Amber Mint the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Amber Mint, 23 y.o.


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35 thoughts on “Amber Mint the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I don't know. Part of me wants to agree with you, but then as someone who did and said horrible things when I was in psychosis and don't feel it's fair for me to be held responsible for that – I don't agree at the same time. I mean, I've certainly taken my husband's feelings seriously, allowed him to process and apologized profusely, and I've taken every step possible to ensure my psychosis is well managed and doesn't resurface. But I also don't allow him to take out his anger about it on me. He's allowed to be mad, but he is not allowed to hold me responsible because it wasn't me. I have no memory of it, I wasn't remotely cognitively present, and I wasn't sane. Period. So I feel like logically, because of that, I should give him that same thing.

    I definitely agree, as does he, that he's still responsible for working as best he can at remedying these issues and problematic behaviors. I also agree that the strategies will be different, and I really appreciate your suggestions. An OT would be a huge help, I hadn't even considered that but you're so right. He started recording our conversations a while ago, but I honestly think it made things way worse. That was when he realized that he was, indeed, in the wrong. Then he started to feel crazy, and started to take it out on me so much worse than before. The agitation and aggression got so much worse. And he started to intentionally trigger me then start recording when I was breaking down/melting down and I am thinking those are what he'd listen to later to tell himself he was right. I started recording everything too, and then if I played anything back to him that was in refute to what he was saying he would explain it away, always by making it my fault somehow. He ended up coming up with this overarching narrative that I was “fucking with his brain to make him seem wrong and feel and look crazy”. It's been fucking miserable.

    But as soon as I realized what's been going on and talked to him, things changed immediately. It's been more peaceful between us than maybe… Ever? He's so calm. I'm relating a lot of what he's been experiencing to my psychosis. There was a big portion of time, before things got really bad, that I was aware, at least in part, that I was psychotic and what was happening wasn't real. Knowing helped so much. It allowed me to temper so much of my reactions and responses, stop self harm urges from becoming actions, and to seek help and support when I needed it. He has never had that, and I can't imagine how scary, lonely, and daunting that must have felt. He's been genuinely trying his best but nothing has been working because the strategies he's been using are futile for a cognitive disability. And the strategies and responses I have been employing have been just as futile, because I didn't know that's what we were dealing with either.

    At any rate, I'm hopeful. And he is hopeful. We have a direction now.

  2. says the guy that posts on hentaiandroleplay imagining himself fucking a gardevoir lmfaoooooooo.

    I'm the weird one right?

  3. The real kicker is the bf came home early. Mmhmm, they weren't expecting him home. My question if they would have been snuggling sans clothes if they knew he'd come in has been left unanswered. I guarantee guy friend wouldn't have pulled the towel trick.

  4. I've been to therapy about past relationships… I've been physically abused and severely manipulated. U know the term is used very lightly these days but I have real existing issues because of past experiences. I always try to remember that they are not the same people I've been with in the past but certain events to tend to bring up past feelings.

  5. Are you into it? I mean I understand you feel guilty but that's what the problem is. Guilt. The secondary issue is the fact that he wants to do it but that doesn't really seem to be a problem with you since you did it twice. You're into it and there's nothing wrong with that but don't go ahead and pretend like that's a problem for you because you were down. You just feel guilty. Lol I mean I had a face reading this. I wouldn't even mention it to your friends because I don't know if they would stay that way afterwards. I would definitely want to know how do you imitate me. I'm a human being so what are you saying? And you know fantasies can blur the lines into reality. He's going to start looking at your friends some kind of way in normal settings.

  6. Be sure to tell her he's married. He didn't give up on winning her over yet, he wanted to get rid of you first so you wouldn't spoil his plans. After all, he deserved you to spoil his plans.

  7. In my point of view you are a loving parent. Don't be so hot with yourself. You care and that's all that matter. Your baby have lot of luck having you.

    A special Christmas, huh?

  8. Relationships are difficult as hot as we try to avoid disappointment & hurt it may still occur. Good luck to you

  9. Well then break up with her? She did nothing wrong but if you aren't comfortable with recreational drug use, you shouldn't be in a relationship with someone who is.

  10. Do not apologize. She is not a feminist, and if she wants to claim it, then she’s an awful one that gives other feminists a bad reputation. It was your choice to have an arranged marriage, and you and your husband are happy and satisfied with your marriage, and that’s the main thing. Find better friends – you deserve better than her.

  11. I can understand where you're coming from, but to me, “safe” doesn't have a negative connotation…it simply means my partner can trust me with their heart, which I take pride in. It doesn't mean I'm boring (because I know I'm not) – it just means that I'm not turbulent, tumultuous, and unpredictable. I realize some people find those things “exciting,” but that's not my cup of tea. Just sharing my different perspective ?

  12. Bro she is manipulating your ass. Why are men so goddamn gullible. Why are her finances after you break up your issue. DO NOT SIGN ANY LEGAL DOCUMENT OR MAKE ANY BINDING STATEMENTS!

