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37 thoughts on “Bella the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. After they have a conversation about being exclusive it would be a problem.

    You mean what he's saying? Because he wants to hide it from her. She has the ability to decide this for herself, but he wants to take away that ability.

  2. you definitely can like yourself before everyone else does. how other people view you, shouldn't be a reflection of how you view yourself.

    some of what you have said can be considered narcissistic but a true narcissist wouldn't care about what others think of them.

    this is not “pathetic” but you should love yourself and know your worth.

  3. I mean I’m a mom of a little one so I’m like 4x the size of my kid.

    Neither me nor my husband have ever injured her playing with, joining her in a couch, etc.

    We are both clumsy.

    He is abusing you, in my personal opinion.

  4. he wasn't crying with her. he was playing video games for two hours while knowing she was crying in the next room. then he went to her and listened to her cry for 20 minutes about a past sexual assault, and then he decided to have sex with her. it wasn't a bonding moment. she didn't want or ask to have sex, she was being vulnerable about a past sexual assault that still leaves her crying today. and he knows that, and after 7 months I am pretty sure he knows this history of sexual assaults has left her saying yes to things she does not want.

  5. Isn't it obvious? He can't refuse to break up with you, you have just as much autonomy in this relationship as he does. Tell him it's over, and BLOCK HIM ON EVERYTHING. If he continues to harass you, go to the police and take out a restraining order.

    You deserve the peace of mind you crave, and you can get it…once you achieve absolute silence on all devices and social media. This relationship may have been healthy once, but what you are describing right now is a sick co-dependency that is the absolute WORST thing you could have while strugging with your mental health. Cut this guy away from you like you would excise a tumor, and don't let him back into your life no matter what. Stay strong, OP – you got this!

  6. Sorry for the spoiler alert OP. But this is as good as it’s ever going to get with him. Presumably he’s a pretty similar age and is in the throes of young love novelty with sex on tap. If he’s not at it like a very excited rabbit..the only way it’s going to change is less frequent sex. Good luck. ❤️

  7. That’s not the case. The right example would have been the father will get some money from his father and decide not to split them between the 3 kids – btw he said already he will split. The only real thing here is to not create an environment where the 3 kids feels treated in a different way (or at least this is I would do).


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  9. Correct; asymptomatic means without symptoms. I wish people knew that Chlamydia tends to be symptom-free for many people but it's working its way to cause internal damage. I think about women, for example, and the issues with pelvic inflammatory disease that they're wholly unaware of. ALL people; get tested for STDs regularly, even if in a committed relationship, even if married.

  10. I’m sorry she said that to you. That was honestly unnecessary and intentionally hurtful. Everyone know that saying something like that can’t physically change anything and will only hurt your partners feelings. If she’s used to “bigger guys” she can go find one then. Truly size doesn’t matter, sex is about how you do it. (Yes, I’m a girl)

  11. you lied about an embarrassing and personal condition. he committed a type of domestic violence. these things are not on the same level. what he tried to do is called reproductive coercion and is criminal.

  12. He’s got an obsession, clearly. Some of what you do depends on the type of obsession: celebrity? Internet personality? Friend? Ex? Porn starlet?

    And what does he ask of her? A note? A friendship? A signed g-string?

    But in general, your very best move is your hardest, which is to sit down calmly with him, and tell him, “So it isn’t normal to spend five years chasing somebody and desperately trying to get their attention. Tell me why you do it. No judgments from me, I just want to understand why it’s happening.”

    Of course, most people are ashamed of their obsessions, so he’ll likely try to soft-pedal it. But remind him this is obsessive behavior, and it wants a real explanation. Is it a crush? People get obsessive crushes. They sometimes yield with therapy and time.

    When the conversation is over, take a few days to think about it. What he says and what he agrees to do will tell you what you need to know.

  13. His insecurities made a stressful ride to work by springing a weird conversation on her during the morning commute.

    Things aren't just “you did thing x so now I do thing x!” Context matters. He caused the stress, so yes she can say he is the stressor.

  14. It's very likely that your things have been disposed of. If you didn't ask for them back at the time of the breakup, why are you waiting until 5 months later to hit her up? That seems ridiculous.

  15. Have a family meeting. And have everyone sit down. Tell them you saved the pillows and sheets and even put the semen in containers. You sent out for DNA test. But won't press charges if who did it says they did. Make them confess and secretly record this meeting. You and your sister will get answers immediately.

  16. The main thing to me regardless of your relationship history is that your son has no reason to lie about this but your wife does.

