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31 thoughts on “Lullu the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Fishing for compliments is the worst, because it leads to resentment from both parts, from the girlfriend that doesn't want to give them and from the husband that knows they are forced.

  2. I met my dad for the first time in my life when I turned 30 or early 30s. He felt guilt. I only felt joy and fear and curiosity. Don't make this meeting about your guilt. This is a joyous time. Make sure he feels the joy.

  3. Well the intention of those pictures were most likely not to get masturbated to. The fact that it is being used that way is very disturbing. I think sexualizing every person you know is a problem since he clearly doesn’t have boundaries for these girls. Personally if I found out my best friend masturbated to an innocent picture I posted I would definitely not talk to him.

  4. I’d say your done, don’t let her talk you into something that will later make you sick about it. She’s made her choice. Time to end it.

  5. this. Hope the poor girl escapes all this toxic before it's too late. Imagine dictating what your partner wears and the pictures she posts but you're completely fine violating her boundaries by watching porn. Ridiculous.

  6. Honestly if he won't even speak to you on the phone it's unlikely he will ever feel comfortable enough to meet you. If he is comfortable enough to call his friends he should call you. The fact he did it at the start but won't now, 'not being comfortable speaking English ' doesn't really make sense.

    Its taking its toll on you, so you really need to look deep and decide if you can mentally handle this if it doesn't change anytime soon.

  7. I'm not sure a couples counselor is the type of counseling that she needs. She needs a counselor who is solely interested in helping her heal the sexual trauma that she has experienced. A couples counselor is more focused on your relationship issues. This issue, while it affects your relationship, doesn't necessarily equate to a relationship issue. This is a very personal issue that she needs to work through on her own, at her own pace. You can voice your concerns and having doing so in a couple's therapy session may give you an unbiased third party to help you voice your opinions.

  8. So I agree with the numerous responses that say the husband probably doesn’t think your daughter is his, so I’m in agreement with the DNA test.

    I also wanted to say – my mother was pretty damn abusive to me. My dad tried to stop it in fairly weak ways, similar to how you are. He never directly stopped my mother nor put her in her place, similar to what you are doing. The amount of anger and resentment I have towards my dad is really high, and after years of therapy, if he was alive, I wouldn’t have a relationship with him. I’m just warning you that your setting it up for your daughter to have the same level of anger, resentment, and possible estrangement due to you letting your husband abuse her.

  9. You're not her kid, or her pet, or her property. She can NOT forbid you from going out.

    I understand that she may be a very insecure and jealous person though. But this is not your issue if you're generally a trustworthy partner to begin with. She needs to take care of her issues before dating anyone, tbh, or she'll be plagued with jealousy and insecurity and causes misery to every people she dates… Or it can be that she's the one cheating on you so she's projecting to you, as if you're untrustworthy since she is not loyal…

    By the way, OP, you're so young…you're also not obligated to stay put and endure her insecurity.

  10. Hello /u/ThrowRA1492bc,

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  11. OP, my insanely abusive ex from my first relationship started off like this.

    This is not okay, and it will probably escalate.

    He is telling you in clear terms that he is paranoid, emotionally manipulative, and brazenly dishonest. When he says he’s ‘falling in love with you’ apparently this level of his control is how he treats people he loves.

    These are the exact traits that lead to abusive partners

  12. Even if he was telling the truth, that it was from a woman months ago and he kept it in case she asked for it back…why hasn’t he just texted her to see if she wants it back? Why have it somewhere in his room where he would see it every day? Not worth it. Move on. I know dating can be intimidating when you haven’t been out there in a while but trust me, there are plenty of guys out there who don’t have random bras hanging in their rooms.

  13. *than. Why would you compare how you love your kids and wives ? There are 2 different kind of loves. I think questioning your divorce should be done exclusively on the quality of your relationship with your wife. Whether you are able to face your issues and fix those together, whether you have both the mental flexibility to change, whether you want deep inside of you to spend your life with her.

  14. Looks like you know nothing about guns.

    But if it's deal breaker for you do what you need to do.

    Talk to him, try explain your point of view. Maybe he can calm you down or you can convince him.

  15. “If I really wanted to I could have just took it but I didn’t”

    The fact that he spoke this statement tells you all you need to know. This is a sign of how things may be when he doesn't get his way. Dump him and move on to someone who is a better fit before you get more attached. It'll only become more difficult to leave the longer you stay.

  16. You're trolling lmao Yes to all of that, except that my comment 2 up gives an example of exactly why you can't connect those dots confidently and in good faith.

  17. Stand your ground, OP. Your bio father dropped out of your life, and your step-dad earned the right. Tell your step-dad first that he's walking you down the aisle. Yes, your grandmother will be unhappy with your decision, and so will bio dad, but this is the natural consequence to bio dad's actions when he left you and your mom.

  18. first of all BMI is bullshit so it's not possible to tell if either of you are healthy also weight has nothing to do with health. Lots of overweight people eat healthy an work out while lots of skinny or low bmi people eat like crap .

  19. Not wanting your partner to use drugs is a reasonable expectation. If you can't meet that expectation, you are fundamentally incompatible. It's better to break up and find someone that is more in line with your beliefs and values.

  20. He wasn’t on drug’s when I met him. He started working a trucking job and met ppl during his work day. He moved to my city and didn’t know anyone. He started this about 15 months ago. I only have his plugs information bc I added him on fb

  21. He wasn’t on drug’s when I met him. He started working a trucking job and met ppl during his work day. He moved to my city and didn’t know anyone. He started this about 15 months ago. I only have his plugs information bc I added him on fb

  22. She says I’m responsible for giving her a lifelong injury and that it’s destroyed her and that it’s all my fault that I didn’t tell her she could get hurt

    How did you give her this injury? You didn't push her. You are both grown-ups, and when skating, you fall.

    I care about her a lot, but she says mean and hurtful things to me from time to time and says she does it because she wants me to feel the pain that she has.

    This is just all around horrible, childish, and petty. Why would you want to be friends with someone like this? Drop them .

  23. it's a childhood trauma response. my abuser would only curse when i was being berated and it reminds me of him. i've learned to handle my responses over the years, but that doesn't make the situation less triggering.

  24. Dude. You shouldn’t be going through her phone. What a breech of privacy,

    You have two options here 1.) confront, argue, maybe find out something? Possibly lose the relationship.

    2.) shut up, and worry about this forever even though it’s probably nothing.

    Why are you in a relationship with someone you don’t trust? Has she done anything in the past? We need more details on your relationship than just a paragraph.

  25. THIS Having a child is so much more commitment than marriage. People have to understand this… And that having a baby will not fix things between two peoples… Think twice before having a kid with him.

  26. I currently do the 60/40 method with my boyfriend as he makes more than I do and it gives equality. However, we both work full-time and just as very hot as one another, our pays are simply different. Your boyfriend on the other hand seems lazy, unmotivated, and is riding off of you and your “free money”. You should not pay more simply on the fact that you have money and I don’t.

    “He would help me run my business if his failed” still riding off of you with no ambitions.

    I could see how the resentment can form, and it’ll only continue the longer you allow this behavior. It’ll eventually turn into hate and disgust. I say talk to him, he is a grown man that should be able to hold a job, even if it’s simply to pay bills and survive. You asking him to get a job or pay more is just as fair as him asking you to pay for majority of bills. If he does not understand your concern, I’m sorry but you’ll have to let this one go. You have big dreams ahead of you. You can’t let deadweight drag you down.


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