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45 thoughts on “puffylips95 the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I can't tell if this is a wind up post or not because you keep digging.

    You started dating when you were 18 and he was 31. He now flirts with your sister who is 18.

    The man has zero respect for you and will continue to manipulate you and emotionally abuse you until you realise what's going on.

    Random strangers on Reddit can tell you this but we can't learn it for you.

  2. He may be upset that you cut him off from his initial questions and doesn't think you need to be concerned about it dismissing anyone's initial reaction is disheartening to some have a conversation. Wit him first before anything else never break up over a disagreements or feelings

  3. Unfortunately op was with a naive ho. My boyfriend never went to college but while I was in college we did long distance and it worked out just fine. I was loyal and as was he, just depends on the people?‍♀️

    She obviously didn't love OP because being in a LDR makes you miss the other person more and desire them more rather than look at other options.

  4. It's still worth a conversation in California and NYS if she can afford it. This happens a fair amount to LTR with entertainers. there may be other legal recourse available.

  5. She is in control of her own feelings and insecurities but in a relationship where a person is saying “hey I don’t really like this or feel comfortable when you do this” and they do it anyways , that’s not up to her . He said he wouldn’t do it , and he did .

  6. Your reply to that should be to leave, get the car keys and go out for awhile. Get a manicure or something. Perhaps even go stay with a friend. Give him time to stew in his own negativity. Come back when you can act normal again.

  7. Hello /u/Mitchy_boiii,

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  8. Time to have a talk about boundaries with him and his ex. Them talking and going behind your back, lying, and doing something like that. Would really mess my trust in him up. The ex needs to mi d her business and your bf needs to talk to you about his concerns, not her.

  9. That would be a relationship breaker. He went behind your back, consulted and followed the advice of his ex instead of even speaking to you. I'm sorry. Your bf is cheating on you with his ex. If not physically….and don't rule that out, then emotionally. His ex is more important to him than you are. He is allowing her to interfere in and to dictate your life. Plus, he's a sneak. No one needs that much disrespect in their lives. The trust is broken. You can't put that back together and think it will ever be the same. Move out and move on. This is not a healthy relationship.

  10. Hello /u/crustycottoneyejoe,

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  11. I’m sorry but this grown man needs to regain his confidence and start thinking “how can I be a better person both for myself and my partner?” It seems like he has a negative mentality with him already settling for “I’ll never have a good job and you’ll make more than me”. Girl. You are young as heck and you’re chasing a career with a LOT of opportunity that isn’t going to be easy to manage if your BF is deadweight. I honestly think you’ll end up holding yourself back because of him somewhere down the line. If you’re interested in being with this person long term I think you need to talk with him about getting himself on a more solid track so that you guys can be mutually supportive to each other. Please do not allow yourself to let some man online off your hot earnings.

  12. He did try to make it work and i won't discredit that. He also couldn't have known the outcome or known how his feelings were going to change but it still stings, i'm valid in how i feel.

    My family may be the minority but not too long ago men were courting women and they never lived together, it was unheard of. True love can get through anything. I thought we could get through this, I was wrong.

    He was my whole life in the sense of being the only person I was okay sharing my life with. What is life if you have no one to share it with? Growing up in a culture that values collectivism over individualism teaches you a lot. I'm not ashamed to say that. But yes, you're right. I did have my own life and so did he but at the end of the day it felt like we came together and became one.

  13. All that plus she has a right to her dad and vice versa. He shouldn’t have made that deal in the first place.

  14. Thank you. It is time I do that. But I'm never loving anyone ever again after this. I'm done with relationships in this lifetime. I'm drained..

  15. I can appreciate the sentiment but… you said yourself you always keep hoping and it never does so… you have to take care of yourself man. Draw the line somewhere just mean it.

  16. Thank you. It is time I do that. But I'm never loving anyone ever again after this. I'm done with relationships in this lifetime. I'm drained..

