_MioMio_ the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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_MioMio_, 22 y.o.


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21 thoughts on “_MioMio_ the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Every person I’ve met who was in your situation regretted not finishing school. If it’s meant to be then it will be no matter what. Focus on school and get those dreams, love follows.

  2. Well, I personally haven't been in a situation where my friends left me because of the person I've dated, and I would say I've been with people a little bit older than me. Not 10+ years older, but still.

    Also, I'm not from the US so age gaps aren't that big of a deal here. If you like him that's what ultimately should matter.

  3. Look, at some point we all as adults have to figure out how to communicate with your partner and set boundaries and expectations, and walk away when they aren’t being met.

    I had a previous partner that would never communicate and always make promises he couldn’t keep, it was 3 years of me just torturing myself for someone’s love and approval who did not want to give those things to me.

    I’ve been with my partner now for six months. I communicate to him when I need his attention. My love language is very much touch, while his is space.

    We’ve sat down and discussed that when I ask him for attention it isn’t cause I’m being clingy or a brat. It’s because in that moment I feel disconnected from him and I need that connection.

    He communicates when he’s overwhelmed and needs space alone. It’s not because he doesn’t care or hates me.

    I tell him what I need, he tells me what he needs. We respect each others wants and we try.

    If you’re communicating with your partner and they’re refusing to make an effort in the relationship then it’s time to walk away and find someone who wants to make that effort.

  4. Yeah except nobody is telling OP to move out right away, 80% of the advice in this sub is for OP to pay for driving lessons and a car for herself. Unless she has an uncontrollable fear of driving or a physical inability to do so, she shouldn't be relying on her parents for rides to and from WORK, where she is making money that she is not spending on a car payment or rent it sounds like. Even if she isn't able to drive for whatever reason, she should be financially responsible for her transportation. Take a bus. Buy a bike. Pay a coworker to regularly take you home. Get an uber/lyft.

    We obviously don't know OPs whole situation here but it's objectively unfair that her parents are still having to shuttle her to and from where she needs to go. She has a job, she should be making other transportation arrangements.

  5. That’s immediately what I thought. I have NEVER hung a bra on a door handle that I’m not used to turning often.

  6. This is not how a healthy open relationship starts, at ALL. Your girlfriend is treating you terribly, and has already cheated on you emotionally if not physically (this reads to me like she’s trickle truthing and will eventually admit she had sex with him already). You deserve so much better than her.

  7. 100%. This guy is bashing a subordinate to another subordinate because of a petty personal beef, and OP is here calling him a good leader. If I were the BF, I don’t think this is a relationship I could endure.

    OP, this coworker is not a good leader and he doesn’t have your best interests surrounding your career at heart. He wants to break you and your BF up and you’re letting him. Either you stand up for yourself, your BF and your relationship, or break up with your BF.

  8. There is absolutely nothing left to salvage. Nothing. You have no respect for each other, no trust, no honesty, nothing.

    How or even WHY would you possibly try to come back from all of this?

    You two are terrible for each other, and look what she drove you to do.

  9. Take them at face value. They sound like nice people. This isn’t something worth ruining a relationship over. Sure, if it was awkward between all of you (them showing obvious disapproving signs of you being there) it would make sense you feeling this way.

    Instead, you could be shooting your self in the foot by self sabotaging your relationship like this.

    Your family may not have been that way with others, but some are. His is one of them. Enjoy it.

  10. So.. your wife's idea of a birthday gift is having you sleep with her affair partner? Am I the only one that thinks that's incredibly messed up?

    Your wife has been lying to you and cheating for years. Her friend has lied for years. She says she didn't want to get between you and your wife, so why didn't she wait until you decided whether or not it was okay?

    Poly relationships don't start out as 2 of the 3 lying and cheating on the other. That's no way to start any relationship. They've both broken your trust and hurt you deeply. Your wife especially.

    You deserve better and you know that.

  11. so in theory, if she has done gangbang porn and I found out about it, it's just my issue and I gotta go to therapy. And not her actually hiding something from me which is a dealbreaker for me. You gotta stop that “her past doesn't matter thing”. For every guy out there it does, more than you think, and probably more than you'd like it to be

  12. Yes, that’s why (if you read all the way before commenting) I said “His mental illness is not your responsibility.”

  13. Sounds like manipulation to me.

    If you feel taken advantage of, and are tired of this bs, choose yourself. Life is taking care of yourself first. Why choose a guy who manipulates too unbelievable level? Don’t be his mother.

    Find another partner. You tried to support.

  14. This doesn’t seem normal at all. I typically take one shower in the evening bare minimum. Sometimes more than one but it really depends. If I sweat, I shower. If I’m going to bed with someone I shower.

    I always use a wash cloth with soap and every nook and cranny gets scrubbed. There is no reason what so ever that someone who just showered should have terrible BO unless something is very wrong and they need to see a doctor for that.


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