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ValeriiaaBlive sex stripping with hd cam

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Room for live! sex video chat ValeriiaaB

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53 thoughts on “ValeriiaaBlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Maybe you could ask him why he feels it necessary to keep doing something that you find so upsetting, to deliberately do something after you have asked him not to seems rather unkind IMHO, but you know him best. If he won't stop saying these things about other women ,you could consider working on not reacting to the comments , because really your partner saying another woman is pretty shouldn't make you feel any less secure in who you are, and if the whole purpose is to get you riled up and walk away , I'd say deprive him of that pleasure

  2. That's not what I said though. I said she doesn't know for sure, and she doesn't. Men often hide these things, as the OP found out.

  3. Pretend your the mother of a 38 year old man child who knocked a girl up and was an absent father. You are attending a party for the child for the first time with your idiot son, and his current 19 year old girlfriend is calling him over and over, crying that she’s pregnant. That sounds like a fed up mother to me – not an insufferable woman.

  4. I know it sounds bad but I'm so scared to be alone. One of the last few people in my life had a heart attack on Christmas and will be undergoing bypass surgery so I have no one. I don't really have any friends and obviously very very limited family. I have never lived alone and that scares me.

  5. Will you please stop with these insults and allegations? Never did I ever say I was mad that he locked the doors, and never would I ever inflict such a horrific form of abuse on my own children. How dare you accuse me of these things, I am genuinely appalled.

  6. I definitely wouldn’t say abusive but definitely highly inconsiderate, unfair and uneducated. Honestly, my responses were verbally abusive and there’s no excuse for that either.

  7. OP this is a moment for personal growth, have you noticed that you question information when a woman is the one telling you that information? Just notice how often its your first instinct to do that, because from where I'm standing you should have believed your gf when she told you her reasons.

  8. I don’t know where you live! OP, but please try to look into child services and such. This situation you and your siblings are being raised in is not healthy and you shouldn’t have to deal with your parents abuse like this.

  9. (its not a relationship)

    I think you might not be in the right place then. There really isn't enough info to give any sort of advice either.

  10. Thankyou for you reply ! But my concern is that we have started living together recently and the agreement is for an year and he has no idea about the things in my head . Whenever i bring up this issue he doesn’t take it well . I feel there is a communication block . And whenever i think of all the good things he has done for me i feel guilty for thinking this way or even leaving him

  11. You break up. That's what happens when you don't want kids but your partner does. There is no way to have half a kid.

  12. Sadly, this could have happened to either one of you. Maybe take an Uber home next time and avoid the creepy weirdos. I am glad it wasn't worse.

  13. Coz OP is a troll, this never happened, he only posted this to spew redpill propaganda. Look at his comments.

  14. I was in a similar situation. After a very aggressive and toxic relationship I did delete all pictures with my ex boyfriend on it. And it helps when briefly scrolling through my pictures to not see his face. As well I did not want to get a picture proposal on my iphone of him.

    But the memories are still there and also just a picture of me in a certain moment or a picture of something else during that period brings me right back to what happened, who I have and haven’t been and how weak I was! In my case the relationship was already a long time ago, and I have started working on it just recently and would have wished to go to therapy earlier.

    I have pushed everything down, but such memories cannot be pushed away. They seek their way to the surface. So the sooner you take care of them, the better.

  15. Who said anything about throwing a tantrum? I think her reasoning is kinda lame. Lemme explain if the gift was $64 more with free shipping she'd be okay with it but because that $64 goes to “shipping” it's not okay to get and she's okay with telling me no even tho she knows it's something I want. If your gunna make rules about gifts then why bother asking me in the first place? I think it's a stupid reason to tell someone no after you get them all excited for something.

  16. Get it in text that he knew he had it and he also pushed for no condom. This guy is a disgusting asshole and he took advantage of you. Get a lawyer and sue him. Put him in jail if you can. THIS MAN IS NOT SWEET for taking you to the doctors or giving you a plan b. He came in you without your consent and put it in raw knowing he has a serious STD. Go to the doctor. Lawyer up. Jail him. Therapy.

  17. Not true. Unfortunately it can be an issue with depression, and it doesn't matter how attracted you are to your partner . And some meditations for depression can make it worse.

  18. Let her dump you. You go to therapy asap — not for her — for yourself. She deserves better and you’re in no place to offer that to her. Cowardice with friends, manipulation with girls to get laid, and feeding your girlfriend lord and probably about a hell of a lot more than what you’ve told us. There’s no redeeming yourself in this relationship. There could be hope for you as a person in the future if you work on yourself. If you decide to get help, stay single until your therapist tells you otherwise.

