LIsa the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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LIsa, 20 y.o.


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43 thoughts on “LIsa the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You're good. Give her the gift, and she'll realize you didn't actually forget, and she'll realize she was in the wrong for accusing you. That's a win, for you.

  2. I don’t know what kind of “clubs” you’ve been going to but you might want to get checked for fleas. It’s really easy to end up spending $800 on a champagne room.

  3. I never checked if he unblocked me yk, i happened to notice when i was making reminders in my whatsapp bc its easier to type and transfer docs, pics and broadcast messages to other chats

    We would normally type reminders in each others' chats anyway so please dont assume you have me figured out based on a reddit post

  4. Not fully, I still want to work. I just want there to be an equal playing field. Especially if I plan to have kids. It does not seem pleasant to be both the primary caretaker / homemaker, and financial provider

  5. You could send him one of those texts from the anonymous website letting him know a partner has an STD. Might shake him up enough to own his mistake

  6. Leave him! Move on you deserve better it’s not even about what he is doing now it’s about what your willing to tolerate. Why feel like second best when you deserve someone that loves you and ONLY you. He just doesn’t want to be alone. Leave him

  7. And why don’t you care that his dick has been in other vaginas before you? Like doesn’t that gross you out a bit?

  8. First, I'd like to say congratulations! Secondly, I really believe you love your girlfriend. The reason I say that is because she didn't just begin to have questionable habits. Also, she didn't just begin to put on extra weight. Lastly, you both aren't married yet so it is your choice to leave or not. If I was in your situation, I would separate lifestyles and continue to encourage her to grow into the person you need her to be. If there is another woman you have your eyes on, don't leave for that reason. The next woman will have other bad habits and she may put on weight as well! Good luck to you all!

  9. And yes if we had female employees where I work I wouldn’t be “hanging” out with them

    I would never be alone with a female unless I had to be for something for work.

    Ultimately I do my best do be a good husband

  10. I'm a guy and on the hated opinion on this. I think clubs are a place to meet all types of people.

    I am not comfortable with my girlfriend going to a club because guys just ruin the fun. Drunk guys are overly aggressive, drunk guys are unpredictable. Knowing this, why put yourself in a position like this. I wouldn't care if my girlfriend went to a bar though.

    I also don't think a girl in a relationship should be going to a club with a group of single girls because the single girls are trying to meet with guys and those guys have friends and it can start crossing some boundaries.

    At the end of the day, there's no “letting”, if somebody is gonna cheat they are gonna cheat. I don't own my girlfriend, but I do own the choice of who I date.

  11. If my 36 year old son was dating a 17 year old my problem would be with him. However, the youngster would not be invited to my home.

  12. Not sure what perspective you are looking for.

    You acted the fool, broke an expensive piece of property and got dumped.

    You can still act like an ass….you just have to do it by yourself.

    Case Closed.

  13. You should consider you migh have a “type” when you are selecting potential partners. Unfortunately this “type” is also cheating one.

  14. Hello /u/Just-Heat3552,

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  15. …i know context clues aren’t everyone’s strong suit but i think she meant “stop at” or “stop by”.

  16. My Mother (40F) and Father got a divorce just over a year ago, it was a calm, mutual and civil divorce. Even though it was sad for me, as long as they were happy I was okay.

    On weekdays (Monday – Friday) I on-line with my mother, as it is closer to my school, and on Friday nights I go to stay with my dad for the weekend. My boyfriend lives just a 5 minute walk from my dad’s house, so he comes over a lot to hang out. This is important to know for the story.

    It was Friday morning and there was a gas inspection, so school let out early. Most of my stuff was already at my dads house so I headed straight there. When I got there I saw my dads car in the drive so I knocked on the door but no one answered, luckily I had a key so I let myself in. I called out for my dad and still no answer. I walked upstairs and opened his bedroom door to find him and my boyfriend on the bed butt hot.

    I was in shock and disbelief, they were in shock as well, I guess they thought I would still be at school and didn’t think I would be home. I didn’t know what to do so I just ran into the bathroom and locked the door. My boyfriend ran after me and called out from outside the door but I just ignored him. He waited for a while but then he left to go home. My dad came to the door and said he would be waiting downstairs when I am ready to talk.

