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36 thoughts on “Lady Justine (and Mister Aedan not so far) *** the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Was about to type up a similar reply. A friend’s ex husband (alcoholic in denial) would do this. He’d piss in closets, on carpets, into laundry, it was like he was an untrained dog.

  2. Dont worry. You can snap out of it. Any time you think of this girl just let it trigger your mind to improving yourself. Soon you will have forgotten about her and you will be a better version of yourself.

  3. I'm sorry but she's being absolutely unfair and obtuse here. I understand she is traumatized but the fact that she says 'you only want sex' when you have waited 3 YEARS makes me think she is not really willing to overcome her trauma, also 'shouldn't be the issue stopping us', like she is really not interested in sex at all and it's not important to her. I think she is lying saying she wants to… actions speak louder than words. You've been patient enough. I'd really put a deadline like, get therapy or it's done. I know you love her, but if you keep the relationship and she doesn't change or get married and nothing changes, you'll be miserable for the rest of your life. You've been there for years and this may sound cruel but it's not your responsability to deal with her psychological problems and sacrificing your life for her is not a good idea.

  4. This is the type of thing that’d get used voted on reddit but if you said it irl everyone would be instantly weirded out. That just sounds like sexual harrasment

  5. Don't let someone who you aren't married to make life altering choices for you bud. Ive been dating my gf and loving together for a few years now. I'd say we are very serious and intend to get married. I'd hope we never make a choice like that until later on because our attitudes have changed greatly since we first started dating about kids and family stuff. About more than that too. Don't let her bully you into changing ur balls bro. They be the only balls u got

  6. For me he seems selfish, maybe even a narcist. He just care if it benefits him. I guess you do all the house work snd cook for him right now for him?

    When you talked about break up, everything was about him again. Oh, how could you do this to him, why can't all people be like him?

    He doesn't care what is up in your life, what you do. He just will show interest if he gets something out of it.

    You said he showered you with gifts and cute gestures. Maybe you should read about love bombing. This is calculated to make you fall for him and then he show his true face. When he think you will leave, he will love bomb you again. That's the method of abuser. And i wouldn't be surprised that he saw you as an easy victim “Au-pair, new in the country, without roots and just learning this language, then you lost your job” Do you know that you are the dream of every abuser? They want someone who has no contact, who they have just for them.

    If you get the job, leave him. Get a room somewhere else.

    Even if you don't get the job,find a way to leave.

  7. I would assume it’s porn or something similar, I used to have an app like that where I would store spicy pictures of myself. There is a possibility that it’s photos of exes, though.

    If you’re in a healthy relationship with good communication, it should be just fine to ask about. If it’s going to be something you keep thinking about, I think you should ask. I’d ask at a time that seems more natural, like if you see it again on his phone.

  8. I think you should show your sadness in therapy. Most people are willing to be empathetic when someone else is sad.

    Where do you think these feelings come from? Sadness is a human emotion that is natural to feel. But you’re not alone, many people feel uncomfortable with their own vulnerability – and often feel the need to perform happiness for others.

  9. sounds a lot like self centeredness disguised as truly wanting to do what he wants and what is best for him right now.

    this paragraph was dripping with just “I”.

    like, JFC he broke up with you for his reasons because maybe right now for his mental health he needs to focus on him without you wanting to play the main character in everything.

    If you truly love him then respect his choices and what he needs, and you also need to get in therapy and grow up, this isn't some romcom.

  10. Hello /u/Noflaws999v,

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  11. You did the right thing. Neither of you is ready for a serious relationship, let alone a marriage. Good for you for recognizing this relationship is toxic!

  12. Thank you. We are close, and he knows where I on-line as it is with family. He isn’t abusive or crazy and I know he wouldn’t show up on my doorstep, just trying to avoid breaking his heart again.

