kyoto_yokolive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

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24 thoughts on “kyoto_yokolive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Wow, this is so familiar … my partner has been in a similar situation; the bad habits of the coworker never changed … but “fortunately,” she got promoted and works an entirely opposite shift now. Can you not change shifts so you don't work after her? I would suggest that during the sit-down. Like, suggest it as a helpful solution. Cancel the three-way though. Work on not being a people-pleaser lol.

  2. I mean you were just complaining, and I guess that happened a lot otherwise your boyfriend wouldn't be looking at his phone in the first place. Therefore I don't think it's a big issue of your relationship no matter how your boyfriend reacts to your complaints, sometimes people just have enough negative energy through the day and they don't want to deal with others' anymore. You can make it a serious problem and have a talk if you want, but I don't see any benefits doing that.

  3. Im sorry but he doesnt sound like a healthy partner either… Getting mad at you for crying wtf? You are a human and being told not to show your emotions is beyond toxic. I agree with people saying he might be finding an excuse to leave and make you the responsable one to losen his own burden. That, or he is just an asshole manipulating you victimizing himself. You both are not compatible and u will realize in little time and you will feel free. Ive been in a relationship where the other doesnt want me and make me feel like a villain for feeling bad about it. Run girl!

  4. IVO: Intervention order. Meaning they are not allowed to talk, see, or come with in 500 meters from you. And applies for all social media platforms as well.

  5. hmmm so challenging.

    here is my suggestion – how I might start.

    stay with your feelings as much as possible. you come from the heart so it will be as kind as one can.

    I would start with expressing concern that he continues to hide part of his life from you even though it is something you have discussed.

    it sounds like you(he) are uncomfortable about some of your behaviors and I am concerned the activities are not healthy.

    and go from there to see how far you are able to walk through this. I am sure it will make you nervous as we all do not care for confrontation.

    wishing the best for you

  6. Glad you talked to her about it, it’s definitely a bigger red flag that she denied it until you pushed the subject because you were sure of what you saw it. Someone like that may be inclined to lie about things in the future if they feel like they won’t get pushback, you may want to talk to her again and ask why she felt she needed to lie.

    That being said, this relationship is still in the early stages so maybe she didn’t know if you would get mad and she’s had bad experiences before, etc. Talking through the importance of being honest with each other and discussing the ways you both will try to react to things you may not want to hear, also what crosses your boundaries of relationships, will hopefully help this in the future

  7. then I'm a bully for setting an ultimatum. I can't win. Not saying I'm perfect for sure…maybe a professional is the only way forward.

  8. My grandmother was a hater of undocumented people as an immigrant from Mexico. She said if she could do it “the right way” then so should everyone else. Not taking into account that she came from a more well off than most/more educated upbringing that definitely gave her an advantage. Others on my Mexican side of the family are the same way. I do think this kind of thing is common.

  9. Not mean. True. Not many 18 y olds can handle coparenting with an opportunistic and possibly predatory creep.

  10. Lmao fuck the bourgeoisie. I dont feel bad for either of you. What did you fall and land on his dick? Fuck off. Go ask char gpt what to do.

  11. You were seeing her for about two months. You were causally dating. She is not your girlfriend, you were not exclusive. She does not have “loyal” to you, you are not her boyfriend.

    Yes you have to ask to be exclusive/not see other people.

  12. I don't think so! I think he's just got some unresolved issues if his own…and I want us both to work through things. Like I said I really do care for him, I just want to know how to fix the toxicity, on both ends. I'm not a great communicator. I do lack in libido. I do get jealous way too much. He's a hard head, always on the go, stressed out about life. But we do love each other and I think we both wanna make it work.

  13. My guess is she either hasn’t brought this up with her therapist or has given a skewed ER version of it. Next time she brings it up tell her you want to go to her next therapy appointment with her and address it there. Refuse to talk about it unless it’s in front of a therapist. Her own guilt is causing irrational fears and she will never listen to you. You need a professional to help the two of you address this.

  14. Leave. He is a shitty person. Shitty people make shitty boyfriends. If you stay, your shitty person who makes a shitty boyfriend will make a shitty husband and leave you with a shitty life.

  15. You clearly have issues not seeing the red flags a guy waves right in your face.. 1st date should have been enough to nope on out of there, then the 2nd date was even worse-that’s enough to block the dude, but you then go back for a third date … why is your self worth so low that you think guys like him are ok to date???

    The guy is a train wreck, he’s the type that would easily become abusive, he’s possibly got a drinking problem (drunk all 3 dates), he clearly just wants a shag and he’s clearly mentally unbalanced.

  16. Thank you. I don't have an issue asking her anything, but sometimes getting those answers is like pulling teeth. Like right now. The monthsary is expected to be bigger that our weekly date night, I foot all of the cost, (so it usually cost 2-3× as much), and I have to do all of the planning. All of it made our first anniversary seem less special and I looked forward to it less that I feel I should have.

  17. Thank you, I think writing out this post and reading a lot of the comments has really helped me process what has happened and to accept his behaviour towards me hasn’t been acceptable and I shouldn’t overlook that in favour of the good times. It’s just going to break my heart ending things and cutting that connection with his daughter. I always wanted my first love to be my last and thought I’d found that person, but I’m realising that maybe I was wrong ?


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