    There was a silence in the house for a long while until I heard the muffled sounds of the TV. Then I quietly unlocked the door, grabbed my coat and shoes and went downstairs. My dad looked at me and asked where I was going and I told him I was going to stay with my mom for the night. I watched his face turn sad and kinda disappointed. He said that we needed to talk but I said that I needed space to think as he was just in doggie position with my boyfriend. I assured him that I would keep what happened to myself for now. Then I headed out.

    When I got home my mom was surprised to see me and asked why I was there, I just made up some lame excuse and went up to my room. I just laid on my bed in silence thinking. Now everything started to add up.

    Even though my mom and dad divorced, they both cheated, my mother with a co-worker (who she is now dating) and my mother found texts between my dad and some person. She said that the name under the texts was a male name but we just assumed it was a fake name to cover up the fact that he was cheating, but now I am thinking that it could’ve been my boyfriend.

    There was another time where my boyfriend, dad and I were having dinner and my dad touched my leg with his foot. I looked up to him to see him staring at my boyfriend then I jokingly said ‘ew why did you touch my leg with your foot.’ And he just said he thought I was the table leg. I brushed it off because I also rub my foot on table legs at times, but I now I think that he trying play footsies with my boyfriend.

    I started to get a sick feeling in my stomach as I realised that my boyfriend has just turned 18, I have no idea of the duration of this “relationship” but this could mean that my dad was having sex with a minor. I have never see signs of pedophilia but now I don’t know what to think anymore.

    This is just two heartbreaks in one, my boyfriend is gay and cheating on me with my dad. We have been together for 2 years. I have no idea what to do.

    Disclaimer: I have nothing against gay people or anyone part of the lgbtq community, I want my dad to love who he wants freely, but it just sucks that he is having sex with my boyfriend.

    Now I am lost, should I tell my mom the truth as she has been lied to for ages? Should I confront my dad about the situation? How should I move forward with my boyfriend? Friday is coming up and I am not sure I am ready to face my dad yet. Help!

    For posterity

  17. It's because people gravitate to what's familiar and most convenient which usually is the people around them so it makes sense in that way but it also is the most likely to cause problems

  18. You have no obligation to feed her. If she needs money she can ask her parents for more or she can get a job. She's trying to take advantage of you – and also consider that it also sounds like she's asking you to cook for her, as well. She doesn't just want food, she wants the meals you cook. This is all BS.

  19. She wanted you to come over and fuck.

    Colleague relationships are too much of a pain tbh. The fall out when it goes wrong is too much hassle both for the participants and all your other colleagues who have to deal with the tedious fallout of tears and sulks.

  20. How many times are you going to let him act like he can throw you away and pick you back up whenever he wants? It's not cute and it's not going to get any cuter.

    Accept he broke up, send him a text like “I accept that we are no longer together, thanks for returning my things -” and list all the other things he's done to show it is a break up so he can't throw another “I never broke up with you” bs line. In fact make the break up as public as possible! If he wants to fake staying together on-line while he mentally tortures you in person, he is probably doing it to keep you from realizing you deserve better.

    Don't hope to keep a guy who makes you feel like this. Find your sense of self worth then find a man who values you and would never put you in this position again.

    I have no doubt he likely took advantage of the break ups on his end (saw other people), but you can't move on – that's against his rules.

  21. Your feelings are valid of wanting something more and feeling like you weren't getting that back. But you should've walked away far earlier after realizing he wasn't going to be able to give you what you wanted.

    Your behavior in the aftermath is also really immature. It seems like your friend was extremely honest about his feelings, patient with you and understanding when you needed space. But it sounds like you confused and frustrated him with what you were telling him. You wanted him in your life, but then claimed it was too painful. You wanted to not see him, but then got upset when he didn't contact you. He probably got frustrated and that's why he stopped responding. And you need to respect his decision and leave him alone.

