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31 thoughts on “EvaTango the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Where did you get this affair business from? I didn't see anything about an affair. Sounds like he donated sperm. Period.

  2. Just seems like a double standard to me.

    Oh yeah, big time.

    “it’s not about her and more about the fact he doesn’t want to be controlled”.

    It's at least partially about her, he's just too chicken shit to admit it. He spent the last 4 months of your relationship keeping in touch with a woman he wanted to hook up with.

    Being that he's defending this so vehemently it's not unreasonable to assume he still gets off on interacting with her.

  3. Flip the script – what if he’s trying to do extra OT to save for something – car, house, dates, presents…. You should just talk to him about his motivation, whether it’s mandated or voluntarily picking up shifts.

  4. Obviously now it's too late to “shoot your shot” but I do think you need to have a sit down with E, apologize to him about your lashout and explain why it happened. Make it clear that you need to distance yourself a bit because your feelings conflict between your friendship and his relationship with Marie (which isn't your intention) so that's why you would need to distance yourself. From that point on you would have to see how he reacts and take further steps from there. Do make it clear that your friendship is still number 1 and that you care for him and don't want to lose him, but that in order for that to happen you need some time to heal. Knowing that E knows how you are and how you think, I would expect him to understand your reaction now and I'm sure he wouldn't be mad or anything

  5. Do you often see men angrily throw their bags at the floor while clearly pissed off at their flinching partner at the mall?

  6. You are an recovering alcoholic call your SIL and explain what's going on.

    You should stop assuming that people forgive and people forget. Good Luck

  7. i personally couldn't be in the room with the man who repeatedly sexually abused me if that room also included children (i say this from my own experiences). you are allowing yourself to be used as an enabler, to allow him the family image. so – everyone just 'keeps an eye on the kids' and he's a tiger that lost his teeth and he's better now? you draw the line at putting your own children in danger (or is that enforced by your wife?) but you'll watch his “pride” at other children?

    i really thought i was going to be more on your side here – familial abuse is difficult years after the center of it stops. but i am totally with your wife. i would have a naked time being married to someone who didn't see his own participation in enabling a predator.

  8. Looking at it that way shifts the blame away from your father and onto your wife. Your wife didn't abuse you. Your father did. Your wife isn't enabling an abuser, your other family members are. The people taking things from you in this situation isn't actually your wife.

    I don't say these things to dismiss your feelings. It absolutely SUCKS not having a ton of family on the holidays. I don't have any contact with my biological family for similar reasons. But right now, you have a safe person in your life. You do have family. Your wife. Your kids.

    Do you know that children who have been abused are more likely to lash out at the parent who tries to protect and shelter them? The reason being, is because they feel safe to show their ugly feelings to the person who is kind to them. Unfortunately, it usually results in poor treatment of the parent just trying to do their best. You're verging on recreating this kind of situation with your wife.

    Your father did something heinous. Instead of being angry at him and your extended family, you're choosing to be upset that your wife has people who love her and didn't harm her the way you were harmed. Wouldn't a loving family member be rejoicing that your wife and chidlren have people who love and care about them enough to protect them?

    You're absolutely allowed to see your father in the grand scheme of things. But that comes at the cost of your wife's trust and respect. Potentially even your relationship in the future. But that would not be your wife's fault. She is not the one who harmed you and permanently broke the trust to be had.

    Your father stole something precious from you. He is the one who stole your chance to have a genuinely good father who would never hurt you. You have to come to terms with the fact that HE is the one responsible for putting you in this position. Don't let him steal the family that truly cherishes you in the way he didn't. He's taken enough.

  9. You probably won’t like it, but I’ll make a solid attempt anyway.

    As it turns out, we all have largely the same parts in the ole undercarriage OP. That means that you don’t really have to be worried or feel like you “missed out on sleeping around.” There isn’t really anything to miss out on. Those guys all have the same penises that do the same things that your poor fiancès penis does.

    If there is something different you want to try sexually, you can just communicate it to your partner.

    The realization is just that; there is no wildly different experiences to be had by sleeping with other people because we largely are all the same. The only difference comes from within you, because it’s truly about the way YOU feel.

    If you want more sex, say so. If you love each other that will hardly be a naked fix.

    Maybe do some soul searching and figure out what you are actually looking for, or are worried about.

  10. Wow. He sounds like someone who will reject anything someone else figures out, yet will never take the barest amount of time to do anything on his own. Fun.

    If you want to continue to deal with this combo of I AM RIGHT and … I am lazy … give him a firm deadline: “ok, if you want to choose the insurance policy, go for it, but if you haven’t secured coverage in X days, I’m getting this policy”.

    And good money says he agrees, doesn’t choose a policy, then complains when you choose a policy.

    Personally, I’d just buy a policy and tell him to f himself if he wants to complain.

  11. You guys are incompatible. Either you move on and find someone wanting the same things or you give up what you want and resent her or the other way around.

  12. No worries on the english fam. So it sounds like your man ain't really on top of cleanliness, which is aight as long as he's tryin to make an effort, but it sounds like he ain't really doin that. And for something that's important to you like a memory of your grandpa, it's understandable that it's causing you to feel disrespected and like he doesn't value your things.

