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41 thoughts on “onlyf …@kim_suarez the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Where did I say masturbation was bad? I didn’t. But thanks for making assumptions about my life and putting words in my mouth. I said porn isn’t normal. Porn is full of trafficked women and children. Absolutely disgusting. And subconsciously puts unrealistic expectations on your partner. I sound uptight? Or you are just used to people being push overs. I’m confident in the truth.

  2. Don’t mention the money and fish outside of your current pond. Go to another place and date where people won’t know you. Worked for me.

  3. A mix of both. Like he's telling me because he feels bad for sliding into my ex DMs when he was drunk. And I told him it's okay. People do stupid stuff when they're drunk.

    But then he says he still feels bad because he's going to crash at her place and knowing him, he'll probably try to make a move. But he hasn't done it yet or if he will actually go for it. He keeps says that “you're a great guy and I wouldn't want to hurt you. But I still feel this shame over my head” but yet is still willing to put himself in that situation. And we have plenty of friends in the area that he could crash with but chooses to crash at my ex's instead.

  4. Well if I were in a new relationship and my new boyfriend was crying I would have to know the circumstances of the crying episode- it’s healthy to release your emotions but to much emotion to soon in a relationship can signal a red flag for some women… if it was an established long term relationship this would be a completely different story

  5. Why even ask that question if you're not going to accept his answer. So what if he does, you can't control a person's thoughts.

  6. Could be your algorithm and location that presented it to you. Won’t be the same results for everyone. No one is asking you for a clinic name, just proof of that you’re saying is true—which is fair and reasonable.

  7. I just searched for abortion after 20 weeks and literally more than half of the states don't offer it. There were numerous states that did not offer that option. South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Iowa are just a FEW. 19 states offer it after 20 weeks and only 13 states offer it at 24 weeks.

  8. How did your girlfriend forgive you for cheating on her?

    It’s surprising she’s willing to stick around and care for your affair baby.

  9. Hello /u/Crystalvelvet,

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  10. Hahahaha….I love my “grower”. It's starts out so soft and tiny in my mouth and the feel of it as it fills and expands….getting harder. He goes from literally almost next to nothing to about six inches. And I always tease him that when he fucks me it feels like ten inches cause he's just that good

  11. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My (23M) girlfriend (23F) has this habit where she uses so much toilet paper every time she goes to the bathroom, regardless of it being a number 1 or number 2. Literally uses a roll or more a day. (Completely understand women use more TP than men. Not what my issue is)

    My problem with this, is she uses so much that I end up having to unclog the toilet maybe 5 times a week. When it first happened, it was a bit funny, we joked about it but god damn I'm taking a plunger to that toilet almost every day now.

    I've spoken to her on numerous occasions and she just says “oh, well I need to make sure it's clean before I stop wiping”. I suggested she either flushes halfway through wiping, or unclogs it herself. But as we share one toilet, as soon as she leaves and I need to do my business I'm left with no choice but to do it.

    Today the toilet is officially broken and I've had to call a plumber. I'm fed up with it.

    I just don't know what to do. I've told her so many times to not use so much toilet paper but to no avail.

    Is this a stupid reason to leave someone, if she can't change?

    Edit: Thanks for the suggestions. I will be recommending we get a bidet and go from there.

  12. But we have already come to the conclusion that your opinion was wrong. Right?

    Like that's a fact we have been operating on this whole conversation no?

    So it doesn't hurt to check the information. It's HOW you go about that. That's where the problem lies. You are not the arbiter or truth above everyone else.

    Why don't you trust your girlfriend's experiences? Why don't you see her as a human being as capable of you? Why don't you think there is a chance that on a topic neither of you are experts in but she says she knows she might actually know?

  13. I wouldn’t consider this cheating but do feel it crossed a boundary and is inappropriate.

    It’s one thing to think someone else is attractive while you’re in a relationship, but to go up and tell them multiple times how attractive they are is weird and comes across as making a move. It probably made her feel uncomfortable as well.

    I would voice how it made you feel and what you would like moving forward.

  14. Honestly from what you've said, if you really think she's that important reach out in a week or two. If not I would suggest letting the sleeping dog lie. Also, you definitely won that encounter.

  15. I think the intent of the comment is based in the statistics that show very, very few relationships that start in our teen years last well into adulthood. People change as they grow and most often, grow apart instead of together when starting a relationship so young. You started dating at 16 and he is already showing his desire to branch out and have new experiences.

  16. I don't think either of you should continue to pursue this relationship when your libidos are so different already and you even have vastly different ideas of how much non-sexual intimacy is good.

    You're both old enough to have a good understanding of what you're like and what you want, and you're both clearly able to communicate that to each other, so it honestly just sounds like you're chasing something which you know will result in heartbreak, if not already now then later on.

  17. Forget about rebuilding the trust. That never happens, and, in this case, it shouldn't. She's a habitual liar, which is very unlikely ever to change. Take everything she says with a grain of salt.

