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35 thoughts on “Hailey the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Your husband's actions is appalling to be honest and but his direction should have been towards Adam and told Adam to F off…if he was truly a loving husband he Would have told Adam the back off in fact he should be calling him and telling him his behavior was unacceptable no one controls anyone Would have told Adam the back off in fact he should be calling him and telling him his behavior was unacceptable no one controls anyone.

    If your husband does not say anything to Adam then you know what kind of husband you have… Karaoke and drinking just don't mix without someone getting hurt.

  2. Op did nothing for 3 years while their saint of a partner provided for them while doing everything. Then once she started hanging out with friends again her saint of a soon to be ex asked her to help with dishes but she half assed it because she's not use to responsibilities ,her own words, while thinking it's because of the chores he's divorcing her. For 33% of their 9 year marriage she did nothing but sleep all day and wasn't working on getting over their unspecified trauma.

  3. I wonder if the drinks caused her to 'loosen up' and be 'touchy feely.' Perhaps next time, if she's not someone touchy-feely when sober, make sure she doesn't drink too much.

    Or is she generally touchy feeling to other people? If she is, and you're not comfortable, please talk about it to her.

    Everyone has different level of 'boundaries'…maybe you guys can come to a compromise?

    The whole story reminds me when I was still dating my husband…this is at a church's gathering–after the mass, kind of like those wine and cheese gathering.

    A girl (she's just recently married, by the way) showed up to chat us up (just being friendly), during the whole conversation, she kept touching my husband's forearm. She even got close enough to touch/tap at his chest, laughing at his jokes. My husband was looking awkward because he's uncomfortable (he is friendly/outgoing but he's not touchy feely generally)…and I was not sure what to think lol.

    I did chalk it up to….her being one of those 'touchy feely' people since I've been here in the US, I have had to 'loosen up' on that front. People do give hugs (I was not a hugger to begin with), it's so different, how friendly and talkative and 'touchy-feely' people are over here…

  4. You dont want to leave, you're the one who has that power to end this.

    Score yourself some future real life karma and put the guy out his misery.

  5. Well that's the plan I guess. Like I said, his mind is made up and we'll be moving forward with the divorce.

  6. You need to leave. Did you really just excuse him manipulating you? He chose someone younger because he wants to purposefully mold you into who he wants you to be. Proof of that is in him punishing you for sharing something about yourself he didn’t like. Please get into therapy, and listen to those doubts in the back of your head, your intuition is trying to tell you something, you are further traumatizing yourself by ignoring your own instincts

  7. Honestly I'd go on the trip alone, and use it to gauge how much you enjoy the time away from him. It sounds like he's dropping the ball on more than just this. He left you to do all the life admin around arranging Christmas gifts for HIS family, and he admits he doesn't communicate his thoughts to you at all. He makes assumptions about things and doesn't discuss them. The whole relationship sounds quite tiring, and like he's been happy to let you be the driving force for all of it. If you come back from your trip deciding that you want to work on things with him, I'd be very clear that him drifting along and letting you shoulder the burden of your life together (planning your time together, life admin, any other responsibilities he's been leaving to you) is no longer an option. Remind him that he's supposed to WANT to be in a relationship shop with you, and has to demonstrate that by actively participating in, and planning, your life together. If he's not able to summon any enthusiasm for time with you, is he even interested in it anymore? You need to get out of the driving seat and see if he bothers to get behind the wheel, or if he stays languishing in the backseat while the relationship freewheels off a cliff.

  8. Bills, rent and hobbies. So, your parents were basically paying for everything.

    Yeah, I'd say your girlfriend was on point. It sounds like she's ready to “grow up” so to speak, take on a more mature relationship with her SO. In which case, yeah, she would want someone that's more self-sufficient. Not many gf want to end up mommying their spouses after your real mom passes away.

    Having relationship with your parents is great. But there's a difference between socialising and still being dependent on them for living. It's good you ended that, so that's what I would focus on with your gf. I wouldn't stop socializing with my parents, though.

  9. You need to call the police and at the very least make a record of this harassment. He is threatening your life. Your personal safety is not something to take lightly. He sounds unhinged. You don't know what he could do.