    Next time you're hung up on someone and you realize they don't want you back, you need to accept that fact and put space in between you and them. Don't keep trying to contact them, don't block and unblock them, don't text their friends and try to win them over. Give yourself space to get over them and stick to it.

  22. At what point during dinner with this person had it escalated to the point where you should have cut it off because it had become inappropriate.

    One of the many things that really sucks about this situation is that, from a partner's perspective, this matters more with regard to the status of the romantic relationship than what happened later. And that's an awful thing for someone to have to wrestle with when they are ALSO dealing with potentially being the victim of sexual assault.

    Regardless of what happens, when we get hit like this it's important that we rethink our relationship to drugs and alcohol.

    Feel awful for OP. 🙁

  23. What you should do is break up with his manipulative and cruel ass. His test was bullshit and did nothing to prove anything except you cannot trust him as far as you can throw him. He toyed with your emotions and physical/mental health all because he could to prove something he should of believed a year ago.

    You deserve more respect, trust and consideration than that. You need to reevaluate what you get from this relationship and what he takes.

  24. Have you asked your sister why she says the things she does? Do you think it’s possible she’s projecting bitterness towards seeing you happily care for a child? Are there issues going on in her family life? It sounds like she’s jealous of you being able to provide these things for your niblings, and feels the only way to knock you down a peg is to remind you that you’re not a mother.

    Frankly, if it were me, I’d say screw her and whatever she has to say. The only opinions that matter here are your niece’s and yours. Anyone can become a mother/father/parent, but being called mom/dad/etc. is the child’s decision only. She considers you her mom, and your sister being rude about it doesn’t discredit that. If it gets any worse, I’d suggest setting a firm boundary with her to keep her comments to herself, or possibly lowering contact with her. You don’t need or have to explain anything to her. Keep doing what you’re doing, OP!

  25. All of this is terrible. It’s abuse and manipulation. He wants to micromanage your life and then get upset whenever something doesn’t go according to plan. He wants you to justify every effin decision. He takes everything personally. He attaches ridiculous meanings to innocent things.

    It’s impossible to keep him happy. But if you could, it would require jumping through so many hoops, it would consume your whole life. You’d lose yourself.

    If that level of control feels right to him, there’s something deeply wrong with him.

    Of course I’d recommend leaving him. But either way, I’d get yourself a therapist who’s knowledgeable about emotional abuse. They’ll help you understand what you’re seeing and how to handle it.

  26. You should, because the feelings you just described are what your fiancé feels every time this happens to her. Except she’s trapped in the situation and can’t get her bearings.

    Please intercept every time in the future. It might even give her the confidence she needs to start standing up for herself if she sees you standing up for her.

  27. I only read the end but I know quite a few twins and idk them as well as someone would know a husband but as a straight man I sure as shit would know which one is fucking me.

  28. You barely even gave yourself time between relationships to do any self reflection or growth and now you realize you're not all-in with the new guy? Smh just end it. Poor guy doesn't deserve this shit

  29. Yeah, I agree it's overkill to take out the renovations, and I like to think the daughter wouldn't have if she'd move out under normal circumstances.

  30. Tell him he needs to hire a worker to help him in the truck and stop working for him. This is clearly harming your relationship. If his business is growing and taking a big step, this seems like the perfect moment to hire someone to work for him.

  31. It sounds like your husband is not going to want kids until it's far too late. It also sounds like he's been doing the bare minimum to skirt by since you got married.

    It sounds like you've spent this much time, effort, and money, so now you want a reward. It also sounds like you will not be getting that from him.

  32. It has to be somewhere

    What you explained happens all the time and it’s perfectly reasonable to assume he’ll understand and will help you find it

    The absolute last thing you want to do is lie about an honest mistake, that’s not going to help things at all

  33. I think it should make you feel special, that you aren’t his typical type. There’s something more to you that he wants than an aesthetic, and I don’t think it means you need to change who you are for him to like you. He liked you the way you are.

  34. 100% about the person and their character and not about the gender. Like, if people are gonna talk shit, I'd like to see some statistics that don't come from the department of I pulled this out my ass


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