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Vi, 24 y.o.


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50 thoughts on “Vi the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. it's really not though is it because the intention isn't to manipulate it is more so an “olive branch” – an attempt to reconcile

  2. For starters he’s into girls who are older , he’s really affectionate and always wants to put his head in my lap while I pet him

  3. She married a stranger, and moved her kids in with him long before she could have possibly known it was safe to do so, then has opened up the relationship when she is terrified of being cheated on and has unresolved trauma around it. She absolutely needs to consider why she committed to this dangerous and toxic situation, and she needs to understand that boundaries are about committing to what you are comfortable with, not trying to set rules for other peoples behaviour, please don't try to convince her she doesn't.

  4. On the surface, I don't think your partner should have such an issue with you wanting to help your family. Your relationship with your sister shouldn't have an effect on your marriage. It doesn't sound like it's a regular thing you have to deal with and your sister is still young. Your partner should be more supportive while still encouraging you to set boundaries. It sounds like he's being unreasonable, but I would understand more if you're sister was constantly upgrading your home and life.

  5. I told her the same thing. I do feel guilty but only until I got caught. Red flag 100% I can admit that. She wants us to give each other space and to not make decisions so abruptly. I told her I don’t think we’re a good fit because not only did I do what I did. I also 100% tried to flip the switch and manipulate her into thinking she’s incorrect. I agree that possibly time could heal what we had. She does deserve better. She just wants me to try to be better. And talking as to her directly instead of avoiding the conversation helped a lot.

  6. Some people want “joy” from gifts and some people just want an excuse to splurge on something that they don't strictly “need” that could make life easier — even if it's just a better household appliance. My partner and I are both not great at thinking of things to ask for so plenty of times I'll ask for a cookbook or kitchen stuff, which he then benefits from, lol. Meanwhile if he got me a meaningful knickknack or something I'd think it was cute and then be annoyed that it was cluttering up my home getting dusty. They may just need to talk about what they consider a gift.

  7. All feelings about the age gap between you and your boyfriend aside, please know that you are not ruining the relationship between your bf and his brother. His brother did that when he made a wildly inappropriate pass at you.

    Tell you bf. Tell his mother. Kick that man out of your home.

  8. If you like her then go for it…see where it goes…the only way to trust her is to have passwords to each other phone so she doesn't do the same

  9. Whether or not you should let it go is totally up to you. Can you let it go, or is it going to bother you? I’m also wondering what a threesome has to do with this.

  10. I'm a millennial and I cannot fathom doing that to my parents or in-laws. In fact, I'm a SAHM and maybe would like a break, but I would never even ASK them. I might take them up on an offer but they've done enough for us as parents and grandparents. I could never burden them that way. Plus… I really like spending time with my kids. It grosses me out that people do this – did they even want kids in the first place? They're not a goddamn accessory…

  11. I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she’s being naive. So why not send her the post and she can read what nearly every person here thinks this guy is up to

  12. How do you think finances will work after you get married? Even if you maintain separate bank accounts, many places will consider your assets to be joint.

    The weirdest part for me is that he wants his future financial partner to be in a worse financial situation. What if you were to take out a loan to pay for everything? Or simply contribute less to your savings? He's hurting himself in the long run, which makes me suspect that his ultimatum is an attempt to discourage you from marriage without saying no.

  13. WTF, I'm so sorry that you are going through this.

    I glad you are making us of the hiring, the catering and the holiday, because you need that support and time apart to laugh, cry and get some perspective.

    Because it's clear you are not his priority and I would be damed if I would stay with him after this, his brother needs help, a lot of help and you need to get away from him.

    To make it more plain if my partner called off the wedding because their brother had a panic attack, in a long line of panic attacks, I would be done.

  14. This ⬆️⬆️⬆️ you’ve spent half your posts telling us what he will say, why don’t you let him say it? You don’t actually know all the results of this imaginary conversation your having. Actually let him make these chores, it’s not up to you if he wants to “ruin“ his relationship, that’s his choice, let him decide.

