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Umma, 19 y.o.


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34 thoughts on “Umma the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Girl I'm 19 with a 26 year old ex that had good money. This older guys have NO business with us. Always consider if a woman his age would be with him.. Listen to these women in the comments

  2. Wtf are you even mad about? The thing with your friend was before you even knew her and it's understandable she'd hesitate to tell you.

    And you said yourself the married man was in an open relationship and the wife wanted her to join lol

    Or you're trolling

  3. Because the reason they are probably cruel is because in the past someone else was probably not very nice to them.

  4. I mean, I personally agree, but sometimes it's better to start with the benefit of doubt. I'd feel horrible screaming for OP to divorce and then it turns out his wife has been suffering silently from some condition and not wanting to be thought a burden. Sounded like OP hasn't even asked his wife if she's seen a doctor or would go see one, for fear of it being taken wrong. That does lead me to suspect OP might be being verbally and/or mentally abused by the wife, but who can say for sure but OP?

    Not all situations are the exact same, I went most of my life believing my mom was some downtrodden abuse victim who just had really bad luck in men, just to find out two years ago that she just pushed them to their limits until they snapped, then she'd run off crying victim. She was the real abuser, but I'd never realized until living with her as an adult for a year. Sadly, the only ones who ever know the full extent of the story in an unhealthy relationship are the two involved.

  5. You’re thinking too much. If this seems weird to you think to yourself, does he give off weird or obsessive vibes? Because on our ends all that we’re hearing is that his intention is to be loyal and he IS loyal. I would love to hear that from a man after a first date.

  6. Hello /u/Bustersito. We do not allow submissions that involve minors. Should you have any questions, or if you feel this was in error please contact our mod team.

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  7. The edits are especially telling. Very tragic when someone has the clarity to see abuse and yet immediately become defensive and defend the aggressor for no reason…

  8. That's the thing both of my parents are dead I'm an only child the apartment was in his name so they won't let me in there to get my things without his permission and all I have is a car I've been sleeping in the car but it's f****** freezing I've tried to call the government for some resources but I'm not getting nowhere with them I can't even get my stuff because the apartment was in his name I'm in a rut I look at it like it's my fault because I should have left a long time ago

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  11. You press charges for assault or battery or whichever applies, the girl presses charges for destruction of property, and you be done with him.

  12. She needs to get into some serious therapy and learn to take control of her life.

    You need some help, too, but not nearly as much, so you can handle this properly. You need to draw a line–“You don't want me to help you, you keep getting into these situations, and I'm tired of all the drama.”

    And if she won't get help, well, you know what you need to do, and it involves lawyers. For your own mental health, you can't allow this emotional vampirism to continue.

  13. Drugs? What are you talking about? I don’t bully my gf into agreeing with me. Discussions happen and we both agree I didn’t bully her into that at all. This is what I get for asking the internet

  14. You can bring it up exactly as you put it. You’re uncomfortable, you don’t make those types of jokes and it’s effecting you negatively, etc. Pay close attention to her reaction and it will tell you quite a bit on whether this relationship is or isn’t serious. If she tries to gaslight, minimize, etc. something like this (which is pretty dang uncomfortable I’d not downright hurtful for most people esp. that he friends are in on the “joke”) then you may want to take a step back and reassess what you want out of this relationship i.e. just something physical – ok, something serious – time to move on.

  15. Because it's important to enciurage somebody who's trying to better themselves ? Your inner monologue must be heavy. I'm really sorry for you.

  16. I can relate to you and here you cannot do much to remove her memory from your mind. I broke up 10 years ago and I still remember and miss her everyday but now her thoughts do not affect me at all as I am in a great relationship. Therefore, let her thoughts come and go in your mind and do not do anything to stop those thoughts coming in your mind as there is nothing that you can do about this. As long as your routine does not get affected you have nothing to worry. We are not computers where he can delete things that we do not want from our mind but if it is affecting you still after 8 years of break up then you can see a counselor to understand how you can move on from this.

