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_gemma__live sex stripping with hd cam

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23 thoughts on “_gemma__live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I think i always try and give people the benefit of the doubt. Some of the concerning behavior I’ve noticed is about coercion and my boundaries are not always respected. On one of the first few dates I had a little too much to drink. I told him I would go home with him but couldn’t sleep with him. When we got to his house I reminded him of what we had agreed on but he told me he lied to me.

  2. This is why you date for a while before you get married. She may change in time; some people grow out of this kind of behavior. But you're her boyfriend, not a therapist. Move along. There's somebody waiting for you who appreciates you exactly the way you are.

  3. You've never been in love with anyone else, which is why you don't see what a shit relationship this is. Get out and you'll find a better one. Promise.

  4. This man has zero respect for you. Just leave. You staying and allowing this is showing him you have no self respect and he won’t stop. Basically he is choosing these girls over you. It’s that simple. Don’t you want a man who will choose you? It’s not like you’re asking something crazy of him. You’re literally asking him not to hang out with girls he has a history with in the middle of the night. Also I will say if he cheated on ex with you? What do you think is going to happen? His history is the biggest prediction of his future self.

  5. He's still with me because he thinks I'll foot the bill for his household expenses which seems moochy to me but I'm not his sugar daddy lol

  6. I mean I've been in a relationship with my bf for almost 7 years mainly because we met in highschool and I'm in college for cooking so I'm not ready for marriage yet

  7. He needs to speak to a Canadian immigration lawyer if he wants to visit or move to Canada. An American lawyer is not going to help him, expunging his American record won’t help either, the Canadian government will still have access to the information about the conversation.

    As others have said, I would advise not giving him any money, even to see a lawyer, not because he’s Mexican, but because it’s a new relationship and you don’t know him very well.

  8. So op believes her name shouldn't change. They are non traditionalist and don't follow the “it has been done this way”. Clearly they believe name's are important.

    So does op's fil. He believes in tradition and follows the passing of the name as it has always been done this way.

    Talk about an opposite mirror. Everyone is an adult here. Actions have consequences. Op has decided on thier actions and fil too has also. Time to live with it.

    All i see is loss. Kids and op's husband will lose thier father and grandfather, while fil will lose son and grandkids.

    So op, i doubt thier is going to be any changes forward, so you have to live with it

  9. So op believes her name shouldn't change. They are non traditionalist and don't follow the “it has been done this way”. Clearly they believe name's are important.

    So does op's fil. He believes in tradition and follows the passing of the name as it has always been done this way.

    Talk about an opposite mirror. Everyone is an adult here. Actions have consequences. Op has decided on thier actions and fil too has also. Time to live with it.

    All i see is loss. Kids and op's husband will lose thier father and grandfather, while fil will lose son and grandkids.

    So op, i doubt thier is going to be any changes forward, so you have to live with it

  10. I'd hate to be in any long term relationship where I gave up my own dwelling and moved in with my partner at their request to then be told “this is my and my dogs house” not “this is our house”, that you essentially rate lower to your partner than something that will happily eat shit and lick it's own genitals before giving you 'kisses'.

    Good luck having those short lived dogs look after you when you're old and ill, or take you out on romantic dates etc. I'm sure the nightly 'dog cuddles' will be worth it when the dogs are dead and she is old and alone.

    Alas some people can only see what is right in front of them and not the bigger, long term picture.

  11. I didn't make my point well, I guess. It's not just about the feeling (wonderful from both sides, for me at least) but the amazing person giving pleasure and the outright stupidity and meanness of those using as an insult. Same for the other terms you mention. In other words, it says a lot more, none of it good, about those using the words to be jackholes.

  12. You made a series of bad decisions and you would like to be able to blame the results of those decisions on this other person…

    Actually, you chose to leave your life/family for a person you just met. You chose to rent a place that you couldn’t financially afford. You chose to ignore red flags with this person and continue to wear rose-colored glasses.

    Continuing to blame her for your dissatisfaction with your life will just be another bad choice.

    This sounds like a great opportunity to take responsibility for your life and acknowledge the mistakes you’ve made so that you can learn from them and move on. Some professional help doing so may be in order.

  13. I mean, if it's a dealbreaker for him, it means it was more important for him that all of you together, so is it really a loss in the long term ?

    I'm not saying it wouldn't hurt at first, but you need to be with someone who loves you as you are, and doesn't impose his view on you.

  14. Seems pretty simple, own up and tell them its yours. It seems your sister knows about your sexuality and has kept that secret for you despite you letting her take the fall and be punished for your actions. Your sister is a much better person than you.

  15. This sounds like she's tired of you making her do things you should be doing for yourself. The straw that broke the camels back. On its own no big deal but amassed with a history of laziness and or incompetence totally understandable


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