Kriss the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Kriss, 18 y.o.


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23 thoughts on “Kriss the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I didn’t go through other comments so I apologize if someone mentioned this already, but is she on hormonal birth control? That can kill your sex drive. (This is me assuming she WANTS to have sex more, but doesn’t know why she isn’t in the mood. I obviously do not know how she feels so take that into account.) Tread lightly. I can offer no advice as to how to breach this subject.

  2. “The best prediction for future behavior is the past” You are not her therapist, stop walking on eggshells, go live and enjoy your youth!

  3. 36k a year aint much, i think you need to re evaluate this relationship and find a job. also figure out where that money went… gambling? rent? food?

  4. Your girlfriend is being influenced by her friend and that is never good. But I knew a couple who went to a swingers club and he met another woman there, broke up with his girlfriend, married the other woman and had twins. See if she wants to still do it when this is a possibility.

  5. Honestly, you need to find another way. Opening up a marriage like that will kill it. It won't just be random casual hookups. He can promise this to the moon and back and inevitably it won't turn out this way. There is way more than just a physical aspect which is what everyone focuses on. There is an emotional aspect as well that neither of you are prepared for. If he finds a steady outside partner, are you really prepared to share him like that? You might as well kiss your marriage goodbye because it's more like fwb than an actual marriage at that point. It's also incredibly difficult to close that door once you open it. If he finds a steady stream of sex outside of your marriage, he is not going to want to give that up and will most likely be spending a fair amount of time with that partner doing other things besides sex for that emotional connection.

    He is being selfish in suggesting this because it's so disrespectful to you. You are also being selfish in that you are not actively finding a way to satisfy such basic needs and desires. You are leaving him hanging and expecting him to deal with it. Of course he is going to suggest going elsewhere! Seriously, go to your doctor and get your hormones checked as a first step. Based on your age, I would say this is hormone related and easily fixed. I know sex feels like a chore right now but you could also easily make more effort in this. At least offer sex a bit more often so he is not as frustrated and making these suggestions. Suggestions like this are a sign of desperation and a cry for help.

  6. Did you just call a bricklayer a mortar technician? I’m not sure I like that. Wouldn’t say I’m traumatized, but it early.

    Seriously though, you did the right thing and are handling perfectly. This guy would be a nightmare employee.

  7. I thought this too. Then I didn’t have a choice and had to deal with consequences I didn’t even consent to. Now I always recommend people being on some type of it because you never know what predators are out there.

  8. Why shouldn’t he be allowed to search your phone…..

    1) relationships are built in trust….why don’t you trust me when over and over again you can see that nothing is going on 2) privacy…..he’s invading yours….and making you feel like you can’t or shouldn’t talk about things with friends 3) it’s hurting you…to the point of it making you feel sick 4) you just don’t want him to….why do you need me to defend this?

    You can try talking him….dig in deep about why he’s like this, offer him all of the reassurance in the world, and tell him your phone is off limits, but you’ll always be honest with him.

    I know you’re not buying it….I know….but things like this escalate. And you’re not that far into the relationship.

  9. I’m a cybersecurity architect for a company based in his area. I don’t have a CS degree and started off making over twice what he’s making with only my A+. He is either extraordinarily lazy or extremely bad at what he does to make $14/hr.

  10. Yes it does hurt, BUT you are not doing anything wrong to feel guilty about. In fact, you can be a supportive friend and help and encourage him to network with other asexuals, and be part of an asexual community. There is a woman who is perfect for him in every way just waiting to be found by him.

  11. Literally what most children find they have to do to survive, due to their parents whose love and support are as conditional as a rabies shot.

  12. If you want the chance that the relationship can get over this then you tell her that she has one opportunity to protest there was nothing inappropriate, and that the lying was the only thing she did wrong.

    The opportunity is that she calls in front of you right now each person separately, asking them to say in their own words what happened that night.

    Tell her that if any story sounds fishy, or if the stories do not match up, that the relationship is over.

    If she declines to prove herself then the relationship is over.

    Lying is something that you can forgive once they come clean, but anything else is game over.

    But in all likelihood she fucked someone that night, and probably has cheated on you multiple times during your 14 years together, so better to end it, tell everyone that it is because she cheated on you (and I do mean everyone – all her family, all mutual friends, any work colleagues of hers that you even know just in passing – cheaters do not deserve the ability to hide from their actions)

  13. The deletion of texts is all you need to know. He wouldn’t be deleting anything if there’s nothing to hide. Good luck.

  14. I'm not usually one to be suspicious of anyone claiming they were assaulted, but I have a strong feeling he's not being entirely honest with you. He just decided to go stay at a complete stranger's house, for purely innocent reasons? I don't believe it. Not one bit.

    And he only told you about this so-called assault after you expressed concerns of an STI. Which makes it all the more suspicious.

    Get testing done. Don't let this man touch you again. I'd bet my house this man is regularly engaging in sex without protection, and you're extremely lucky if all you ended up with is a curable STI.

    You need to get to the bottom of this story. There's absolutely no way he's being honest with you, and I'd bet you'll start trickle truthing as soon as you call him out on it.

  15. What she did was emotionally abusive and childish, she is an adult and should use her words to let you know everything is fine but she needs to be left alone for a bit. Maybe she has some mental issues she needs to work through with a therapist but she absolutely shouldn't be treating you this way.

    I read that deleted post where she was physically abusive and destructive… You need to consider that divorce a little harder. Being together for 7 years is no reason to stay together now… Read up on the sunk cost fallacy. She seems to be using you for money and doesn't seem to like you, perhaps it is time to end things.

  16. I'm very sorry that you lost friends and sacrificed your academic career for someone who seems was never ready to be in a relationship in the first place. We should be allowed to have friends and do activities without our partner, we need hobbies and friends outside of our relationships in order to be healthy and balanced. Yeah you enabled her insecurities but she started all this. Is she in therapy yet?


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