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45 thoughts on “Mira Kink the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Sometimes it's not a “you” thing. I think there are 1 of 2 things in play.

    (1) he predisposed to lie about his activities. Some people are just this way. I have a friend like this who lies for no reason, but only about what he's doing. You can't change this. It doesn't get better unless you just stop caring.

    (2) he's learned to lie about this because of past relationships. Whether it's an ex or parents, he's been taught telling the truth leads to problems. You can change this, but you need to work with him to prove you're not going to get mad at him for telling the truth.

    Tell him how you feel. Passive aggressively texting yourself pretending to be him isn't going to cut. Keep cool, tell him you know lied. What he did was no big deal, but you can't have a relationship where we lie to each other about what we're doing. If what you're doing is no big deal, then don't lie. When you lie, it makes you feel like there's something to lie about.

    That said, keep a short leash on being lied to like that. The more they lie to you, the easier it gets to lie to you. You can't have a relationship with lies.

  2. I told her if I need to take time off from school to help us save for this, then that’s what we will have to do. She doesn’t want me in school at all and wants me to stay in the position I’m in. The problem with this is that we are currently living almost paycheck to paycheck, and I’m working extra shifts to keep us from feeling like we are struggling. I just don’t want to be in thus position for the rest of our lives but she thinks it’s fine, just as long as I work a few extra shifts a month.

    We laid out some of the numbers for what is expected and although she knows I will make more money later on, she doesn’t want me missing out on spending time with her or our son for the two years I’ll be focused on school. Which I do understand, however I’m trying to look at the long term goal here instead of being in this position for the rest of our lives.

  3. It sounds like you're feeling very torn about this situation. It's understandable to be hesitant about reaching out to your ex and potentially opening up old wounds, but at the same time, you might miss the friendship you had with him. Ultimately, the decision is up to you and what you feel comfortable with. If you do decide to talk to him, it might be helpful to set some boundaries and make it clear that you're just trying to be friends and nothing more. It might also be helpful to talk to your family and friends about your decision, so they are aware and can support you. It's also important to remember that it's okay to prioritize your own happiness and well-being.

  4. What don't you understand?

    You want to believe you were in Love and you weren't?

    Is that what you don't understand?

    Lets take it a step at a time, then.

  5. I don’t want to be an asshole but it was kinda fun lol tbh I wasn’t even arguing about politics I was just arguing with this guy lololol

  6. Don't talk about the gift but the underlying issue: (you feel like) he owes you money. And now that he has a job you want to set up a new financial plan for the both of you. That would be more productive imo.

  7. Her first instinct was to turn away from him. This relationship doesn't have a solid foundation. She should have turned toward him for support.

  8. You don’t need to cut her off completely. But I would treat her like she treats you. For some reason she doesn’t want to be best friends with you anymore. So be it.

  9. I understand from what you are saying that your relationship is at a difficult point. It is understandable to feel scared and worried about the uncertain future ahead of you, but it's important to remember that it's okay if something doesn't work out in the end.

    Have an honest conversation with your boyfriend about how he’s feeling. Having this understanding can help provide clarity for both of you and may give him more courage to express his true feelings towards you which could be beneficial for your relationship going forward. Keeping communication open will positively benefit both of you even if it leads to a break up – by speaking openly, expressing yourselves truthfully and honestly now will make any decision in the future much more bearable.

  10. It won't go away. My mother slapped my sister in frustation 20 years ago and she stills feel guilty about it. As she should. Taking your anger out on a child is wrong and it's good that you're reminded that every day.

    Glad to hear you've changed though.

  11. Please reach out to a loved one or call/ text a hotline!! You need someone to chat with that is a professional or a confidante❤️ I’ve been in your shoes and there are other options, I promise

  12. Typically a person who is exercising control in a relationship is not willing to leave. They threaten and bully and dominate their victim. They are not being authentic and vulnerable.

  13. I’m allergic to tobacco and my wife of 27 years smokes. When we got married I asked her not to smoke in the house because of my allergy. And she doesn’t.

    You should have a conversation about it with your husband. Explain why you don’t want to him smoking inside (breathing second hand smoke, the smell of smoke permeating the fabrics in your home, you don’t want any future kids subjected to second hand smoke, etc.) Explain that this is your home, too, and you have as much right to things in the home being the way you like as he.

    Work out a compromise, like he gets one room where he can smoke inside and it’s not allowed anywhere else. But you both have to agree and keep the agreement.

    Good luck.

  14. I always want problem solving. But then again, I always want to problem solve as well.

    And frankly all my female friends are the same. I guess we are anomalies.