  17. You need to find temporary joy in something so you can just get through this. You need to work up at least one or two good smiles for her if you can manage that. Not the fake ones that look like you might be constipated. But it might also be a good idea to actually sit down with her and ask if you can talk about the photos. Let her know that you’re legitimately uncomfortable with the idea and you’re dreading it. See if she is open to asking the photographer to go easy on the awkward staged smile shots and try to get some good sneaky candid ones of y’all instead.

    Just remember during the photo session, with every click of the camera your are like ? this much closer to having dinner, getting drunk, and saying GOOD THE FUCK BYE to all the people that are stressing you out. Just think, people tend to leave newlyweds the hell alone for at least a week or two after the wedding.

    If anything, think about how sweet it’s going to be when all the stress is over, your new wife isn’t losing her mind over the wedding, and you get some god damn peace and quiet. That’s worth a smile or three!

  18. Why do you constantly give her chances? You should break things off this time. She cheated on you multiple times, right? So why give her chances. The first time? I get it. But she did it again and now begs you to give her a chance again. Be confident in yourself and say no. Let her date this random guy.

  19. Sorry but in this instance you don’t get to be angry.

    He asked you your thoughts on Poly relationships. You then asked him if given the opportunity to try it would he take it.

    You are the idiot who went down that road, not him, sure he may have been about to ask you that same question, but you opened your mouth and put both feet in before he could.

  20. It could be completely platonic and that doesn't even matter. This is still fucked up whether there's cheating or not.

    but yeah, most likely there's physical stuff going on.

  21. He wants to stay married because he's safe and secure in the marriage. It's comfortable. He doesn't want to massively change his life, and a divorce would do that. Instead he wants his wife to continue putting up with his affairs but remain his wife, so that way he gets the comforts of home AND the excitement of cheating.

    I'd strongly recommend she deny him that and show his philandering ass the door.

  22. I don’t even this this is “jealousy” this is just OP’s gut telling her something is wrong with his story and asking reasonable questions.

    He’s calling it “jealous” behavior, so that she second guesses herself and doesn’t keep asking questions.

  23. Yep. You get insight from someone who's seen this a million times and knows what's worked and what hasn't. Who's seen the behavior patterns of people that will change, and of people who won't. Don't try and reinvent the wheel when someone else knows how to build one, then mount it and balance it too 😀

  24. I apologise if you found it gross and in my opinion, I do think there are others whom also dated with teenagers.

  25. Just because it says “engagement ring” on a product doesn’t mean anything. It is just a suggestion. You thinking it’s obvious because you looked for an engagement ring for yourself doesn’t mean someone else sees it anymore than a pretty ring that you like.

    You not having a clear conversation with him is your problem. Hopefully you can actually have an adult conversation with him about you wanting to get engaged sooner rather than later. But you really really need to stop assuming your games are obvious when they aren’t.

  26. Many US hospitals are non-profit; as such under the ACA they're required to offer 100% financial assistance to qualified individuals. Usually if an individuals income is 2.5x or less the federal poverty level, they're fully covered if they apply. Many hospitals may even cover more, our local ones offer coverage for income under 3 and 4x the poverty level. Even for those who earn more, they may still qualify for a graduating scale of discounts.

    If you think he'd qualify, he should definitely call them and ask to fill out a financial assistance or charity care form.

  27. So.. your wife's idea of a birthday gift is having you sleep with her affair partner? Am I the only one that thinks that's incredibly messed up?

    Your wife has been lying to you and cheating for years. Her friend has lied for years. She says she didn't want to get between you and your wife, so why didn't she wait until you decided whether or not it was okay?

    Poly relationships don't start out as 2 of the 3 lying and cheating on the other. That's no way to start any relationship. They've both broken your trust and hurt you deeply. Your wife especially.

    You deserve better and you know that.

  28. So.. your wife's idea of a birthday gift is having you sleep with her affair partner? Am I the only one that thinks that's incredibly messed up?

    Your wife has been lying to you and cheating for years. Her friend has lied for years. She says she didn't want to get between you and your wife, so why didn't she wait until you decided whether or not it was okay?

    Poly relationships don't start out as 2 of the 3 lying and cheating on the other. That's no way to start any relationship. They've both broken your trust and hurt you deeply. Your wife especially.

    You deserve better and you know that.

  29. Christ, you are 18. You are way too young to be getting involved with this messy piece of work. I wouldn't be forgiving of a partner who'd dare lay a hand on me, especially not someone 8+ years older and drunk off her ass when I wouldn't be old enough to drink myself. And she stole your fucking car. AND she's 26 ffs! That alone is extremely yikes and she has no business getting involved with a teenager :/

    You should talk to your sister, because I think you need help getting out of this situation, NOT staying in it.


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