    Talk to your boss and see what the extent of his protection is over this. Your boss needs to take steps to ensure your safety.

    I'm not sure why you need something in writing to evict him, the threats should be enough reason. If he's threatening other tenants, they can write affidavits and/or testify as witnesses in any court case you might have.

  10. So he broke the sexual rules of the relationship and involved other people. That's called cheating.

    Now the question is if you stay with a cheater or not.

  11. Good, take him to family court, get a judgment for support and dump his ass. See how he likes raising a kid he doesn’t believe is his then.

  12. I think you should try getting him alone, in a neutral, safe setting… and then have a heart to heart. You don't have to tell him everything you know… but tell him that he is your best friend and you know him so very well…and have been trying to find a way to tell him that you've noticed how terribly unhappy he has been and give him some examples. Tell him how much you care about him and ask him if he would please open up to you about what is going on so you can help. Also, if he does not know about the cheating, you should tell him. But even if you do your very best to get through to him, he may get angry and defensive…and in spite of your best efforts, he may keep going back to his abuser.

  13. If your husband wants you to co sign it’s just because he wants to share the consequences when it goes south. I would honestly not even entertain the idea and absolutely not go through with it at all! He was clear he wanted finances separate so separate it is

  14. when OP doesn’t seem to be seeking anything


    OP doesn’t make one single comment

    Yea noticed this too. Just seems like a creative writing prompt, where they forgot to ask for advice. And if it's fake there is no reason to comment anything more.

  15. She has lived in a very privileged world where no one has had made any accommodation to care a loved one. She may never be willing to do that. Or she may learn. Think about that.

  16. I donno I think it sounds like a friend and if you blow it outta proportion it could end it for you. Imo if they were in his life before before you he SHOULDNT choose you over them unless they’re doing something shitty or unhealthy. My husbands best friend has and always will be a lady. If I had let that scare me away I’d have missed out on an awesome dude AND a lady who is now my friend.

  17. Because its hurtful, especially since she will have experienced transphobia in her life already, she cant change being a trans woman, the truth is he isnt romantically interested in her, the reason why he isnt isnt important and in this case coukd be very hurtful

    Off course he also runs the risk that if he does say its because she is a trans woman that he will be labeled a transphobe himself, because there is a group that saying no to someone because they are trans is actually transphobia (i dont agree with that myself)

  18. Ehhh I dated a few of them. Not that uncommon. But I do tend to look for people with a solid sense of humor that have a lot of self confidence.

  19. I don’t have any standards, I just go with any woman I share chemistry with. But whatever man, thanks for your useless answers

  20. She's just manipulating you.

    My brother's ex-gf tried to pull that on him too, to prevent him from leaving her (that, and calling 100-200 times a day, leaving all sort of verbally abusive text messages and voice mails).

    She also threatened similar thing, and where we're at, we have this thing called 'welfare check.' So when she threatened to…do that, my brother just called the police to do a welfare check on her. He also kept all the communications and voice mails, just in case, since she did try to do a false report on him to the police before.

    After awhile, he just blocked her (it didn't matter b/c she would jump to another number and kept calling). Oh the cherry on top, after all the manipulation and harassment didn't work, she actually threatened to harm my brother (to the point of permanently gone from the world), and then we did have to get a restraining order against her and he even moved out of state.

  21. I’m fucking cackling because the one sex tape I made with my boyfriend, I picked an unfortunate angle and all you see is the dirty soles of his feet.

  22. She's just manipulating you.

    My brother's ex-gf tried to pull that on him too, to prevent him from leaving her (that, and calling 100-200 times a day, leaving all sort of verbally abusive text messages and voice mails).

    She also threatened similar thing, and where we're at, we have this thing called 'welfare check.' So when she threatened to…do that, my brother just called the police to do a welfare check on her. He also kept all the communications and voice mails, just in case, since she did try to do a false report on him to the police before.

    After awhile, he just blocked her (it didn't matter b/c she would jump to another number and kept calling). Oh the cherry on top, after all the manipulation and harassment didn't work, she actually threatened to harm my brother (to the point of permanently gone from the world), and then we did have to get a restraining order against her and he even moved out of state.


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