  15. She is a wonderful and special person other than she stomps all over your boundaries with absolutely no remorse. And has no respect for you, which will go even lower if you don't hold her accountable.

    The person who cheats is 100 percent responsible for their actions. Short of a gun held to her head, nothing made her cheat. And then it would be assault, not cheating.

  16. Yes you are incredibly stupid for talking to him. Sorry but it's true. You can't even see that he dropped you like a nude potato, for the other woman. Then the SECOND she dumps him he comes crawling back.

    Hello second choice much?

    I don't know what happened in your life where you're willing to accept second place forever. But it's tragic.

  17. Dude document everything get his YouTube chanel.( If she is going to go no matter what ) Go with her get a hotel do not participate. Show local authorities as soon as your drive where she is going , make sure she has no id or anything that can be of value for tracing her. I honestly would advise against all this but if she won't listen , you are going to have to make a back up plan of protection for the both of you. Honestly I know you love her so go on the trip but maybe re evaluate where you are at. If I'm honest Im going through some shit with my couple however no matter what I would want her to be safe ,so make a paper trail document everything and pray to all the gods and science geniuses that this is legit if not is gonna get messy and nude to bring her back. Good luck brother and I hope that all ends well but maybe show her all these posts !! She might realize she is being dubbed or that you are coming from a place of love.

    P.s if she is this “dumb” about this maybe talk to some loved one who may be able to guide her better. Seriously good luck this could be a serious deal and I hope you can find your way

  18. Because people have birthdays, have you ever heard of that? lol I'm turning 26 this year and we'll be celebrating 14 years together, and if you don't know how to do math, I'll do it for you. 29 minus 14 is 15, 26 minus 14 is 12, do you understand now? And I'm sorry if there is any grammatical error, English is not my first language, also, at that age we were both high school students.

  19. The bank can tell you the terms. You can give them your current address etc so they will deal with you directly at the right time. Go meet with them. It helps to know that your mom will violate your boundaries so you can decide ahead of time what your response will be. Think about your work too. You're moving in the right direction. Sometimes protecting your boundaries and planning your reactions is all you can do.

  20. Better to learn this about him sooner rather than later. Sounds like the wrong person to have with you when shit hits the fan.

  21. As far as I can tell from your post: You did nothing wrong and you did nothing to deserve this kind of treatment. I am sorry he treats you like that.

    You are paying for everything, right? Or does he have a new job at this point? He said he feels “pressured” to be in a relationship with you. There is no actual pressure, he could break up with you. But: You pay his living expenses! (At least, that is how I read your description?) My guess would be that the only reason he didn't use the actual words: “I want to break up with you.” is because of what you provide for him. He sounds completely uninterested in the relationship and you. And it sounds as if he has already moved on and started looking around for a new girlfriend (/affair partner). At least that's what I would assume after reading his behaviour around his female friends.

    I think you should try to accept that this relationship is over. Break up with him, since he treats you badly and doesn't want to be with you. Take care of yourself and put your happiness first. And when you feel ready, go and find a person who actually likes you and who actually wants to be in a relationship with you.

  22. Yup. I mean, on one hand it's not unreasonable to request that a FWB not hook up with a close friend or family member. The key word is request, as the FWB is under no obligation to follow what they say.

    I won't lie though – I'd find someone hooking up with a friend group a bit sketchy because in most cases not everyone would be OK with that.

  23. First your mom needs to mind her own business, second I truly don't believe she knows this many people who have ever done this, as I don't know anyone in any of my circles who have even considered this. If you and your husband have already discussed this at great length, trust him, you're in the relationship with your husband, not your mom. If you're uneasy/anxious about what she has told you, communicate with your husband, and have a conversation about this. “My mom said ____ and it's making me feel ____. Is this something that you'd ever want over being truly child free?”

    If you're not already in therapy I'd also suggest looking into that. ❤️

  24. Seriously anyone treating a dog like that turns me all the way off. Imagine having children with this idiot. I don’t usually jump to “you should break up” but holy fuck you should break up.