  17. Just in case any of you find yourself in a situation where you and your spouse are through having children and have chosen to go the route of surgical sterilization, unless the wife in the relationship is having a c-section for the birth of your last child, the less invasive procedure is for the husband to have a vasectomy. It also has a lower risk of complications.

  18. Did I say he wasn't being childish? She's perfectly capable of sending him a quick text, it's not that nude.

  19. Start recording him the minute he comes home and play it back to him. Show him what he's doing and how he's treating you all. If he doesn't make changes and fast, it is time for you to leave with the kids and file for divorce.

  20. Everybody will have had sex with another partner.

    And from here on out, all your future partners will face the same thing with you.

    So what?

  21. SHE should have been more transparent with YOU.

    “I'm uncomfortable that you have this tie to someone else they you don't talk to me about. Is there something you want to tell me?”

    Not “I don't like that she has that, I'll cut it off her while she's asleep”.

  22. I don’t know how to bring it up in a way that will not make her feel bad.

    At this point, don’t worry about whatever you are going to say might make her feel bad. She should have thought of whether her letting a ‘friend’ take her nude pictures would make you feel bad.

    I can’t believe that at 26 years old, she does not have a sense of what is and isn’t appropriate. I can’t believe that she could be that naive.

    I saw the edits/updates and I think that this is a battle that’s worth picking. In fact, if you don’t resolve this and talk to your wife about how inappropriate it was, then this has the potential to erode trust in the relationship.

  23. Your boyfriend cheated on you. In some ways you'll probably never fully trust him. The fact that he lies and works so nude to delete something as trivial as a Reddit account for porn is alarming because you know he's still very comfortable lying to you when he knows you'll be upset.

    This man put the insecurities into your mind by cheating. He hasn't changed and keeps lying.

    Break up with him and don't look back.

  24. There are tons of women in the world who don’t think like this. So childish. Date someone who doesn’t shame your body. Your gf is not a nice person, she’s mean inside and you don’t deserve that.

  25. Eww no OP be more brutal. And throw out the chair. I would do an ultimatum aswell.

    If she has bladder issues. I get that. Kidney issues myself i have very little bladder control so do alot of trips to the bathroom even now more that I'm pregnant bt ive never peed on anyones shit and then left it there for them to clean up.

    Id be mortified!!!

    So no. And don't let her sit in ur room… keep it to the lounge until she gets a hold of whatever that is. The smell is gonna start getting into ur furniture and clothes and can u actually imagine cooking in tht or having people over..

    Ur gonna be disgusting by association because u live in the same place.

  26. You need to have another conversation and if he tries to say “he doesn't know” (which is utter bs), then tell him if he refuses to be honest then you'll have to assume the worst and that he's having an affair with his ex. If he still refuses or tries to call you crazy or any other kind of deflection from the actual reason then you know you are correct and he is absolutely cheating.

    I get the feeling he is emotionally abusive in other ways as well which is why you went straight to “he must be ashamed of me” instead of, “that cheating bastard” (which is the correct assumption btw). If he is hiding things from you, the problem is HIM not you. He should not be going out to dinner with his ex without you, and I don't give two shits if other people are there.

  27. The nature of playing what was commonly agreed as a “sexual game” kind of implies consent to a guy who has sexual intentions. Very different from just hanging with a friend group.

    Did you not read the several times spelled it out for you: CONSENT MUST BE INITIATED, NEVER ASSUMED (or implied.) The game they agreed to was truth or dare. You dont seem to realize that the prompts were randomly generated and some were sexual. Regardless, she never initiated consent. You, by definition, cannot assume consent, because consent is affirmative not passive. Do you get it now?

    Finally the exclusion of previous acts only shows there is a line but in a situation with alcohol and playing a sexual game eventually that invisible line can be easily crossed.

    See how vague you got? You pretty much chalked it up to a grey area. That is exactly what predators thrive on. Gray area gives enough plausible deniability to people who dont think too nude about it. An example I used earlier was a creep scoping out drunk women at a bar.


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