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48 thoughts on “wifey_toy the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Not every place or girl offers extras and $800 for two girls for an hour is actually cheap. And sometimes men get warped into it because they want to flaunt infront of their friends more than anything. Either way don’t know what his intentions or what was going through his mind that made him buy the dances but if he’s spending money he doesn’t have and around holiday time it might be more of an emotional thing you’d be surprised the amount of married men that are just looking for the fantasy to dissociate from their lives for and hour

  2. Dude. I would never buy my wife a Christmas gift while we were in a store together. What's the point? I'd go back later and get the item she wanted ( or go to Amazon…). Maybe you should take a breath and hold on for 12/25 before you get wound up about this.

  3. Does he point out hot women to you? Because if not, the Sam boundaries should be in place for men. Just because he’s attracted to both doesn’t mean he gets a free pass to talk about naked guys with you because you aren’t one or can relate to thinking that guys are very hot.

  4. You're in a trauma bond. Look up what that is, and you'll find it extremely familiar. Perhaps that'll help you understand you are not in a relationship anymore.

  5. i don’t think you’re overreacting. have you explained your need for an apology to him? he might not understand how serious it is. but i agree its a really messed up comment and even weirder how cagey he acted abt it. definitely talk to him about this.

  6. Hello /u/Batroku,

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  7. it's very hot to gauge the certainty before because of the circumstance, but she showed she was uncertain of the specifics afterwards

  8. And talk to a divorce lawyer, today.

    Also – stay safe, this guy may end up going insane when twenty years of his lies are exposed.

  9. I do not understand why you would get downvoted. You sound reasonable. I completely understand the first part. I shall make sure my bed is tidier in the future.

    I do do my own laundry, and I have told her this. My bin was less than a third full. Running the machine with such little laundry would be considered a waste of water in this house, and bad.

    Is it not normal to keep a glass of water by one's bedside? I'm pretty sure if I entered my parents' room, I would find glasses of water there. I do not have 12 bottles on my nightstand. I have 1.

  10. I just wanted to pop in to say thank you. It's rare for people to reflect on their mistakes and use that lesson to help others.

  11. I can say with absolute certainty I have never once walked around with my junk out not knowing it was out. I think your idea “your dick is out homie!” Is acceptable at this point.

  12. Lower abdominal cramps can be literally SO MANY things!

    …gas, getting her period, eating new foods, being stressed out just to name a few…

    Being moody can also be due to stress or related to her cycle.

    Please stop googling and when you see her, just be kind and caring and ask how she’s feeling, and then leave it at that. She’s an adult. If she has concerns, she’ll likely look into them herself.

  13. I wanted to be valued so it really doesn’t feel like a win in any way.

    It's just a learning experience. This one wasn't what you needed so it's time to move on.

  14. NTA What were you supposed to do? Let her sit around in her own filth? See this incident as the get out of jail free card it is and end the relationship.

  15. Tell your wife that you are concerned about the health of your relationship. The best thing that you can give your child is a healthy relationship between her parents. Is she willing to work on this with you?

    If she’s had her period ever since she gave birth, she needs to see a doctor.

  16. 1) Dump her. This was an odd and malicious action 2) I wouldn’t stress too much. HSV1 is extremely common and it sucks someone would be so careless but there’s a high chance you already had it and it’s just been dormant.

  17. OP SA'd the guy. How is this a safe space with a safe person? Reverse the genders, no one would be taking OP's side.


  18. Thank you very much for your reply. I know it sounds like excuses but my children attend an international private school where parents do have limited time and dont really talk things other than business, world politics etc. I kinda socialize with them once or twice a month but it feels fake and more build on business. Some are in tech, some are in fashion, some are in construction etc. business. I use to have hobbies like photography but I let them all go. My performance is critical because profitability of the factory directly relates to my take home. I dont have set wage. One month I can bring 10K, one month I can bring 100K. No one around me says “hey, how about you, what have you done for yourself” it is always next dress or activity or trip. I am also stressed because I dont know how long I can sustain my pace without cracking. Some days I feel like an ATM. I do want friends but it feels overwhelming to even try to open up. I did consider therapy and scheduled it. I feel like end of my marriage is coming. She is due to finish Aug 26 but she is talking about spending extra few weeks to attend some events… like kids and I are less important than an event. Her “wage” wouldnt be enough for half of her rent. I dont want to bad mouth my wife. She is gorgeous, smart and loves her children but a big part of me wonders does she love me for the right reasons… like this XX guy, I dont think they slept together but I know she finds him more exciting than me. He travels around the world to set parties and events. He sounds cool, I got no problem with him but I find it hot to swallow that my wife finds him exciting when she has so much at home. Our children are wonderful. Our youngest had a nightmare about mum not coming back home. I comforted her. I dont reflect anything to kids but I think they are sensing it. They all have iphones & ipads so they are accessible to talk to mum but they talk to her less than I do. It almost feels like a slowly twisting knife in my gut and I wonder if I should fight for her affection or try to heal and move on… I really cannot think clearly and I am afraid it is going to impact my professional life

  19. This feels less about the pictures and more about the lacking trust from the previous infidelity.

    A lot of people take pics just for themselves and as for the answer, it can be really disheartening or upsetting when you send something like that and instead of the flirting you expected, you get “who else did you send those too”

    Have you guys tried couples/individual therapy?

