Ange and Luci the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Ange and Luci, 19 y.o.


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45 thoughts on “Ange and Luci the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Idk, unpopular opinion, but he did you a favor. Returned your portion of the money, and admitted he is not ready for commitment.

    Financially, you should never buy a home with a 'boyfriend'. If you guys are not ready for marriage, you are not ready for such a huge financial commitment.

    I don't think it should be the end of your relationship, he was fair (in returning your portion of the deposit), and honest (in admitting he was not ready). However you definitely need an honest conversation about your future and feelings, and how to proceed. You are very lucky you are out no money. This was huge and definitely needs a nude conversation. Wishing the best of luck.

  2. I find it a bit confusing why you're encountering these situations with strangers this often. How often are you talking to strangers at the store?

  3. You have a choice, you can ask your bf to betray his values, and ‘ask permission’ from your father (and possibly end your relationship with him), or you can tell your father that you are an adult, able to make your own decisions, and your own mistakes.

    Each choice has it’s own set of consequences for you, but the choice is yours.

    But remember if you do decide to get your bf to ask your father, your father is going to know that he controls your relationship.

  4. I’m not trying to toot my own horn

    Yet so much of your post is needless humble bragging. Talking about how you are the bread winner/make all the money, you are hotter than him and have had hotter ex boyfriends, you had wilder sex with your exs, etc.. Sure you put *disclaimers* with each of them, but most of that information had nothing to do with your actual issue. Your post could have literally just been about how often you want sex and why your bf hasn't been wanting sex lately. Really some lowkey narcissism.

    If you want to make things work with him, then all this fluff for your ego doesn't help. You need to have some maturity and patience to help him figure out what is up and hopefully resolve the issue as a team. Its not so uncommon for couples to go long periods of time with imbalanced sex drives.

  5. Thank you for this post, it may be random but it came as a bit of a eureka moment for me. I just realized that this is a great way to tell my personal interest and commitment to a relationship. It made me think of two of my exes. One I regularly switched efforts and roles with, and the other I didn’t want to put in effort at all. If I’m not down to compromise/switch off…I’m not into it at all. If the second said “we either need to change how this is happening or accept we aren’t compatible and break up” I would have been out the door in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.

  6. Well on one hand, it's a lot of money, but on the other hand, apparently your household can drop $5k at a moment's notice and not be too horribly affected by it.

    Get home on Christmas and be with your family…well, except for your wife, because it wasn't clear if she's staying in LA or not while you drive on back home.

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  8. u/whelpthissuckz, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. There are lots of 19 year old dudes who don't have a girlfriend and aren't getting laid and they manage (because they have to). As you said, horniness won't kill him. Maybe he needs to play more sports or find something more vigorous to do to help wear him out.

  10. I mean you could still talk to her. If you bring up the journal she will be mad. Have you just checked in with her like “hey, are we still good? Are you still happy with me? I've noticed you've been a little distant. Is there anything I cam do to help?”. My fiancé literally asked me that yesterday. It made me cry. We had a wonderful long talk. I've been distant. I've been up in my head my 18 year old is really sick and I haven't “been myself”.

    You love your wife? She's it? The one? Then talk to her if you're really worried. If she's your person, she'll talk to you.

  11. You're going to sound like a selfish jerk especially if you hadn't expressed your concerns before cheating. Coming clean will probably only benefit your conscience rather than make her feel any better about you. It's strange hearing it from the cheater's side.

  12. Am dude. My ex was a goddess physically. However, she had trauma that made me unable to playfully grab at or cat call her in private. This led to me barely ever complimenting her because I didn't know when it would be taken well and when it would be a problem.

    Is it possible that you've reacted some way that made him uncomfortable expressing his lust/awe?

  13. A previous bf did this to me. Love bombed me in the beginning and once i had fallen for him…he told me that i deserved better, that i needed to move on etc etc…and then when that didnt work he said a bunch of shitty things about me and told me he didnt care about me…yada yada yada.