    I think the more important question, if you're going to stay with her, is, What kind of things does she lie about? If it's likely, as I think it may be, that her crush is all about supporting this guy through his illness, and it isn't about sleeping with him, then the situation may not be so dire. In what follows, I'll just assume that's the case. If it isn't, you'll need to get used to the idea of sharing her.

    A lot of times, people lie to avoid the consequences of the truth being known. She must have calculated that you wouldn't believe or accept that she, innocently, just wanted to help this guy through his illness. If she was justified in making that calculation, you might make more of an effort to clarify for her what your tendencies are likely to be in such situations. It might help her to put away some of the unjustified fears that make her want to lie.

    I think finding your middle ground in ways like this will be hard work, but I wish you success.

  18. Personally I have a list of all the people I’ve ever kissed. I don’t write down people I’ve slept with because it’s such a small number I could never forget the individuals. I keep the list so that if I ever wonder or forget I can see. It’s nothing more than a record.

  19. I never had a guy have an issue with that, i would understand if i was interested in other women romantically but I’m not so this is alarming

    How many committed relationships have you been in? I wonder if you've been dating a bunch of fuckboys who just said they're be exclusive to you but actually didn't give a shit about exclusivity.

    If that's not the case then I see two other possibilities:

    They had a kink/fetish for girl on girl sex and thought it was hard that you got with other women.

    They had some latent homophobia and didn't see sex between women as “real” in the same way that they saw heterosexual sex. Thus, it wasn't as threatening to them.

    Most men (and women, for that matter) who value sexual exclusivity would absolutely have a problem with their partner sleeping with other people, no matter the gender. If all your previous partners didn't, that's a sign that something else was going on.

  20. Your comment sounds a lot like it's coming from a US perspective. OP mentions he's in Germany and things are quite different.

  21. Ok, the title of this is misleading. You made it sound like the Father was the aggressor, when, in truth, it was your BF. That doesn't absolve the father of his bigotry, though. My parents didn't approve of my relationship with a black girl back in High School. Their argument, however, was how much of a strain a relationship like that has on the people involved, and what the children would be subjected to, being between 2 worlds. Her father and brother didn't like me because I was white.

    I would like to say that the world has evolved, but the races on both sides of these relationships STILL treat the children differently. Though, oddly enough, whites seem to be more accepting of mixed race children than others seem to be.

    I can understand why your BF got upset and got in his father's face, but your bf brought the resulting action on himself.

  22. Just go with what your guts telling you , don’t get very attached to that person , if you decide to get to know him better start as a friends if you catch him lying again about somthing then that’s your time to move on .

  23. totally get you

    I had my (not) fun experiences with white people so nowadays as an adult I take a long time just to trust someone white, fully. I have a full set of criteria when it comes to them. Not that I fear them, but I'd rather not allow myself to go through the same shit I went through as a kid with a few of them.

    Many times those who are really nice end up saying something stupidly racist when they're too comfy around me. That happens, I cut them off. I'm just too old for that shit xD

  24. They’re not denying cultural teachings and the culture in general. They just don’t want them to be sent to a religious school. Religious schools are abusive and disgusting. My bf suffers a lot of trauma from Catholic school. I wouldn’t want my kids in any religious school.

  25. So this happened to a friend of mine. Childhood sweethearts. Her man got skinny and dumped her to experience what was out there. When he had enough fun, he wanted her back.

    Block him, find a way to cut all the financial ties and do not talk to him in person. He is sending you videos to make you jealous. He is keeping in contact for two reasons, the first being that he doesn’t want to be the bad guy. But he is. And the second reason is to string you along. You are his safety net. So, if his exploration does work out you will take him back.

    Be strong OP!

  26. Personally I don’t find that weird. I follow people I know through mutual friends or people I know of but haven’t really talked to. I’d just follow him and see how it goes. If he follows you back, that’s a good sign.

  27. So much yikes in one post… At this point you should just take the lie all the way and tell him you’re saving yourself for marriage.

  28. Move out and see. Rent is easily 1500 now for a 2 bedroom apartment, and that's just a basic place.

  29. No. And don't act like it just happened, you wilfully chose to cheat, after promising him it wouldn't happen again

  30. “She eventually ended it”, she broke up with you. She doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore.

  31. First you call the bank and dispute the charge. It isn’t yours. Then you change your account number. Then you change your bf. Tell him to take a flying leap and block him.

  32. My family uses my card for stuff (with my permission) and always pay me back. One time my brother did a free trial and forgot to cancel. When I told him about it, he immediately sent me money for it. I wouldn’t have been in a financial struggle if he didn’t, but it’s the principle of the matter. Your boyfriend should have apologized and paid you back. The fact that he knows this put you in a really bad spot financially is what disgusts me the most. He’s okay with you struggling and thinks he’s doing you a favour by sending half the amount he owes you.

    You need to get a new card and get rid of the boyfriend.


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