  19. Cant take love without taking risks. If you feel like you both grew, start feeling the waters, dating exclusivly for a while and being intimite. If this goes well and communication is in place, try.

  20. There is no logic to “you can too” when there are things that need to be done

    That's not logic, it's denial

  21. Here’s a funny joke, move the wedding and tell everyone but him… or even better, move the wedding but only tell him it’s moved. Then that buys you guys time. Say you changed it to a destination wedding and put him on a plane

  22. I’m really glad you found it in you to forgive and move on and give her a chance. (I would have also absolutely respected if you heard her apology and refused and rejected her, that trauma cant be undone and you are also right to not accept her in your life.) I hope you find a relationship that fits, whether friends, acquaintances, something more, or something less.

  23. 1) You dont trust him 2) You feel the need to play detective to “prove” he is cheating

    If you find proof that he is cheating, you will most likely want to split up.

    If you can't prove he is cheating, you still distrust him, so you should split up

    Why work so hot to stay with someone who you don't trust?

  24. This is great advice. I did 1, 3-5 with my dog and managed to be consistent for about two/three months. No more jumping except for when it was my brother who visited and he did the whole “hey puppy you are awesome” and would lay down on the floor and lovingly wrestle… so I got it to… only him. I took that as a win.

  25. now his sisters boyfriends dad

    and I really feel like you are your sisters boyfriends dad from the same family? again low effort on this one.

  26. you're 35 and already have 3 kids Do you plan abandoning those you have on your wife and start anew with another woman? Because I don't see a person being good at parenting 4 or 5 kids in two different households. lmao

  27. She broke up just to cheat. Your response” this was her first time” like you expect more. Now her demeanor has changed.

    This relationship is on its last legs. She is checking out.

  28. I know this because she doesn’t know the third passenger at all and it’s be ridiculous to ask for $30 worth of gas for 60 miles lol

  29. This is like not understanding why someone that just ate dinner might still want dessert. Some people are just like that.

  30. When a person who is emotionally mature is doing something that is hurting someone they say they love, and the person they love has vocalized that it is hurting them, they take necessary steps to stop doing it.

    I don’t know what trauma your bf has experienced but his reactions are extreme, and he does need the help of a therapist to move through whatever is stunting his emotional growth. He can’t do it on his own, he’s nowhere near mentally healthy enough to. People who refuse to take ownership of how their behaviour affects others and stomp through life screaming about how they don’t need therapy or are too good for it are TOXIC AS FUCK. I won’t touch them with a 10 foot pole. At this moment your fiancé fits beautifully into that category.

    If he refuses to face his own EXTREMELY childish and unproductive behaviour, staying with him will only do further damage to both of you and your relationship. You can’t change him. I repeat. YOU CANT CHANGE HIM. He needs to a) grow up enough to admit he needs help and find it and b) IMMEDIATELY show you in some way that he recognizes how insanely inappropriate his behaviour is and that he is actively trying to change.

    If you don’t see any of the above happening and you still marry this person then I’m sorry but that means you’re ok with accepting that for the rest of your life. You’re 25……. I walked away from a similar but less extreme situation at 32 because it wasn’t changing. Why would you tie yourself to something that makes you miserable when you are SO young? Don’t book a venue or pick a date until the thought of marrying this person feels good to you. And it sure doesn’t sound like it feels good right now.

  31. I mean, OP also explicitly said “we were in an open relationship”. It seems pretty obvious that they were in an open relationship rather than just in an undefined relationship.

  32. From a guys perspective

    “Maybe he doesn’t wanna reconnect because he saw I removed him from everything & got the impression that I don’t want a reply anymore?” (sorry about the spaces i’m on mobile)

    If he was a respectful person, this is exactly what he could be thinking. Any respectful guy would want the best for ourselves but our partner/ex. Including their wishes so if he got the impression that your wish was to not reconnect due to you unfollowing him then he’s just simply respecting that

    If you want a closure to this chapter, you definitely should reach out

  33. Buy the man a case of beer (or maybe a gift card for buffalo wild wings, in case he sober/recovering) and own up to your mistake, then give him a compliment about the quality of his work. Follow it up by acknowledging you were late on a couple invoices, one of them months late, followed up with some light self-deprecation (“I am so scatter brained”, etc) and slip in that you really did not intend to put it off that long, you just forgot. Lastly ask if he is willing to start over on a new footing and propose a payment schedule that is unorthodox but would ensure he is paid in advanced on a time frame that works better for you.

    Most dudes are pretty chill, but it is his business, so I think he would likely be willing to forgive and forget if you get off on a new start, but I can see him actually letting the bridge burn if it happens again. Most people dont want to chase paychecks.


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