  13. They live together so she is pretty much always around. Whenever I call, she's in the background so there isn't much privacy in our conversations. I don't exactly like that, but I also don't really mind since I'm never saying anything I wouldn't want her to hear.

    I'm not sure if she's afraid of what he'll say in private but I doubt it.

  14. I have an analogy I generally use in these scenarios to tell women like your fiancée why their partners act like you do.

    In the English language, the word love can mean different things depending on how it's being used, but because the meanings are so similar, some people mistake one for the other.

    When I say I love my husband, I mean that I care about his physical and mental wellbeing, it brings be joy to see him happy, I have him on my mind often, and as such often can find little things to do for him or get for him or send him to make him smile because I get the idea while thinking of him. It means that I often compromise on things because my relationship with him is worth way more than trying to get my way on petty things. It means that I often put his needs before mine, and his wants before mine. And he treats me the same way.

    When I say I love cheesecake, I'm not lying, but it's not the same feeling or set of thoughts. I enjoy cheesecake and the physical sensations it gives me when I eat it. It makes me happy to have something to enjoy, and every positive thought I have about it has to do with what it does for me. But I don't have any concept of the cheesecake's wellbeing, or care about it in any way that doesn't relate to me being deprived of it. It's just a commodity to me.

    Some people don't know how to love people the way you're supposed to love people. But they really enjoy the perks that come with dating them- sex, split bills, maybe they cook, not having to worry about a date for events, etc. And because they're so limited, they think that this is what other people mean when they talk about love…but it's not. They don't know that when they say “I love you” it implies a much larger responsibility and emotional investment than they're capable of making. And it causes the healthy partner to tear their hair out because they can't understand how someone could actually love them, then be so completely unconcerned with doing anything for them that isn't self-serving.

    She loves you like people love each other. You love her like cheesecake. Or ice cream, or beer, or whatever it is you love. So nothing she needs, wants or feels is important to you until it threatens your ability to keep and enjoy her. That's why she needs to be ready to blow her top before you will do something that normal men would just do because it's natural in a partnership.

    The only advice I have is for her, which is to find someone who was taught to love properly as a child, and doesn't come from a 100% self-serving place when deciding what to do for her.

  15. The chats, fine, normal pictures fine, but anything nsfw should have been deleted as soon as the relationship ended, as they no longer have consent to have those pictures anymore.

    So next step would be to tell them to delete the pictures.

    If they do, then go on with your relationship, if they don’t then leave them (ensuring that they delete anything you have sent them), and if possible contact their ex to let them know that they still have the pictures.

  16. Cut your losses and dump his ass. If anything there is probably a reason why a 35 year old is living with his mother and brother and it's not because one of the relatives needs his care.

    Honestly he won't ever replace the thing that you lost because of him in fact he can use that to grow your dependence on him. OP he's not worth your time.

  17. i’m sorry you’re so hurt..what she did was wrong..but maybe she has been through this before…and in her mind it was a dealbreaker … your parents are the villains here …try to remember that..and if and when you begin a new relationship…you have to be upfront about how your family is…i know your hurting…but you need to know this..i truly hope you find happiness

  18. Good advice in this thread, here's is a different kind to you guys and your father – Stop flashing your damn money around. Your father may say he's honoring the new wives of the family but he's also showing off at some level, and now guess what, sticky noses are poking around. Get an attorney, get a plan in place, and stop making these outsiders feel like they now have access to your family money.

  19. Do what you need for yourself. If you need to see your mom at the risk of her completely rejecting you again, do. If you need to stay away, do. Your mother will not be more happy or less happy based on your decision. Her unhappiness is unrelenting because of herself.

  20. Yep. Press charges against your husband . Once that is in motion, contact a divorce lawyer. What he did is unforgivable.

  21. My first husband was very anti-tattoo but I had one I wanted and I was turning 29 and sick of living by his rules so I did it. He accepted the tattoo fairly quickly but the realization that I didn’t want to live under his rule stuck and I left less than a year later

  22. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    We have been married for two years. First of all, I know this may sound like a total crap but I am really not a jealous person…My husband has lovely friends with who he has coffees and sometimes go out. One time he went out and got back home with lipstick stain on his cheek and it was one of his friends and it was totally ok with me…This is just an example to how cool I am with certain situation and how I have trust in him and his female friends…Of course, he goes out with his female coworkers as well but this one hit different. He went out to have coffee with his coworker from another town (she dm him and said she is there to visit her friend and asked him if he is available to grab a coffee). He worked as a doctor and had a shift but had time and he went with her in front of the hospital….She is a very attractive girl and then the rumors started that he is cheating me with her…He didn't tell me about that coffee until I said I heard rumors and he said it is because the girl is 10/10 (he once rated me 7/10 and I hate rating ppl) and people are mean and they picked up wrong vibe…He said it didn't mean anything and that he didn't do anything wrong. I believe him but my gut says he is attracted to her and I am not ok with him having coffee with girl who he was in a gray zone with (he admitted to having crush on her before and he has complimented her to me )…Am I asking to much and being dramatic? I tried to talk to him but he gets really upset and doesn't understand where I am coming from. What would you suggest ?


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