  13. I don’t think cheating is ever without intent and the action of cheating, whether OP likes it or not is disrespectful and malicious (for multiple reasons), even if OP doesn’t find out, so the intent is indeed malicious. You intend to disrespect your partner (and this is true whether they find out or not) and this is malicious. You intent to expose them to STIs and this is malicious. If you don’t intend to hurt your partner, you don’t cheat.

  14. You don’t have to get rid of your feelings overnight. That’s what grieving a relationship is for. You do have to get rid of the guy who cheated on you though, and that should be soon. You say yourself you don’t trust him, this relationship is doomed no matter what.

  15. I usually do! Trust me – this is the first and last time I'll make this mistake. I'm scared straight into a pack of condoms!

  16. No contact is usually for someone you need to make a clean break with because they have rejected you and you are still pining away after them. Or it is an abusive relationship, etc.

    In this case, it sounds like both of you would like it to work out eventually. If he admits the problem, wants to fix it and is actively seeking therapy, then your chances for a reconciliation are good. So I would def not go no contact.

    BTW: if you really do want to stay together, you might reconsider the couples counseling he offered.

    Also, not sure how severe the situation was, but most guys do not process their emotions externally like many women. Guys usually don't talk about their emotions, because they are not feeling them like women do (gross generalization but nevertheless…). So I guess I am saying give him a break and give him (and you) another chance – if you do really like him and want to stay with him.

  17. Jesus.

    You’re living with an immature jerk.

    It sounds like even before the game, you may have been feeling under-appreciated. And his “leave then” comment has me wondering if he’s not happy in the relationship as a whole.

    Moving in together and getting used to someone being in your space 24/7 is a huge thing.

    His immaturity is going to really out a strain on things. He’s not talking to you because of a game? Just. No.

  18. Would tell me to cover myself head to toe, didn’t want me having male friends, would get mad if exes texted me for innocent reasons, said I couldn’t wear blush cuz it mimicked O face, accused his best friend of trying to sleep with me for zero reason, stole my phone without permission, stalked me and my neighbors on social media/Google, would keep me up till midnight making me cry yelling at me about my past.

    If that isn't enough for you to close that chapter of your life with cement, I don't know what would be. You barely knew this guy. Why would you risk anything for him?

  19. Your girlfriend is right – you and your wife aren't truly separated yet. Your households are all mixed up. You don't sound fully ready to date, let alone buy assets or commingle finances with a new partner. You need to slow the new relationship down and focus on untangling from your wife.

  20. I agree completely. She is very obviously mortified but it would be harder to get over if the OP wasn't so mature in his reaction. He deserves the win and she deserves to feel comfortable ?

  21. Your selfish wants of a relationship are why you considered asking her out despite her clear rejection. Move on. For your sake and hers

  22. Or she did get raped… he was sober enough to remember everything. OP wasn't. A real man would not have done it period. And being angry also means he was being defensive just like when a cheater gets angry when being confronted.

  23. I can guarantee they will be up on a porn site within a week.

    You were raped. A sexual act was performed on you without your consent. You are in danger.

  24. It becomes a problem the second you hide it or lie about it. You shouldn't be lying to your partner, especially not when it comes to “friends” that you are in frequent contact with.

    You're trying to make your wife sound controlling, but you've been friends with this person for 3 years. So clearly your wife isn't that bad.

    You'd have less problems with your wife if you put the same effort into your marriage as you do into this friend. Furthermore, stop lying? Your wife won't trust you if you keep lying.

  25. I’ve been cursed at, yelled at, lied to, and gaslit.

    Carry, in addition to his unstable behaviors and anger issues, did your exBF show signs of having a strong abandonment fear? For example, a few months into your relationship, did he start showing strong jealousy over harmless events involving other men — or try to isolate you away from your close friends and family members? He would view your spending time with friends/family as your choosing them over him. Moreover, he usually would hate being alone by himself.

  26. No one seems to be catching that little tidbit. Seems OP is a little more shady than he wants us to believe


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