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7 thoughts on “ the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I find it hot to believe this is real. You are far to old to not know that its a dunb idea to get a pet without both people agreeing.. not to mention the age gap.

  2. That’s what was making it hard he seemed like he could careless about what happened. But then he just kept saying sorry with nothing else. I almost feel like he wants to make it work because he’s more worried about not seeing the kids anymore he thinks I’ll keep them away from him. So I honestly don’t know where his head is at. I guess it’s all to fresh.

  3. Eh. I feel this is poor planning on his part. If he's been talking about wanting to get engaged for two years, then he's had two years to plan and save for a ring. I'm assuming he knows this boundary you have. To not stick to it would show that your boundaries would give the wrong message. So stick to it. Tell him you understand that he wont' able to afford a ring by summer but he'll have time to save.

    With that said, I got a place with my ex, then we got engaged and it didn't work out. There is no guarantee just because he puts a ring on your finger that the two of you won't break up. I think when you get ready to make that transition and live! together, the smartest thing you can do is make sure you have a back up plan for if it does end. Where will you go, will you have the money to start all over again?

  4. Bisexual here and every man and woman I’ve given head ti has had their own taste/smell none of it was bad just different. I’ve only had one instance where a person’s natural scent was off putting to me (sometimes you just don’t like a person’s pheromones) but I’d never tell them it disgusts me. There is a polite way to decline.

    OP: have you tried tasting yourself? Do you tend to have a strong natural scent even after you shower?

    Whatever you do, do not attack your vagina and Vulva with perfumed/scented soaps as you will likely just cause the natural biome to get out of whack and end up with an infection like yeast or BV.

    Before you let your BF try again, I’d have an open conversation with him to find out what exactly he found so off putting. Ask him to be kind about his answers but honest (there is zero call for him to use the term gross, disgusting, etc)

    Whatever his answers are though, as long as everything is healthy, you should absolutely not feel any shame here. Your scent/taste is your scent/taste.

  5. You’re going to have to tell him you’re not a virgin. It’s weird to have kept this from him, and it’s weird that he’s obsessing about it.


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