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Im Emma hi everyone , ? pvt open/lush work, 18 y.o.


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17 thoughts on “Im Emma hi everyone , ? pvt open/lush work the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I just find divorce on the table for this very extreme thats all. I understand you are concerned for your child and trust me as a women I get that. I'm literally like that with my dog I can't imagine a child but again I just think mentioning leaving over this is very very extreme to me? is there something else behind these feelings?

    I just don't understand marriage these days. Marriage is such a joke in this society it's insane. what happened for better or for worse? should you stay and be miserable and compromise? no. not at all. but it's like one little issue people have and they are ready to run for the hills. I am all about supporting you and saying protect your kids at all cost. But that's your husband and the father of your children! has he done anything to indicate he would harm you or your children? is he maybe being insensitive? yea most likely he's a man. most can be. but sometimes we get so fixated on one issue we throw out all the good. what does your husband do that you absolutely love? is he a good father? is he a good husband? can this actually be resolved? yes most likely. but your immediate response to divorce just doesn't sit well with me.

    after I wrote all of that I just saw your edit. My feelings still stand I don't think anything changes other than him possibly lacking the attachment as much as he would with his own child. Therefore it leaves you most likely more protective out of feelings of protecting your sons feelings. Bottom line is respect needs to be given. Your husband is not a father yet to his own child im assuming? this could absolutely be the reason why, and i'm sorry but he might actually see your point and feelings towards this matter when his own blood son is born. That sounds very shity but sometimes that might be the case. I do think the laughing could be out of a less of an emotional attachment. You should help them bond more if possible

  2. Is she not keeping me in limbo by not saying “its over. move on”? I would prefer that at this point and I've mentioned this to her and she said she “just doesn't know.”

  3. She's acting like a toxic child to be honest.

    I would tell her to grow up and deal with your choice of career or find someone else.

    There is no worthwhile reason to put up with it.

  4. Heart breaking situation. Apologize to him and explain that you think something wasn't right whether it be the drinks spiked or mentally something happened. I can tell you are truly freaked out by these events and this isnt normal for you. He might feel like he needs to leave you.. or needs time to process. Hear him out. Prove to him how sorry you are by not drinking. Maybe talk to a therapist just in case this was an episode of some sort. The best apologies include a lot of change, not just words. I hope you two can work through this. A friend of mine was diagnosed bpd and put on a ton of meds. She was literally the sweetest person her whole life until that. There were times she'd get so angry she threw shit at him. She thought something was wrong with her, she was terrified of being like her mom. In the ends it was improper diagnosis and the meds they put her on. A lot could be at play here but at the end of the day please respect his wishes.

  5. Well that's probably it yeah… Sounds like this guy managed to sabotage your relationship. Could he by any chance had sent him photos or something like that? You should probably cut this guy out of your life if he's pulling things like that.

    Anyway, your bf (or ex-bf) is pretty much an idiot for ghosting you this way and not even asking you for clarification. If one were to really trust their partner, some stranger claiming they cheated on you wouldn't make you react this way.

    Hope you get some answers eventually but remember, you are worth more than these 2 idiots.

  6. do we look like a bunch of private detectives? how the fuck do you think a bunch of remote internet doofs can help you here?

  7. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Me (19F) and my Boyfriend (24M) have been together for two years now, and he has been largely supportive of me during this time. When we started dating we were both poor students, but my boyfriend started full time work last year and now acts like he is rich.

    I have fairly small breasts, something I used to be very insecure about, but my boyfriend said he enjoyed them. However since starting work, his position has changed, suggesting multiple times that I should get them enlarged, with him paying for it. Whilst I get his reasons, I dislike the idea of cosmetic surgery so have always said no.

    However, on Christmas Day he gifted me a prepaid surgery. He says he can’t get it refunded and it would be selfish of me to ‘waste’ his money.

    I’ve been away from him since Christmas, visiting my family, but I am returning on the weekend. I am worried he will force me to have the surgery, or threaten me about it. What should I do?

    TLDR: My boyfriend bought breast enlargement surgery for me despite me constantly saying no.

  8. Cooking should be something both of you should do. Assuming you like cooking for both but you rather let your partner starve because of argument is bad.

    I would break up with you there and then. I just can’t trust a women that would let me starve because she is upset. Food is a primary need, unlike your ego.

    Cook and eat alone, if you don’t feel like sitting together. Also communicate, 27 isn’t young.

  9. you are potentially asking a disabled person to do a whole lot more than they can handle well.

    Imagine that you be a slam dank average kid and all of a sudden at 18 you are forced to go to MIT and get the hardest math professors there

  10. Please respect yourself more than she respects you. If you take her back, she will own you and think she can get away with anything. And she'll be right.

  11. honestly, try to meet people IRL, bars, parks, coffee shops, dont be scared to walk up to people. the worst someone can say is no. not that ive tried that, my technique for dating was always staring at a guy until he spoke to me. so i don't know, go to random places and stare at people til they notice you. i think the staring thing only works for girls so since you're a guy i would say just talk to them, regardless, the worst someone can do is say no or call you a weirdo. im 24 and have the same fear, my ex bf recently died so obviously im not jumping up and down to date again but im worried im already too old or that when im ready to date again i wont find anyone. the staring method was always very effective for me, hopefully neither of us die alone

  12. i understand what you’re saying but ultimately disagree. if he does not want to wear a condom and he isn’t pressuring her not to, i don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. i do agree that they sound sexually incompatible

  13. The fact that he didn’t close the door first thing is wild. But then after, when he left, kept it open.. what the actual fuck!? Boyfriend or not that’s just the decent thing to do for another human. Then continue to laugh at you with all his friends, while you’re still sitting there, door open.. why would he be ok w his buddies still being able to look at you while on the toilet?

    Also, fuck that chick. I wouldn’t blame OP for wanting to leave so she wouldn’t have to deal with her, but then on top of it, the rest of the friends, and the worst of it her boyfriend.

    Like I’ll be the first to laugh at farts(bc comedic gold), and poop jokes because everyone does it, and they’re funny, and there’s no telling me any different. Except this isn’t that. This is seeing someone in a literal vulnerable position, and laughing at their embarrassment, and further humiliating and ridiculing them. And not one of them thought to close the door.

    He’s going to say it’s fine and it was all jokes, but the second he saw you were upset and in an embarrassing situation should have been when the jokes stopped.

    As OP’s significant other he should be her biggest defender and supporter- her best friend. And even if he can’t understand why she’s so upset(dk how), or thinks she overreacted shouldn’t matter, it should be enough that she was and continues to be, bc her feelings should matter to him.

    Sounds like he’s 19 at college and not almost 30, and cared more laughing with his buddies AT OP when she was clearly uncomfortable and upset. It’s telling that even after she left he’s still being an ass. Hope it was worth it to feel cool with his buddies for a few minutes, who are guna be gone after the trip to wherever they live!, and hopefully she’ll have left his ass.

  14. If you're a regular there, just start to talk to her. Say hi, ask her about her job, how long she's been there, ask about her. It doesn't have to be an interrogation, just a conversation, so use her verbal/physical cues, what she's comfortable sharing.


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