Ike the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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27 thoughts on “Ike the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Well I guess love trumps trauma and we are just walking distance away from one another so that changes things as well making the relationship more viable

  2. Their you go, she has told you that you treat her best and she is the happiest with you, her telling you that should be all you need to here. Right now your not making her feel like she is making another fucked up mistake, your not contributing to her fucked up past, you moving her into a relationship that she sees as healthy and happy, man take a minute to think of all the positives you have both brought to eachothers lives, i bet it is larger then whatever baggage you have. Focus on the good man, their is no good if you focus on a past, expesically if it was before you.

  3. Ask him.

    Literally, if you cannot communicate super basic things, this early on, your relationship is doomed. Reddit cannot answer this question, only he can.

  4. So let's recap. This man gave you alcohol over and over again and that's the only thing you really remember. From then everything is gone right? You didn't flirt with him nor were you interested in him. You weren't even sober so how can you agree to the sex then? You can’t agree to anything when you are unconscious. Unfortunately, this happens quite often. free drinks t but drugs were put in so you can easily take the person to the room and rape them. He couldn’t even look you in the eyes so that means he knew that he raped you was „guilty“ or „ashamed“. He knew he did something wrong that’s why he avoided eye contact.

  5. If you're not ready to be a parent, don't. Because not only will you suffer from that choice, so will the child.

    If you don't see yourself wanting to be a single parent, and you don't see yourself wanting to stay with your current boyfriend, your options are abortion or adoption. And you can only adopt out if he agrees. If he wants to keep the baby, you can surrender your rights and hand him 100% custody. But depending on the state and the judge, you might still owe child support.

    If you want an abortion, you need to seek that out immediately, as you're on the cusp of being able to do it in many of the states where it's still legal. After 8 weeks, there is a slight decrease in the effectiveness of the pills, if that's the path you choose. And if you think you'll get pushback, just say you miscarried. He'll never know the difference.

  6. u/throwaway297361, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. Hello /u/jewlicia_kuzma,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  8. You don’t need a full on reason to break up with someone. If you’re not feeling the relationship anymore, and you feel like your feelings aren’t being validated, it’s totally ok to choose yourself and move on.

    If you really want to try to make it work, force yourself to spend more time with her and get to know her better. See how they are with each other when you’re around too. Make the effort. See if that changes your feelings at all.

    It also sounds like you need to work on your own trust and confidence issues too. Look into some self help books for that, or consider meeting with a mental health counselor for like 6-8 sessions for them to help you dive deep to find the root causes to your feelings and then they’ll help you to find ways to improve and change your brain’s thought process.

  9. As written, your description makes it sound like he doesn't like you very much. Should you really be dating someone who doesn't like you as a person?

  10. When I was in my twenties I was working at a very demanding job 6 days a week for long hours. On my one day off I would NEED to take time for myself to meal prep, do laundry and occasionally just rest because I was so burnt out.

    My gf and I would fight all the time because I never had enough time for her. At the time I thought she was unreasonable but in retrospect I see that I was the unreasonable one.

    You can’t commit to being in a relationship and then not BE in a relationship, OP.

    Don’t do what i did and have your gf dump you being you don’t prioritize her. Either shift your schedule so you have time to devote to your gf or let her go so she can find someone who will.

  11. Yea, but i would like to hear you guys’ opinions on this (got that) and the personality thing, I already knew what person he is, and i don’t need any opinions on it.

  12. OP she got what she needed from you to help her heal and now she is ready to move on

    Some would call that selfish some would say it was expected

    The break was her break up , yes you blocked her but as far as I can tell you didn't leave the country so she could have got in touch had she wanted…. Instead she is just using it as an excuse to show you were both on the same page.

    I wouldn't bother with her anymore , whether she flies or falls it's all on her now , you just need time to heal and move on.

  13. That's the most immature thing I read today.

    Thanks, but nope, at 35 you can't be this immature.

    Grow up, flaccid pickle man.

  14. I'd assume chatGPT made this but it's stories are great and this one is terrible.

    Like this is clearly a foreign karma farming attempt, at least pick a country where competent English isn't very common

  15. Yes I’ve re-read and that’s correct. Either way she’d have known he was drunk and was cross that he refused her a ride home when presumably he was even more drunk?

    These posts are always sad when it’s clear the poster has no self esteem and presumably no friends who can tell her what a dick her bf is.

  16. I think you gotta let her go dude. Maybe she’ll come back and you’ll be together again, but she needs space from you right now.

    You got together when she was 16 and you were 19 it seems? She’s likely grown A LOT in the time you’ve been together. Three years doesn’t feel like much but she was a high schooler and probably didn’t take relationships too seriously. She’s gone from a kid to an adult and you’ve gotta respect that she might have grown away from you.

    Being dumped SUCKS but it’s a great time for self reflection and self love! Think about the good and bad parts of your relationship and use that to inform your future dating. Spend time with your friends or family, go back to the hobbies you’ve might’ve taken a break from, do the stuff that she found silly or annoying while you dated.

    Also, maybe reflect on the fact that you were a grown adult dating a high schooler. Not trying to imply anything but typically there’s a reason why that happens

  17. Bingo. He's just clinging to OP because she's ten years younger than the broad he accidentally knocked up and now he's having all these panicked thoughts of being “stuck” with her when he could've had some young thing. He's now trying to keep both of them because, well.. dude doesn't sound very smart.

  18. What kind of life do you have ? You scamming people for money , don’t you feel shamed ? And you think this is ok to do ?? Karma will get you soon .

  19. so it’s not wrong of me to feel angry? i don’t even know how to begin to describe how I feel. it’s so blurry, I never get angry it’s not an emotion I feel a lot of

  20. I had a son to someone who cheated and we split up. My next wanted to get pregnant, and I told her I was going to wait until we got married. She wanted one then, so then she badgered me to get engaged. I would watch her with her pills and never trusted that she would take them so I started wrapping up which pissed her off. So I knew she was tossing the pills. She wanted bareback and anal was always a yes to her, so we always prelubed her. So I would finish off anally because of this. This is why I have a strong suspicion of why he is doing that. She then cheated, I knew it was coming and then booted her out of MY apartment and she was pregnant within a month, baby trapping her next victim.


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