    No idea if it was for the same reasons. He had PTSD, was struggling emotionally and basically thought i was like his ex fiance who left him at the alter. Sooooo ya know. Could have been similar situations. ?‍♀️

    Regardless…that killed me. Like…i genuinely considered suicide because that was like the icing on the shit cake of my existence. I kept finding these shitty ppl and didnt think i was worth anything better. And the way he chose to end things was horrible and itd have been so much better had he just ghosted me. But no…he chose to say horrible things to me to try to get me to leave him. He effed with my emotions. And now that ive been in my right mind for a while…i will never forgive him. ?‍♀️ he doesnt deserve it.

    Doesnt matter what you were going through. You hurt her. Horribly. It probably killed her when you said what you said, and did what you did. You have to own that. Im glad youre getting help. Its necessary. But you dont have the right to bring her back in after doing what you did. Leave her alone. Get your shit together…move on. She deserves better. And once you get right again…then its probably safe to start looking around for someone to share your life with. You dont need to be bringing anyone else into this right now. Its selfish…and not fair to whoever you would choose to be with. I wish a couple of my exes would have realized they werent ready, and just stayed away from me.

  14. Normal language should absolutely be heard and respected, but having a safe word a) doesn’t hurt anything, and b) is more likely to be heard. No one here is saying that the word “no” isn’t good enough.

  15. Oh come on??‍♂️

    Either she’s completely clueless or this is a very bad sign of things to come. There are some situations where it’s reasonable and necessary to put your foot down and say no….this is one of them and you know it

  16. Actually I checked and decided to sell. Made a few hundred bucks, so you won't see me complaining lol. I've been needing a new GPU, so this will help

  17. I just want to make sure I that it is understood. I in no way shape or from want to move in rn. We still have a lot to learn about each other. To me, around the year mark is when I feel couples should move in together. That is me personally and what I've imagined. When I had suggested that, and he said no it kinda hurt. That's the reason why I asked the question. I felt like a year was a good place to start the moving in process and talking about it

  18. To conspire: make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.

    (Of events or circumstances) to seem to he working together to bring about a particular result, typically to someone's detriment.

    The action was in the past. The feeling is irrational because obviously, everyone has a past.

    They discussed it because they wanted to keep her from harm. Because irrational, emotional behavior. Not to actively harm her.

    Again, I agree it was shameful of him to keep that information from her. It's amazing you seem to fail to grasp that. But you also seem to be a remarkably emotional person who relies more on emotions than logic.

    But you have fun with your stance. I'm done. If you respond, I sincerely will not read it.

  19. Could he get a vasectomy? You've been together for 15 years and don't want kids. That's the best way to be sure.

  20. You don't have to have a “good” reason to break up with someone. The relationship isn't making you happy anymore.

    Good luck, OP.

  21. You are not dumb, just a hopeful soul. You have now learned a valuable lesson an unfortunately nude way but it will help you in the future.

  22. Please don’t feel stupid. He’s just an abusive, trash human and you can never predict someone’s actions. He’s very manipulative and wants complete control of you. I hope you can safely find a way out.

  23. Yeah a good father is 1 who uplifts the mother of his child, he shows up and works as a team so his child learns what a healthy relationship is like, he always wouldn't bring the mother of his child to the brink of burn out and a mental health crisis. Sorry your husband isn't a good father, being a father is more than just loving your kid and playing with them.

    Your child will grow up in a toxic environment and that its OK to either treat their future partner like shite or be treated like you are. Sometimes it's healthier for a child for their parents to split.

    Good luck.

  24. Oof, get rid of him, sound like love-bombing and an abuse cycle. Passive aggressive narcissism. Plus he's 34 and lives in a car. The whole man sounds like a disaster.

  25. Time passes and it clear that it's actually something that does hurt her confidence in her body.

    how so? does she act in a certain way, or does she make comments about it, etc?

    and how often does this issue come up?

  26. What numbers did he crunch to derive that number?

    Why does he think you should pay?

    In truth. Look at his character. He’s going to pull every nickel he can from any source, including you. You are signing up for a lot of financial stress.

  27. He keeps going off about how his grandparents worked and didn’t spend a dime so he has money to loose too.

    All the more reason he should sign the prenup to protect his assets as well.

  28. He articulated what he thinks. And we are getting a summary. Again, whether you like his argument, or think it’s valid doesn’t matter. He communicated that he doesn’t want one, and provided some reasons why.

    What makes you think he didn’t articulate his viewpoint?


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