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Room for on-line sex video chat Amaranthas

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Birth Date: 2003-09-09

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19 thoughts on “Amaranthaslive sex stripping with Live HD


    The fact that sex began as an intimate and private act between 2 people and now it is something that anyone can join in on and watch is beyond sickening.

    I’m sure the majority of people would find it creepy, invasive, and down right disgusting it if they were having sex with their partners and other people were in the room with them watching and wanking off to it. Yet apparently when it’s porn it’s not weird at all yet the same concept applies.

    And I couldn’t agree with you more!! People will happily talk about defend porn when need be yet they’ll hide their own porn usage like they’ve committed a crime. If porn isn’t bad or isn’t shameful then why hide it? Because typically people hide the things they’re ashamed of and want to keep a secret. Funny that.

    And exactly like you said!! All excuses and no accountability, absolutely none.

    Also, personally I’ve found that once people find out that I’m against porn they’re scared to talk to me about it, even just having a discussion of our opposing views. I always wonder if that’s because they know there’s not much to really defend with pornography.

  2. Different perspective here from some of the women trying to defend her actions. Let me ask you a few questions man to man. I take you’re either a teenager or in your early 20s, by the way you’re communicating this story. Just a few questions to help you think.

    Why do you want a gf? What are you hoping to gain from having her right now in your life?

    Why does she take pictures of her ass? If, those pictures are only for her and her self-confidence, then why does she need to share them online?

    When a women shares hard or partially nude or “hot” pics of themselves live!, who is for? What sort or response should she expect? And from who?

    If, attention and validation from other men besides her bf, encourages her to keep seeking their attention and validation and not her bf, whose opinion means more, when her bf asked her about posting her ass live! to others?

    Do you want a long term relationship with a women? What standards and boundaries as a man have you set before dating her and communicated to her when you became official?

    Do you feel that she’s more into you or are you more into her in this relationship?

    What do offer her in this relationship? What does she offer you?

    With the seven points above, I’m going to encourage you to do research on the negative affects of online/ in person validation and how it’s like a drug. It’s naked for someone to cut it off when they’re use to getting it all the time. That’s why she responded the way she did.

    Maybe she’s not ready for a relationship. You’re right in that you can’t control her, but you don’t have to put up with anything you do like or don’t feel comfortable with.

    So, this is how you handle this situation.

    Tell her that she can do and post what ever she wants. But, if she chooses to do so. You can choose to find a different girl. Plain and simple.

    You’re a man. Make man decisions. Remember that there are plenty of women in this world. Many bad ones out there that may look hard with a great a.. -start thinking with your head.

    I’m sure she’s naked, that’s why you’re with her. But, on-line a little more life and understand as you get closer to 30, you have options.

    Also: Don’t live with, join finances, share passwords or any of that crap unless you’re about to get married to a a woman.

    Dm me if you want to chat more in the future.

  3. I really told him that.. But he keep asking for sex And when I say no he asking why and when he can have sex He is so nice and he was a good friend before dating.. I don't really want to lose him

  4. Gently OP – you both need it individually. Together nothing is being resolved but apart you both may be able to get yourselves to a place where you can start putting the pieces back together.

  5. No, it's that a 24 year-old should have a plan to get themselves to work every day. Bus, car, etc. What DO you spend all of your money on?

  6. If she didn’t look guilty or surprised, she didn’t notice. I’ve been that drunk. I’m sure it was innocent on her part. Don’t trust him, but I don’t think she was being sneaky or malicious or untrustworthy. Just a bit ditsy/Unobservant

  7. As a virgin so take my comment with a grain of salt but what I have seen and read that sex is not really going to be enjoyable until you start to learn what works and what doesn’t. Remember most people go in with the porn industry in mind and that’s how sex is going to be but in reality lol it’s not even close. That it’s an actual learning experience and will take time before you start to enjoy it so for this first few times it’s gonna take a bit before you learn each others body’s

  8. Realistically “making stuff” as an income requires more work per $ earned than being employed. The marketing you need to do, branding, tax, sourcing supplies, going to trade fairs or posting on Etsy… if you aren’t motivated it isn’t going to make you more than $20 every couple of months from a family member that feels sorry for you

  9. How do you know for a fact she’s not cheating? I’m not saying she is, but unless you have beef with this guy, why would he message you out of the blue and lie to you about this?

    You should talk to him and get more details. If he is really sure it’s her, ask him to let you know the next time they’re there and go to the restaurant to see what’s up.

    I wouldn’t bring this up with her yet. He may be talking about someone who just looks like her. Best way to go about it is to go to the restaurant next time this person is there and see for yourself.

  10. Not being a slob and doing dishes well will not launch you into adulthood. You can't spend your life playing video games and living off spare change in a jar. It may be hurtful but it doesn't make it less true. You say you're not dragging your heels but hasn't this been going on since you went back home three years ago? If you want to stop feeling annoyed every time this comes up then the solution is to make the necessary changes that prevents the need for them to bring it up. Start with finishing that form your filling out that will help you get a job. Then work really hot at getting and maintaining that job.

  11. She's saying that if she stays with him she is settling with someone who earns far below her 'social stratus'. I'm going to go out on a limb and make a guess that they – she at least – might be S.E. Asian. Maybe N.E. Asian based on her parents comments and her comments that are super direct. Her being a doctor and being a super earner vs. him being in IT and a great earner are generally not considered a good match. Maybe if roles were reversed. Maybe. But that's just my hypothesis.

  12. Yeah… Last I checked both men and women generally like their partner to have a “youthful glow” because it means they put in effort to get put together and look nice for their partner, not because they're secretly pedos

  13. ….You're wife, is a POS….

    I get needing to share this info with a trusted individual in order to get outside perspective/advice, aka her talking to her sister. Here sister's reaction was garbage and proves that your wife, at least at the time, had a bad judge of character in her sister. Which she “rectified” by sticking with you, per say… Would've been better if she confided in someone else who she could trust to not share with other's though… Also why family is usually not the best place to go with this kind of question/info/advice seeking when in regards to your partner.

    About the children – Despite this being a scenario where she's mad at me, I am also extremely upset and angry and feeling betrayed that she decided to share this with the kids. This should have never been.

    And yeah, spot on, you should be pissed that's way outta line.

    Her behavior actually makes me kinda agree with u/Singer-Such, sounds like she may have been looking for an excuse.


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