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Room for online sex video chat Xenica_Vanciceag

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3 thoughts on “Xenica_Vanciceaglive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Hello /u/No-Extreme-1258,

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  2. I’m sorry your receiving some pretty blunt comments on this post. I think it’s easy to forget what it feels like to be young. I hope my comment is helpful.

    You need to end it. I think you know this, but I also understand how helpful it can be to write things out and get other perspectives, the way you’re doing with this post. So I’m going to offer my perspective.

    This relationship needs to be over, ASAP. For you, and for him too. If you’re right and he is depressed (and as someone who has had many depressive episodes, it sure sounds like he is) then you sticking around out of pity or fear or any reason other than loving him and enjoying the relationship is NOT doing either of you any favours. His mental health is not your responsibility. Plus, as you have experienced, we cannot make other people work on themselves – they have to decide to do the work. If he is not ready to do the work, or if he is too sick to begin it right now, then you have done all you can do. You’ve laid out your concerns, you’ve tried to help him, and he is either unable or unwilling to change. That means it’s time to cut your losses and end the relationship.

    So what happen if you leave? I want to be clear that you leaving him will not “ruin his life”. I say this as someone who has been super depressed and been broken up with and then ended up in hospital for my mental health! A life is composed of so much more than our romantic relationships, and even if he’s not living much of a life right now because of his mental health, he has the potential to live! a very full life in the future. Perhaps you mean that his life will feel or seem very empty if you break up with him, or even that he might feel suicidal. If he’s depressed, that is a definite possibility. However, that is also NOT your responsibility (or your fault)! All you can do is be very kind (but very firm) when ending things, and set clear boundaries. I would advise against remaining friends afterwards. Additionally, you can talk to his mum and his friends to let them know you’ve broken up and to make sure to check in with how he’s doing. That’s really all you have power over.

    Now, the loneliness. You may feel pretty lonely after splitting up! Breakups are a grieving process, and they feel super shitty. BUT that’s normal, and you won’t feel lonely (or be single) forever. You have so many years ahead of you to fill with new experiences and meeting new people. You can let yourself feel all the shitty emotions, do lots of crying and wallowing in self pity, and then quite naturally you’ll start to feel better and better. You might even feel some relief! Especially considering how burdensome this relationship has become for you.

    I hope that makes sense. It’s not a crime to fall out of love with someone, or to realise they’re not who you thought they were. It doesn’t make you a bad person to reach the end of your rope with a partner who is struggling with mental illness! It’s GOOD to take care of you and put yourself first. In this situation, I’m confident that means breaking up with your bf.

  3. You’re worried about being cruel but you’re going to marry a man to whom you are not sexually attracted? That would be cruel. You know this man holds sex in high regard and you already know you don’t want it. Move on not just for your sake, but for his.

    Is it that you were hoping sex wasn’t a big deal to him so that you wouldn’t have to endure the sex very often? Did you hope and pray that he has a low libido? What was your plan for having sex with him? Grin and bear it?


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