  25. You may want to go back to your OP and add that detail. The way you have it written now, a person can logically assume that you were involved with a man who was engaged, which according to you was not the case, the man was your bf, who took up with and married another woman.

  26. I mean there are all kinds of sickos on Facebook and instagram who look at kids’ photos, not porn, for nefarious reasons. There was a mom of a toddler who would post pictures of her kid that wouldn’t be considered porn but just innocent toddler pics that a certain segment of society would find “enticing.” She had a whole bunch of followers, mostly men. Other moms were calling her out. I didn’t get into the whole story, but I guess other moms thought she realized men were interested in her toddler’s pictures and she liked having so many followers.

    I posted a photo of my granddaughter on Facebook. She was in a swimsuit and about two years old. I saw the photo had been shared by a friend of one of my Facebook friends. It was an old man I did not even know and he had shared it to his Facebook page. Weirdo!! I immediately deleted the photo and blocked him.

    I bet there are a lot of moms sharing photos of their kids, and not realizing there are perverts looking at those photos.

  27. You're welcome. Don't stress yourself out about this, you didn't do anything wrong, you were told the shower was fixed, with the information you had there was no reason to assume this would happen. There isn't much you can do beyond trying to do the right thing, it is all down to if he will accept your apology, and that is out of your hands. If you are staying there then I would recommend getting some thick towels in case this happens again.

  28. Have Roger walk grandma down the aisle.

    But straight up, I would tell Roger that him leaving all those years ago have put you in a difficult position that you didn't ask to be put in. And given step-dad has been there through the years, it would be most appropriate for step-dad to walk you down the aisle.

    Of bio-dad gets upset aboit your decision, then tell bio-dad you know that he may have feelings about this but he put you in this situation and IMO if bio-dad cares to rebuild the relationship, he needs to be okay with your decision.

    Your step-dad never made you feel second class, so I don't think it's right for you to make him feel this way on a day that is probably just as special to him as it is to you.

    Maybe you can have the father-daughter dance with your bio dad or something, but only if Step-dad agrees.

  29. I likely won’t say anything now but stop claiming I’m jealous. I’m not, I hope they fall in love. Just because I’m worried he might he altering motives does not mean I’m jealous

  30. I had a gf like this for 4 years. It was 24/7 me keeping her in a good mood. It was exhausting. It ended when she cheated because some random at a party showed interest in her.

    In my experience, women like this, don’t give a lot of weight to a compliment from a bf. Because bfs are EXPECTED to compliment them. So your 1,000 compliments are worth one guy hitting on her. But if you don’t compliment them enough they get really insecure, depressed, or just mean.

    Suggest she get into some therapy and then make her your ex-gf.

  31. Speak with the landlord and see if he would be willing to allow you guys to make some cosmetic changes that would suit your boyfriend and yourself better? Some landlords are willing to do this especially if it improves the quality of the places that they own. But quite honestly if this is going to be better for you and you're still going to be paying the brunt of the bills, then while it's nice if he would want to do it but I think in the end it's going to be your decision one way or another. And if he's going to sulk like a two-year-old, what else is he going to hold against you in resentment

  32. There is a view that there are reasons why people decide to stay together despite what others see as totally unhealthy and dysfunctional. I believe it is because they have complementary dysfunctions.

    If you have to ask the question if you should move with him to a new place then it shows me you need therapy to know what is a healthy relationship and why you still want to be with such a person.

  33. Girl at this point ANYONE would be better than your current bf. It's better to be alone than with an Ahole who puts you down and makes you feel bad about yourself also someone who pushes you down the stairs..You deserve better so get away from that Ahole.

  34. Stop talking to this person. Stop seeing her, stop interacting with her. If you see her out at the club, go home. If she calls you, don't answer. Get out of this relationship.

  35. Bruh.. i can relate to this. I shld get that. Currently pregnant and i feel gross. No matter how much my husband reassures me.

    Why i told OP the same thing. She probably just felt unattractive and unwanted when he wasnt as sexually interested as she was. Now she's stuck in tht mindset.

    Its not something u can just switch back on.


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