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47 thoughts on “Jain , ♥ follow me in inst its free now —————> the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I am the same as you… I always want to immediately talk things out, explain my thoughts, and come to a resolution. I have realized that isn't how everybody handles the situation. Some people need to walk away, take a few hours, maybe a night to sleep on it, THEN revisit the issue. Even though you both are upset, if one person responds more emotionally than the other, it is bound to escalate. You guys need to give each other some space when you have a big disagreement… take some time to think it through on your own, then talk about it again when your emotions have cooled, and you have each been able to consult your internal therapists.

  2. Idk did she say it more than once? She is saying that it could be rape but she only said it once. I know that you should definitely stop and ask your partner if they are ok but this isn't rape.

  3. She probably wishes she has your one of friends’ lives right now as well. Why are you trying to put yourself first in this scenario at all? You should undoubtedly change your stance on this and perhaps look into ways to help your wife mentally and emotionally.

  4. Absolutely. Thats exactly what I'm going to do. I'll make some time to have a real sit down conversation. I'll tell her how I feel about her and ease into it.

  5. her not wanting to go to the AA meeting is only part of a larger issue at hand here. your girlfriend is making no effort to try to build a relationship with your mother, and I believe you need to communicate with your girlfriend soon about why she is so reluctant and unwilling to make an effort to get to know your mother

  6. Sometimes, other people just hit it off better, and feelings change. Dick move by the friend but you just gotta say it is what it is.

  7. Hello /u/soul_traffic,

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  8. Ok. That's odd. I think he feels insecure and wants validation. If so that you should call it an end and he can start fk around “to feel like a real man” but if he is really happy with you he should stop talk like that and asking you to wait until he had another woman is simply not acceptable. What if you hook up during this time?

  9. I'm going to go on the same direction as everyone else. You guys need to break up. Travelling with no end date is amazing for the one who does it, but if there's a SO back home waiting for them, it's torture. It's not fair on you to wait for someone to return for an an unknown amount of time, and no matter how much you trust her, her universe is about to be blown out of proportion and her horizons expanded 1000 fold. What woyld happen then is anyone's guess. Think a little about your own mental wellbeing and break up, process or grief and move on with your life. If you're still interested when she comes back, then you can consider getting back together. Butt love yourself first. Then everyone else

  10. Yes it is controlling I agree, I’m just saying some input in what your partner does isn’t always a bad thing. Saying “hey I don’t like you being naked around people upsets me will you stop” is different to saying “I forbid you swimming with your friends”. You’re allowed to have a say in your partners actions that’s a healthy relationship, only if you respect when they might say no to your suggestions

  11. It might work, even though it seems tough – the gap between daily and monthly is a huge one. So he would need to accept doing it less frequent than he desires.

    My husband and me do fine with different drives – he is roughly weekly in the mood while I'm daily. We usually go with his rhythm and it's fine. For other needs, there's masturbation. No big deal. As long as the sex is wonderful I don't mind doing it less frequent.

  12. It's worth communicating to see if you can both be on the same page or if you are actually compatible. You may just not be, if so then why would you stay? That's more a rhetorical question than anything. Good luck to you ! Just know that there are healthy relationships out there and that you deserve to have a relationship that meets your needs and values. I spent a lot of time in my teen years and 20s in relationships that didn't work and where I thought I could change someone. I ended up resentful and unhappy. And you deserve happiness, don't sell yourself short.

  13. Yep. Another. I take it you never had the pleasure of reading that one? The long story short is that this guy kept jacking off into a jar, keeping it all hidden in a cupboard, and then sneaking some into his wife’s food.

  14. You can feel however you want to feel about what she did, but you hadn't discussed being exclusive.

    Lack of communication leads to mismatches in expectations. You can't assume someone sees things the same way you do.

    It would very much be in your best interests to realize this happened before you'd discussed being exclusive, and move past it.

  15. I’ll definitely take these questions and really think about my answers to them over the next week.

    Again, thank you so much for just listening. I felt almost insane in my own head especially with how much my family loves him and how I have been made to feel as if I’m “lucky for having such a great boyfriend”.

    I also realize that I read way too many YA novels that set unrealistic expectations. I just wanted another point of view to at least validate the way I’m feeling (:

  16. You have to understand, for guys the physical intimacy leads to sex and they are tied together. For gals, the physical intimacy is a reward of its own apart from sex. It is pleasurable in its own and the sex part isn’t required.

    Ironically, the more physical intimacy and time you give her without sex, the more receptive she will be when you do suggest it.

