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Avril Bellamy - I, 'm open for privates! ❤️ Fansly Ready: https://fansly.com/avrilxlust on-line sex chat


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38 thoughts on “Avril Bellamy – I, ‘m open for privates! ❤️ Fansly Ready: https://fansly.com/avrilxlust the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. What you’re feeling is normal and okay. You spent 3 years of your life with this woman and clearly care for her.

    It sounds like you’re having a hard time letting go of the relationship, and this is a way to hold onto it.

    Ultimately, I see giving her a gift making you feel worse, and you need to work on grieving your loss so you can move on

  2. This but also

    Marriage offers many legal protections as well.

    Basically it is a potential double edge sword.

    If you're concerned about a potential divorce being messy, a prenuptial agreement would be a good option.

    It can cover things like child support in the event of a divorce, child custody etc

    If he had tears in his eyes at what he thought was your proposal, he might really really want to marry you.

    As a side note: regardless of if you do the prenupt you and your boyfriend still should talk to a lawyer about making arrangements for who will raise your kids in the event something happens to both you and him.

  3. Sounds like he's bipolar, I can understand being hit in the balls, but to take it that far and throw a pillow at your face, the man has anger management issues. He clearly can't control his emotions and he either needs to get himself into anger management or he is bipolar since he goes hard to cold overnight

  4. She does. The only thing I paid was her hostel. Because I didn't want her to leave with her relatives at the time. I know I rushed I to things. I dated this girl a while back. 10 years ago. She was a different person back. I hoped she was still the same person but unfortunately she changed a lot.

  5. I’m sorry but don’t ruin your marriage over your sister being selfish and stubborn

    from someone with bipolar

  6. No problem just take it one step at a time and make your mistakes. Don’t make your family’s financial situation such a big deal that she can tell how much it bothers you just focus on having good times

  7. Sounds like an emotional affair to me. At the very least… If this was truly innocent, he wouldn’t be so defensive about it. He’s turning this around on you and making it about you, that it’s your issue with his friendship. That way he can make it your fault for being “crazy and possessive.” A while back there was a post exactly like this one. Same story, husband acting the same way and turns out he was cheating on his wife.

  8. I don't understand this at all, especially since you mentioned you see these people a lot. If her family is normal it might be a good idea to talk to them about this accusation just so you can clear the air and she doesn't make it worse by embellishing further before you've had your say. I don't think I could stay in this situation, but breaking away too suddenly could lead to her really trying to do you harm, so be safe and be smart.

  9. You know, I would consider getting into therapy and maybe even having a session where you can bring your husband to talk about this in the therapeutic setting. This might help buffer any angry feelings your husband might have about you bringing up how you feel when there is a therapist there to mediate the conversation and help the both of you understand what points and perspectives you both are coming from

  10. Yeah this happens a lot man. I think all you can really do is try to talk him into being ok with hanging out with her. If it doesn’t work, you need to choose.

    Did you ask him about the controlling what she eats thing? That’s pretty toxic by itself, but when a breakup happens, it’s common for both people to make shit up to make the other one look bad. Listen to what he has to say about it.

  11. Wait sooi you made rules to spare feelings (not going into details) then you decided to snoop through his messages amd hurt your own feelings?? ??????


  12. Yeah, you are being controlling. He has zero chance with any of these live! girls, and he should be allowed to look at pretty girls. Im married, pansexual, and I follow naked cosplay girls on instagram.

    My husband doesnt care at all. He calls them my secret girlfriends. You need to trust your man.

  13. There's a problem when someone is willing to air their dirty laundry on social media but won't talk to their partner about it. It's a weird attention seeking device. Tell her saw the post and ask her why she won't discuss it with you. If she remains reticent suggest some marriage counseling.

  14. I mean I would love if my fiance bought me lingerie for a special occasion. That way I know he loves it. Maybe just do it along with some flowers and chocolates. I'm not every woman though, so it depends on your girlfriend. I'd never be offended by that though!

  15. Yeah, you don’t know how abusive relationships work. Please educate yourself before trying to give vulnerable people advice.

  16. What is it with you people defending OP by calling him a child? He’s a grown ass man. His mother raised him, he’s an adult now, and she drew an incredibly reasonable boundary with him.

  17. I hope you blocked her and band her for life.

    Tell your friends she tried to cause issues and they need to block her too for there safety.

  18. That’s a fundamental incompatibility. You don’t need to use your ex as an example to say that. It’s fine for you to want sex and it’s fine for him to want to wait. There is no room to compromise here.

    Also, the fact that his calling your beed for sex “stupid”, shows that he’s not as great as you presented him.

  19. You are fighting for a childless short term marriage with someone who cheats, lies ,cheats, lies and trickle truths.

    I’ve made it quite clear if I find out anything else (which nothing has happened since the last time I found stuff) then I would leave him and file for divorce.

    You shared all of your cheating trauma at the start but he wasn't worried at all about you leaving when he cheated, he still won't be now. He is just going to be much better at hiding it.

  20. If you’re not ready to have sex yet, there is nothing wrong with that. Do not let anyone pressure you until you’re ready. He’s a jerk and in time, you will find a man who respects you for being you. Sending lots of love and healing vibes your way. ?

  21. Info: did she say why she gave you $5,000? What the other person commented is amazing. Btw your girlfriend sound’s like an amazing person to give you that much money.

  22. Why does it matter if he admits it? You know. He knows. I’m sure everyone in his life knows. Now what are you going to do about it? Continue to take his cheating, lying ass at his word or get out of this ridiculous relationship? He won’t change. He won’t think he ever did anything wrong. How do you want to spend the rest of your life?

  23. let’s start putting aside money for it

    Lets start you paying for your birthday present. How nice.

  24. If someone tells you that “you need to propose or else I'm out”, that just sort of invalidates any intent behind wanting to propose, because it'll constantly be “well, I'm really only doing this because you want me to and will leave.” OP, it is time to move on. It's already showing that you two want very different things

  25. Word of advice (since I just realized I’m old enough to be your mom and now I’m having an existential crisis)

    Anyone partner that wants to change something fundamental to your being is not interested in a relationship with YOU, they’re in a relationship with the idea of you they have in their head. Tread carefully.

  26. Girl, if your boyfriend didn’t find you beautiful then he wouldn’t be with you. Sure, his ex might’ve been very beautiful too, and I completely understand your feelings; you’ve got a tough act to follow. But think about it this way: as evidenced by his ex, your boyfriend clearly has no problems with attracting beautiful people, and he chose you. I completely understand the insecurity and self doubt that comes with dating someone with an ex that you feel as though you cannot live up to but again: your boyfriend wouldn’t be with you if he didn’t find you beautiful and like spending time with you.

    Talk to your boyfriend, he deserves to know how you feel, and if he’s a good boyfriend he’ll want to do everything that he can to help you feel like you don’t have to compete with his ex.


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