown up discussion about it and talk things out, then what can you do? You can’t force him. I think you should just let him walk.

    And honestly, this doesn’t bode well for what a future would look like with him when the big issues do come up and he won’t talk about those either.

  10. But if Suzie really is that interested, all it takes is I have a girlfriend.

    Someone doesn't have a good understanding of humans.

  11. I had a friend like that who was a veteran police officer, often talk about how one of his fellow female officers who was attached was giving him hints to sleep around and cheat on her bf. Genuinely 0 grounds to it.

    But I also have another friend who's a genuine person, 6'3 fit handsome and great person, who's sister in law described to have a “harem” of girls chasing him.

    It's great that OP has perspective on diff scenarios from past stories of redditors. But sometimes our past skews what's reality is for others.

  12. You should make educational and career decisions for you, not for her. If you miss this opportunity and you and her don’t work out you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.

  13. You and your BF sound sexually incompatible. You need to find someone that pushes all of your required buttons and he needs someone that doesn’t reject him 9/10 times. I’m amazed he’s even still trying to have a relationship with you at this point. Most men would’ve already ghosted you a long time ago.

  14. You can’t even admit that what you did was wrong. And it was 1000% wrong. Why should she give a second to hear you out?

  15. Why is it YOUR responsibility that HE changes his behavior? Is not. You own your own brain and you can only control your own actions. He own his brain and he's responsible for HIS actions, you cannot, literally cannot, change his thoughts. And honestly it's quite alarming that he “accidentally” hit you… a few TIMES? Like, multiple times? If he was a good person, a traumatized person but fundamentally good, he would have been ALARMED at HIMSELF for hitting you with an object ONE time. And he would have signed up for therapy immediately, right that instant, horrified of himself and really wanting to undo his trauma in order to do better, be better, and altogether stop being dangerous. He would have profusely apologized and would have told you that he understood if you wanted to never see him again as a consequence of his actions, but that he was determined to get to the root of his anger, and find healthy ways to manifest his frustration that are not terrorize you or put you in physical danger. However… he didn't do any of this, and he's STILL throwing items and still terrorizing you. And honestly, if you, who are a full adult, are terrorized by this behavior, imagine a fragile tiny child, defenseless, innocent, witnessing their father go into incontrollable rage. That's exactly how you generate traumatized children that then grow up into dysfunctional adults.

    And no, you can't force your husband to go into therapy or make an ultimatum, it just won't work. Your husband will lie to the therapist if he agrees to go. Therapy only works if you WANT to be there. It's like going to the doctor and the doctor gives you a medicine… if you don't take it, like in actually making the effort to swallow the pill and doing it at the indicated times the doctor prescribed it and for as long as the treatment will last… going to the doctor is useless, you won't heal unless you take the prescribed medicine and only you can take it, another person can't take it for you. Same with therapy, the therapist will recommend steps to take that you have to work on yourself, you have to do the work, it doesn't do miracles and people don't get better just by showing up to the therapist office. Does your husband really WANT to fix his deep anger problem? Really? If he says yes, is he saying the truth? What visible steps, sustained in time, is he taking? Also, a few times a year of this behavior is a lot. Because you never know when will this happen, and you live! in permanent terror and uneasy ALL the time. You can't relax in your own home, because your brain is scanning, all the time, for signs that he will do this, even if that day he doesn't. I agree with other commenters that tell you to leave, because you can't fix other people and you can't live! in permanent tension, it's bad for your health

  16. This reads like you're dating a dishonest, impulsive teenager…red flags from space. You're not selfish. You have eyes.

  17. Like, what the hell did he think was going to happen?

    Even if you had “given up” and figured your cat would have a good life with his co-worker eventually you would have had a conversation with his wife about it.

    Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she left him as well for taking part in something so shitty.

  18. Wait, he “forgave” you? No, nope. He needs to get over this, or he's going to always throw it in your face.

    You have to decide how this is gonna go.

    I wish you good luck! And do NOT ever let him make you feel less.

  19. Yup can’t think of a better way to describe someone who asks a question that can only hurt their own feelings, get mad at the answer, and throw a fit about it.

    Christ almighty.

  20. Girl to girl: you’ve gotta respect yourself more. Know when to walk away from a man who simply isn’t (at the time) being a good partner to you. As with anything, you reap what you sow. Unless you’re good with disrespect for dinner everyday for the foreseeable future, quit sowing the seeds. Get up and get out and move on. You’ll be so much better off


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