  17. I'm late twenties and kinda feel the same way as her. I might also ask that question early on in a relationship. Personally, not asking for a kid right then but more if he dosent want kids or isn't about settling down in the near future then not to waste anyone's time.

  18. “I will sleep as long as I fucking want to sleep. I am an adult and I will make my own motherfucking decisions about my own motherfucking sleep schedule. If you fucking wake me up one more time before I want to get up, you will be looking for a new fucking girlfriend. Now stop being a controlling fuck.”

    And then, when he wakes you up early the next morning–because he definitely will, because his pride won't allow you to tell him to stop controlling you–you should break up with him.

    Everyone has different sleep needs. Some people need to sleep 7 hours. Some people need to sleep 9 hours. It's not up to him to decide how much sleep you need, when you should go to bed, or when you should wake up. You are his adult girlfriend, not his 6-year-old daughter.

    Seriously, if he pulled this shit with me, I'd give him ONE more chance, and then I'd fucking leave him.

  19. You aren't the problem mate, she is. Get away from her, she clearly doesn't care about you or love you enough. You'll only sink further trying to fix some non-existent flaw in you, so better realize it soon and get out of this arrangement you've got.

  20. It's best it happened now at the beginning of what could've been a relationship then having it happen 6 months in or later. Granted, I don't know if you talked about starting an exclusive relationship then and there, but for her to go and do something like that, it's pretty clear where she stands.

    How you proceed is entirely up to you however, do you forgive/forget this and try and start something official and serious or get over her and look for love elsewhere.

  21. Gir the love of god, she is cheating on you. Ehy do you bother asking her anything at this point? You can waste years trying to get truth out of a liar.

    Leave her.

  22. He is the type to love drama, and has caused a lot of it at my expense in the past.

    My boyfriend has a pretty big following,

    There’s no fucking way he posted it by accident. He posted it for the views and the attention he’s getting at your expense.

    Dump him.

  23. This will get buried because I am 4 hours late, but you and your friend are clearly not compatible as adults….and I am being kind to phrase it that way.

    I don't know what makes someone ignore a “best friend” when the shit just piles on with the family stuff, but I do know that a “friend” would not participate in ANY prank that brought up the tragedy of a parent's death.

    You, your spouse, your family, and your actual friends have come through these challenges to get to the place where you are now. So STOP!!!

    Why are you even giving any time to this person? Your wedding, your family life, your friendships, have nothing to do with her.

    Stop giving this loser space in your brain – block her, and let her know that if she makes direct contact, you will consider a restraining order. That might seem extreme, but it will keep her well away from you and your actual loved ones.

  24. I can see why you broke up with her. Clear communication is not one of her skills.

    Maybe she did, maybe she didn’t, honestly I’d just block her and move on. Take control of the situation, don’t play her game. I guess that last sentence implies things are deliberate, but honestly I think she’s just an asshole.

    I have a thing against people who don’t communicate clearly if you can’t tell.

  25. It doesn't matter if your relationship is “official” or not, you can break up with him at any time. It's only been 3 weeks and you already feel uncomfortable, just end things.

  26. Let him stay home. See what he says. If he isn't disappointed, good call and cancel his ticket. If still wants to come, you have the ticket.

  27. That is also true. I think I just posted to make sure I wasn’t being a shit head towards her if I did decide to drop the friendship. She obviously needs help but she won’t listen to any advice so it doesn’t matter if I’m here or not really.

  28. I think this is therapy territory now or things will get worse as time goes on. He is acting from a place of avoidance and fear. He clearly has trauma and it is affecting his decision making process. I come from neglectful and abusive home so I understand how these things impact us as we move through life.

    Stick to your guns. I gave up my job when I got married and had our first. 17 years on I am single after a very abusive relationship, have been unemployed all this time and in intensive therapy. I wish I had not given up my autonomy and dreams. I am clawing my way back but it is damn naked.

  29. And good question. I think he has he misfortune of marrying a lesbian or at a minimum a woman who is bi. I doubt we will ever learn how it turns out.

  30. Absolutely, and she sounds shocked that he's misogynistic, how are you with someone for 5 years and you don't realize he has messed up views on women and relationships? There's a lot more going on than she realizes, better to jump ship now instead of wasting more time with him.

  31. Nowadays it isnt worth the risk. Personally coke was never something I was interested in trying, but I have college friends that would partake in it a couple times a year. Most of them have dropped it completely just because the risk is so high.


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