  17. Saving yourself for marriage may have been a turn off– also you're a Christian and you feel like mentioning it for what purpose? I don't care what religion anyone is unless they don't shut up about it.

  18. No. For one, he's way too jealous. You said “hi”, you didn't go have sex with the guy. He needs to relax.

    Secondly, his drinking will always be an issue unless he completely stops. His words are empty and he didn't actually work on anything. He should have showed changed behavior before you ever considered anything with him because honestly, he has no reason to actually change otherwise.

    End it. You may care about him, but he's not right for you.

  19. Oh yes. Kinda scary seeing the transformation. I’ve seen faces and heard voices change. They become a different person before your eyes. OP, you’re about to be dumped most likely. You’re not the one in the wrong. You’re not the one running to listen to music for 7 hours with your ex, but you’re about to be dumped.

  20. Personally I wouldn’t, but ultimately it’s your choice, I feel it’s more for their benefit than yours, it will allow them to wrap the whole thing up into a nice little package and send it off to neverhappenedland, but you will still feel shit either way.

  21. Your marriage is probably over tbh. Your husband is selfish, he just wanted to cheat but did expect you to also have sex with another man. Don't feel bad for enjoying yourself. I'm petty as fuck, I would've told him the other guy was much better than him and the best sex I've had in years.

  22. He might decide to block you in that time. I would just message him and tell him if he needs proof to meet you at the doctors

  23. Do they know she’s keeping her faith in your marriage?

    They may be fine because they are assuming that she’s converting.

  24. I do most of the childcare precisely because it affects her so much. I can recover from the mental load faster likely because of my childhood being much more chill than my wife's.

  25. Girrrlllll you need to send this man a thank you card!! From your post, it sounds like he just helped you dodge a MAJOR bullet. The situation you're describing was wholly avoidable, had he maturely communicated with you at any point. Plus, with silent treatment and stonewalling, communication skills for him are evidently in the toilet. That's a gigantic waving red flag right there, for me. Ditto obvious trust issues.

    OP, I promise you, you were just saved a lifetime of purgatory. In your shoes, I'd simply agree with him in his original decision to terminate the relationship, albeit for very different reasons. Trust and open communication are relationship cornerstones. You can't have a healthy relationship without both. You guys apparently had neither.

    I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but you just got so sooooo unbelievably lucky.

  26. A few things, for starters you don't have to put your dream job on hold for anyone. This was a new relationship and you absolutely did not need to do that. You made a very irresponsible decision.

    Secondly, I can see how not having almost anything in common can actually push someone to be acesexual. A lot of people need good chemistry but sometimes that happens when you both have some things in common. It doesn't have to be everything, at least some things. You don't really need to become friends to date. Part of dating means getting to know person over time, but also it means it's ok to pull the plug when it's not working out.

    This really isn't working out and it doesn't have to be anyone's fault. Have the big talk with him and end it. You guys can still stay decent/friends while finding other, more suitable partners.

  27. There also has to be a genocide for it to be actually called a genocide.

    I’ve known also known a handful of people who have lost loved ones due to the virus. And as someone with family who works in hospitals, talking like this is like spitting on their faces for them giving you their expertise and actually doing their job.

  28. I believe we both do love each other, and I am trying to view it in that light, it is conflicting, because I know we both have done wrong and make mistakes, why not grow with one another, I seem to forget myself that it’s not us versus each other, but usually that’s how it goes

  29. He is a pedophile. I am not trying to be mean, but you are delusional if you think he’s “not hurting anyone”, he’s “not doing anything illegal”, and that you staying will stop him from doing anything (this is all from comments you’ve made).

    He needs to be reported to the authorities (someone in a comment suggested a tip to the FBI and that may be the best course of action), and you need to get away from him. He is a pedophile

    I truly wish you the best of luck.

  30. You need to let her go. She is nothing but deadweight at this point and you better believe she’ll try to bring Chris back in.


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