  20. Here's the thing. She's allowed to decide she doesn't want a relationship for any reason. If she only wants a relationship where she's allowed to kiss girls that's ok. It's ok for that to not be what you want. You two are just incompatible.

    There's nothing wrong with what she wants and there's nothing wrong with what you want. They just don't work together.

  21. Creepy. Run for the hills.

    He made you feel secure, lured you in and now that he thinks he kind of “has you secured” he shows his real face.

    Go someplace for protection.

    Withdraw all YOUR money first.

    And then cut ties.

    He sounds like a controlling person. And it feels like the more you talk, the more you will be gasslighted and trapped.

  22. He has been disrespecting all of you for years. It’s startling that he thinks he can have you clean up his poo for twenty years and everyone else will see him as an adult. You have raised your kids to believe that wives clean up their husband’s poo. This is not healthy or normal. This level of disfunction makes me suspect he was raised in a religion that trains people to believe men should be pandered to like children even when they are clearly wrong. If this is not the case bring in his family to discuss this – especially if his mother is still alive.

  23. that sceario has kind of come up in our discussion when i tried to compare it to me sleeping with another woman and her saying “but its different because if it was with a man like me with a woman then id be okay with it.”

  24. I agree, there is nothing wrong with him bringing or buying her food. My only issue is he never tells me this, never. He tells me everything he feels like sharing about his other friends, it's just information related to her that he hides and lies about. And you're right, that does make me feel excluded and hurt. I am not sure what's going to happen to our relationship, but right now it's too hot to talk. Maybe in few days we will sit down and talk.

  25. She sounds dramatic and immature. Either try and smooth it out by communicating, or let her know she’s just not for you.

  26. I am so sorry that he could sexually assault you like that, and still make you feel like you are the one at fault that has to “fix” something.

    I want to be absolutely clear that HE is the problem here, not you. He is pushing and guilting you into doing something that causes you pain that you do not like or want. I wouldnt be able to stay aroused if I knew I was hurting my partner like that, and would honestly feel disgusted with myself. Sex should be a joint activity where everyone involved has fun, not someone enduring pain just waiting for it to be done, while the other takes whatever they want regardless of how it affects their partner.

    Him surprising you like that is SA. If it was painfull when you were both trying, ofc it would be would be horrible painfull if he just tried to stick it in with no prep whatsoever either. He sexually assaulted you, and told you it was your own fault.

    You fix this by leaving him. Thats it. You cant fix a relationship with someone that assaults you and blame you for it. You cant fix someone who doesnt care that they are harming you to get what they want. You leave.

  27. Thanks for your feedback. So were one or both of you also dating other people during the first 6 mos? Personally I’ve never been able to go back and forth at all, even if it’s just 1 date. I’m realizing that people do that and there’s nothing wrong with it; hypothetically I guess I could see myself dating non-exclusively if I were not sleeping with anyone. However, that’s a moot point for now.

    I’m definitely into her, and I don’t think she’s too far behind me as far as commitment goes. I could have explained that better; I need to talk to her and forget about other options for now.

  28. sounds like he’s trying to control you. he already has you at home and not working, thank god no kids yet. honestly, get out while you can. it’s just going to get worse. someone who withholds affection and acts of love is not someone you will be happy with for much longer than this.

  29. This might be the time to give him that gentle push towards therapy.

    If he likes them, it might be wise to give him a puzzle. Not too easy but not too difficult either. It’s hot to do a puzzle when you’re tipsy.

    Also, what kind of job works 15 days a month?! I would love one of those!

  30. I wonder if its a combination of scoring big as you said, but also wanting to “catch and tame” an, in their eyes, an unobtainable woman. Like , “I was able to lock down this amazing woman, now I'll have an even bigger ego boost to bend her to my will.”

  31. What did her friends pay for? Sounds like BS. She problably told them, don't worry my BF will pay it. And now she's ignoring/ghosting you. I doubt she would have payed you back…

  32. Take satisfaction that you did the best you could for someone in a bad spot, but don't take on further responsibility for this person. Maybe in a few years they'll grow up enough to be able to have a conversation with you that would actually be helpful, but it's very obvious they're not there yet.

  33. Converter?

    Is that how you talk to your wife as well when she shares her side? “Blah-blah-blah, you're a converter”.

    I don't care whether you stay religious or not.

    You're a hypocrite and don't even want to see that.

  34. You can always walk away, you will have many people who will come and go from your life and some will help and some will hurt.

    You know which kind he is,

  35. Just because you're an anesthesiologist, doesn't mean you treat pts. They could be doing research, working for pharma, etc.

  36. absolutely none of this is cool or on the up and up, the longer you stay, the more complicated and frustrating it will become.

    and i'm sorry, but were you suggesting this man was drinking wine while driving his young child?


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