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33 thoughts on “Ela the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Leave! He’s not going to stop? He’s been lying and he will keep lying. If you don’t mind being with a liar the stay and remove this boundary because he won’t change.

  2. You set a boundry to protect your relationship that she isn't willing to go along with. You cant control her but you did the right thing by leaving.

  3. It sounds like you find yourself in a difficult situation, one that does not allow for easy resolution. It is important to be honest with your partner about your feelings and emotions, but at the same time recognizing the potential hurt this could cause them. The best way to handle this is to talk with your boyfriend calmly and openly. Let him know that while you care deeply for him and appreciate his declaration of love, you are not yet ready to make the same commitment. If possible, explain to him why you felt pressured to say it back and let him know that you don’t want him to feel rejected or hurt. He will likely understand your hesitation and you can work together to move forward in the relationship without having to put too much pressure on

  4. Time. Lots of time, and lots of you tolerating not being trusted. Never doing anything shady, never bringing up triggers. Never trying to go back on boundaries or open-device policies that you might establish.

    And even then? It might not happen.

    What DOESN'T work is trying to love bomb him, or trying to “punish” yourself.

    Nothing you can do can ever make it better. That's not me being pessimistic, that's just literally true. Only time, and you SHOWING your trustworthiness have a hope of healing things.

    You also need to fix whatever issues caused the breakdown in trust in the first place. If you have communication problems, fix them. If you emotionally cheated, block the person and never, ever communicate with them ever again (no exceptions).

    Sometimes couples heal from this. But the usual pattern is the betrayed partner being slow to regain trust, and the cheating/betraying partner getting frustrated that everything isn't fixed yet. If you want to have a hope of fixing things, you have to basically just suck it up.

  5. This. He can’t expect you two to be attached at the hip at all times since you are two separate people. Considering you’ve been together for almost 6 years and you’ve visited your family for the holidays consistently in that time (minus 2020 thanks to covid) he should be well equipped enough to spend an evening or an afternoon in your family home without you there.

  6. Thank you for sharing that! Your story sounds very bittersweet yet lovely, which I do not think I’m 100% ready for yet in my life. I’m very sorry that your son’s father passed away early, but it sounds like you did everything you could to fill that gap.

    I’m pretty sure that I could and would step up in the ways that you mentioned that you did, but I don’t think I’m quite finished cooking myself yet

  7. 100%

    I started doing this when I first met my husband. “Your family can't be THAT bad. You're just uncomfortable in social settings. Family is important.” So we started going to family functions. Took less than a handful of times for me to realize they weren't “normal” and he wasn't being dramatic.

    They blame me for taking him away from them when the reality is I was the one that forced him to try again and they pushed us away with their actions.

    6 years later, he doesn't miss them at all. I grieve the family I lost because I wanted to gain a family through marriage. But life doesn't always go the way we want.

    IF grandma is allowed a relationship with the children and OPs gf, it needs to be outside of anywhere OP will be. He gets first dibs for events like the one mentioned at school.

  8. You both were talking about school, nothing flirty about that.

    Also, if you really want to move on from your ex stools texting him and stop receiving his texts.

  9. Ultimatums are incredibly unhealthy. You have to put your foot down at some point. Because if you don’t where is it going to end. Stay strong and don’t lose your pup. There has to be compromise and communication in relationships not ultimatums and timelines. I agree with the one commenter on here I do think doggy daycare is a good idea. It will help exercise your pup and keep him safe from your fiancé. And since he is out of the house she can’t make up excuses about him being a pain anymore.

  10. Hello /u/mochafrappe_,

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  11. Update:I’m basically stupid and delusional for everything I’ve said to him in context with what he has done. I’ve been put into the “I’m to blame” category totally and I’m like a crazy fuckin bitch now because of all of this. My self esteem is totally destroyed. I feel ugly now just looking in the mirror. I feel like I was happy and full of light and he literally snuffed out my flame

  12. If your GF said ever she wishes you were dead, because you wanted to talk with her while on vacation I’m not sure how you come back from that to I love you. Sounds like a toxic relationship at best, or truthfully a dead relationship right now. If it’s serious yall can try couples therapy. She needs to learn why those words are harmful and never get said again, and you need to learn some trust and to stop being so high maintenance and needy. You both have work to do, but couples counseling is the only path I see to this relationship having potential. Good luck!

  13. Or you can say he was just inexperienced and misread the situation. In my book it’s okay to be stupid when you don’t know this stuff.

    Trauma from ghosting may be overselling it a bit.

    You weren’t physically/emotionally/mentally abused, if a person dipped.

    You can still be hurt or find it damaging.

    But why do you need to dig so deep into something that hurt dude’s feelings 8 entire years ago.

    That’s like back when people were cave painting in active dating years.

    What does any of that have to do with you, are you worried he lights a candle, opens a bedroom window, and starts belting Nessus Dorma in her honor.

    It’s been 8 years, he’s moved on. You understand he was hurt by that and you awknowledge it. You know what you need to know. Anything further is needing to wallow in each other’s hurt.

    If you had to ask all these questions…. He had to really dig it up because he probably wasn’t even thinking about it till you asked.

  14. Had to scroll waaaay too far to see someone mention this. It sounds like op is constantly walking on eggshells to avoid setting off her dad (“I accepted his offer so as not to annoy him, “I didn’t respond because I thought it would annoy him,” “normally our arguments end in a massive clash”). Plus cutting off your kids’ electricity is a particularly fucked up choice of punishment for overhearing her ask her mom if he felt guilty.

  15. Yes I think she has been too, she definitely did to Toms ex girlfriend but then would talk about her to me too. I don’t think it’s necessarily Emily’s fault, but I do think she is enabling the hatred by trying to paint me in a bad light. Before that there was no reason for them not to like me.

    There isn’t known beef, just Abby being catty and having this whole idea about me that isn’t true. My friend told me last night because she knew that it didn’t sound right. So this is all knew to me and it really upset me, I’ve told Tom about it and he’s annoyed but he says Abby has always been a problem like this

  16. Do u think your daughter was mistreated while she was with him?

    He could have been watching while she was napping.

    Some people can orgasm after like 3 minutes, even if she wasn't napping, that's not unreasonable

  17. Has he ever don’t stuff like taken girlfriends/ talked bad about you possible romantic interests or are you just using his past issues to convince yourself he’s a bad person

  18. I know this is supposed to be a break. But it’s a break on MY end, so why is he the one acting unavailable instead?

    ^Please explain?

  19. If it is within the same agency, they can require that. Also, probably, like most things may depend on country/insurance. You can make an appointment directly through a psychiatrist who works independently or in a group that doesn't require it. Psychiatrists can also make diagnoses without psychological testing from a psychologist.


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