    It's tough, cuz everyone's got their own cleaning standards and some folks just ain't as clean as others. But it sounds like your man ain't really makin the effort to meet your standards, even when you remind him. And that's not cool, you deserve to have someone who takes your feelings and values into consideration.

    One thing you could try is setting some clear expectations and boundaries. Let him know that it's important to you for him to keep the common areas clean and put his dishes away at night, and that you're willing to remind him but it can't be a constant thing. If he still ain't meeting those expectations, then it's time to have a talk about whether or not y'all's cleaning styles are compatible. And if it's not, you gotta do what's best for you and your mental health.

    Also, if you can try to be more specific with him when you remind him, like “Can you put your dishes in the sink please” instead of just saying “Don't forget your dishes”, might help him to be more mindful and responsive.

    Also try to remember that relationship should be based on mutual respect and trust. If he continues to disregard your feelings and values, it may not be the healthiest relationship for you. And it's always okay to walk away from a relationship that isn't making you happy or feel respected.

  13. I have no interest in religion of any sort, I just don't think it makes any sense to trust someone who's essentially saying they don't plan on being there.

  14. You pretty much put him in a no-win situation in that exchange. He has to be careful not to want you too much or too little.

  15. Lol just a guy who has been there before.

    And yeah people can definitely be afraid of being alone, but in my experience, ending a relationship because you would have to break your own boundaries is a hell of a lot better than being betrayed. You’ll come to the realization that you ended it because you stood up for yourself. You’re not going to let someone walk all over you (not saying this is what she’s doing, just that if she doesn’t take this seriously, this is how I would look at it).

    Tell her you want to talk to her about the trip. Tell her that you’re not trying to control her, and of course she can do whatever she wants, but if she is serious about building a relationship, she is going to have to change her behavior. She isn’t single anymore. Going on a vacation with a guy that by all accounts, she has some tension with, isn’t the type of thing you expect from a partner in a committed relationship. You can understand that this trip is all booked and she can’t change it now (if this is the case and that’s how you feel), but you’re not going to be ok with trips like this in the future. If she starts to really give you push back, tell her this is a boundary for you, and if she doesn’t want to respect it, that’s totally her decision, but it may just mean you two aren’t compatible (don’t make it seem like an ultimatum. If you get through the first few parts and she agrees with you, there’s no need to say it).

    All you’re doing is telling her what you expect, and if she doesn’t feel the same or feels she should be able to go on vacations with other guys, she then she can do so, but it’s just not going to work between you two.

    If you do this, and she agrees, then somewhere down the road she tries going on another trip, you need to remind her of your boundary. If she ignores it, leave.

  16. If his issues are so bad he can't even let his partner go to work without doubting them, he needs some serious help and intervention. Just being in the vicinity of men is enough of a threat to him?

  17. i don't tiktok, but isn't it either high school kids doing whatever “dance” is popular right now, or barely clothed women and nothing else?

  18. If he is blocked then just let your voicemail fill up and leave it that way for awhile.

    Personally, I would be sending him a new personal counsellor therapist/ psychiatrist/ hotline contact for every vmail I get.

    With a script that never changes except for the contact name:

    “I am not listening to your messages. I just delete them because we broke up 4 MONTHS ago. Here is the info you need:

    Joanne Smith Private Psychiatrist 555-555-5555 “

    After 3 more messages I would phone the police about harassment. Hopefully they will go have a chat with him.

  19. Many women have difficulty finishing from penetration. I have been in this exact situation. Do some research on that, share what you find with him, tell him that you do share that difficulty and that it absolutely has nothing to do with his performance. Then see how he responds to the suggestion of ending sexual encounters with other forms of stimulation, such as co-masturbation.

  20. Maybe he’s worried about genetics on his side, maybe he’s carrying a genetic disorder that would negatively affect his future biological children.

  21. I 100% believe exes can be friends, but in my experience, it’s only after they put some distance between each other to work through the residual feelings and calm down from the immediate aftermath. Whether that means not talking for a designated amount of time or simply talking less or not about certain topics, I don’t know. Probably looks different for different people. Regardless, you need to take a step back and you can even explain why. “If we’re going to be friends, we need to do this, because right now we are both getting stressed out.”

  22. I’m glad, best of luck for you, do your best to move forward and let it go because I think it’s time to have the relationship you deserve

  23. I know people are bringing up the fact that you two have enjoyed condom-less sex, finale included. And brining up the whole “we’ve enthusiastically enjoyed it before” to try to understand a more nuanced idea of his actions.

    In my head, I’m wondering how him finishing inside of you without you knowing until you were done having sex, is innocent? Isn’t part, if not most, of the enjoyment from him finishing inside about you knowing and being turned on by the action. Did you usually enjoy the latter part of the act, after sex is done and it trickles down?

    So, I’m unsure who this “surprise” was for. And I’m not saying you can’t enjoy this latter part (some people like it some people don’t), but again, I usually assumed that the eroticism of the action was from knowing your partner is finishing inside while it’s happening.

  24. Thats what i thought as well. But turns out heartbreak aint that ez innit. Part of me still hope she cames back


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