    I won't bring up a problem unless I want someone else's perspective.

  15. i am a woman with 3 sons. This thread has some ridiculous comments but I thought yours was thoughtful and included examples!

  16. Yeah shockingly relationships that begin as affairs don’t often work out long term. Now that it’s out in the open the taboo and thrill of sneaking around is gone, and I bet he’ll get bored of her soon enough just like he got bored of his ex wife.

  17. “Why do you care about a person you've been in a relationship with for the past 10 years? Why are you not instantly over it the moment the relationship is over?”

    Reddit moment

  18. So he gives the absolute basic bare minimum of treating you well and you can't see how “he doesn't hit me!” Is the bar being on the damn floor? Girl.

  19. Welcome to being bi!!! It can be confusing and overwhelming at first, especially when you weren’t expecting it and there are family pressures against it. I think open and honest communication between the two of you could help. Be honest about your confusion, surprise, enjoyment, and hesitations. Do t try to be cool and pretend it was no big deal when it IS a big deal. Be prepared for him to be overcome by conservative family pressures.

  20. If you truly like each other this is all that matters. If people talking things (as they always do) bothers you this much you should talk to a therapist to understand better your insecurities

  21. No one’s citing their sources on fucking Reddit lol. OP is asking about her own relationship and lack of self esteem not global statistics on how many women have her exact professional qualifications. If she wanted to I’m sure she could take her educated ass over to Google Scholar herself.

  22. I am very old fashioned. To me, until you are married you both are free agents. You can date who you want and spend time with who you want. In the old days it was not uncommon for someone to be dating multiple people. It was dating…not marriage. Today, we throw the cheating word around and make it applicable to every relationship. You even call this an affair. Unless you are married, then it is not an affair.

  23. I planted some flowers once and he was raging because he didn’t approve the type and placement. He destroyed all the flowers, cut up my bank cards, blocked me on all his social media and his phone (even though we lived together) and didn’t speak to me for a week. That was just over flowers and it was probably the least intense response I’ve ever gotten from him.

  24. This is not a decision to be made today, when you have twins- please agree for the two of you to revisit this matter in a period of no less than 12 -18 months.

  25. You don't. I'm so sorry this happened. You are worth so much more than this. Do you have a good support network to turn to?

  26. You are forcing your wife to advocate for herself constantly AGAINST YOU.

    It’s hot to advocate for oneself at the best of times. But against your partner? Who should love and respect you? Who should listen and make an effort to understand?

    You are forcing her to communicate in the most precise, logical terms when she is upset or unhappy. Otherwise you pick it apart with “logic.”

    Also, thinking literally and thinking logically are not always the same thing.

  27. So what happens in 3–5 years if the cost of living keeps increasing? Will you wait for it to come down or put it off for a few more years? To be honest, I'm not sure what difference marriage makes to one's financial situation, excluding the cost of the actual wedding that is

  28. I'm trying to move on, that's the point. I already know what his answer would be.

    We work in the same industry, he's one of my best friends, all our friends are mutual, and we are in a small queer community. Cutting him out of my life would mean losing every friendship, job, and support structure I have, as well as hurt him a lot. It's not like he's a casual friend. Limiting contact will be really really difficult.

  29. In both cases with women, some of their organs were absorbed from an unborn twin. The woman who had her children taken, initially, had her fraternal twin's ovaries, the mother who was tested for donation had her twin's liver, I think. It's wild. Humans are crazy resilient and fragile at the same time.

  30. I know you've mentioned that you were considering moving back home and staying married and seeing how things go. So I was just wondering if you might consider travel nursing instead?

    I only ask because you'd be able to spend time at wherever home is for you with travel contracts (many hospitals even do short-term contracts when they don't hire actual travel nurses). Plus the money would be great, and you could work do a 50/50 thing where you take time in between contracts to be back where you live now with your husband.

    It may even help you decide if you want to make a more drastic and permanent change (separation, divorce) depending on how things go.

  31. Who cares why he cheated. You can decide to end this and move on. Why are you waiting to be dumped? Respect yourself and move on

  32. Don't do it, another man or a woman for you. Will come in and it'll be unbearable for you both.

  33. I hope so. Anyway it’s pretty clear that he is financially abusive and any money she makes he wants to control which is a major ? ? ? on top of the expectation that she spend every night cooking for him.

  34. 6 months ain’t shit sis. You gonna wait to leave him when you’re married, 6 months pregnant and you catch him cheating again or spare yourself and find a better man? He’s 30, even if he’s not cheating he’s such a child. “Tests” in relationships are for teens not grown men.


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