__rebecca_live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

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22 thoughts on “__rebecca_live sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. The truth is…distance is a really good prioritizer.

    I am guessing he’s working on something he finds fulfilling or something that takes a lot of his time.

    When I had a bf I wasn’t really doing something I enjoyed. I was kinda just living life with no purpose. Well when I got a job I liked and started pursuing things I enjoyed, I found my relationship to be tensions and annoying. I told my bf things like sorry I’ll do better but the truth is I was tired of investing my time and energy into him.

    This doesn’t mean you’re a bad person or unworthy. This simply means that your boyfriend is not the one for you.

    Fill your time with something you love and have a passion for and you will most likely find yourself not as interested in maintaining this relationship.

  2. When it comes to money and some woman, we are all being used. That is the nature of the game so get used to it. Some woman gravitate towards men who make them feel financially secure. Look around you, hard woman dating older rich guys who ain't exactly George Clooney look a likes. If you feel used, get out now. If you can't afford her, get out now. If she is basing your relationship on finances, get out now. You will be better off with someone who carries their own weight and their out there.

  3. Dude, you’re paying for your wife to fuck another dude? Divorce her and move on. Your kid deserves better than that.

  4. I weep for you, but the sexual comments were meant to cause you the most pain. The reality is more she was just unhappy for awhile but doesn't want to bother going into it and is using it as an easy out.

    Since she doesn't know you know you have some time

    Assuming your going for a divorce, take this time to get a lawyer. You need to get all your ducks in a row before filing for divorce both legally, financially and what not. Oh pro tip from a friend who is a family law attorney: if you have kids at the house DONT MOVE OUT. Says so many men move out and it's the easiest way to get fucked in custody decrees.

  5. The issues stated were the only reasons he gave me and my age being the bigger concern. Im just hurt that he chose to focus on what his coworkers said about it and not dicuss with me or see a professional with me about it.

    He is korean so I guess more conservative and the chat definitely was a little more sexual in nature, just a bit of fun, but I never did meet the guy and it was before we got serious. I had stopped talking to the other guy before our second date. I think it was something he should have brought up before we become offical but still chose to be me without saying anything about it.

  6. u/Embarrassed_Crow_590, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. u/throwawayfaraway135, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  8. Do you lift?

    If you do, stop lifting, and start getting cardio in.

    For instance, run, bike, walk, skip, jog, unicycle, bicycle, tricycle, rollerblade, skate, skateboard, scooter, crawl, roll, ski, cross-country ski, snowboard, away from this walking red flag.

  9. Dude, straight up. Jerking off before bed is a routine for a lot of guys. There is nothing sexual about it, it's maintenance at this point. Your wife doesn't understand because she isn't fueled by testosterone. I hope you can show her this thread and how many people are on your side.

    Tl:Dr The male orgasm results in nighty night, biological fact. Also, masturbating once a day isn't an addiction.

  10. Let me ask this. What is the one thing he loves the absolute most in this world? Is it the person he thought you were?

  11. Seems like the absolute easiest and most obvious solution. I wonder why she couldn’t come up with this on her own…

  12. If you stay, it will be worse next time. And the time after that. And the time after that, too.

    He is not going to change and he is already getting away with abusing you.

    It WILL NOT STOP. Talking to him will make it worse.

    If you decide to leave, do NOTA tell him. If you do, things will go from scary to fucking terrifying.

    My ex liked to slam me against the wall by my throat, but it didn't start there. It started with a few little things … Sexual assault, a slap here and there, some pinching. I stayed, he escalated. To the point where he said “I'm going to fucking kill you.” And I knew he was telling the truth.

  13. Individual therapy!

    Couples therapy is bad for abuse victims because it gives the abusers more emotional ammo and they just lie to always be right to the therapist.

  14. She had money to play. She didn't say, I have some money you can borrow. She just put it in the machine to play. I don't see how you feel entitled to any of it.

  15. This guy is no innocent! He should not be touching you in any way or texting you with kissing emoji’s. The reason people like him get away with it is because people don’t stand up for themselves. The next time he touches you, say in a voice loud enough for others to hear “Please do not touch me, it makes me uncomfortable “. Repeat as necessary. Don’t let him guilt you. Go to HR if he continues this behavior. Tell him that you will block any text messages from him that contain anything other than work related verbiage.

    No one will stick up for you until you stick up for yourself! This is abuse and you do not have to take it. Any repercussions to his job are due to his actions, not yours.


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