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24 thoughts on “Y the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Brother it shows she definitely doesn't know what she wants except a chance at being with this guy. I say let her go and don't look back. A person who loves you wouldn't say that you are her second choice. Simplified know your worth and she ain't worth your time. In the long run, you'll always be looking over your shoulder about how she wants a chance with him and it'll never go away since she's already admitted to it. It's only going to hurt you. In the chance she comes back, you don't need this type of person in your life where you self doubt yourself. Break it off with her before she hurts you.

  2. If this is helpful for you at all, I saw you mentioned you are a survivor of abuse from something previous. I too am a survivor of domestic violence. I was first in a physically abusive relationship, and when I got out of it I then fell into a very emotionally abusive relationship. It took me a very long time to realize that just because this man wasn't hitting me, doesn't mean he wasn't being abusive. For me, years after leaving both relationships, I will tell you that the emotional abuse stuck with me and damaged me far worse than any other abuse I experienced. You may feel it isn't that big of an issue right now, but I really truly do not want you to end up developing PTSD or struggling with your image and your worth all due to a man who doesn't respect you.

    I used to have the habit of wanting to fix these men, too. As my therapist used to always tell me – “it is not your job to keep taking in stray puppies.” Best of luck to you, OP. YOU are your biggest advocate. You know your worth, and you do not need this type of man on your life. Ever. ❤️

  3. What purple stone? Amethyst, if it's a beautiful stone. No worries. Purple is a Chakra colors of the heart. Good luck. Red, purple, pink, burgundy…I would keep the stone / ring for sure. You can always get another one like you said. That will go with everything and makes you feel wow.

  4. Thank you!

    I was a single mom of 2 for 18 years and worked my ass off to get my kids presents.

    I had family members/friends that bought my kids things I could never afford and I was thankful!

    Didn't know this “upstaging” thing was a thing. Sounds kind of immature to me.

    And you're right, it's all about the kids having a great Christmas, not a dick measuring contest.

  5. Hello /u/mosase1,

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  6. You are misunderstanding what I'm saying. Her parents are still caring for her, it's their money so their rules. You don't have to agree with their rules, your gf doesn't have to agree, it's irrelevant if anyone agrees or think they're being reasonable, they get to set those rules because they are ones footing the bill. If you and your gf don't like it, pay your own way, but two under 20s are really unlikely to be able to afford all the daily life expenses and pay for a phd too?

    What I meant by sacrificing her education is if she chooses to not follow her parents rules, they might decide to stop providing for her and she will forfeit her ability to study further, which is not the right path to walk in my opinion.

  7. Do you know who posts couple pictures all the time? Couples who reach the end of their relationship, but don't want to confess that they are. Happy couples are too busy having fun with each other.

  8. Hello /u/OrangeDonkeys78,

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  9. Asexual is a sexual orientation so you guys don't match.

    It's like the same as if she was a lesbian, you don't have the plumbing she want so sex is not on the map.

    If you are remotely wired as the typical straight male, the lack of sex creates distance and resentment and it's not good news in the long-run. Oppositely even if you manage your communication she'll know you feel the lack of intimacy and can't be entirely happy creating a sentiment of guilt for her for something she simply can't offer you.

  10. Or he is simply poly. No need to be so negative towards him. He has always been open about his needs and preferences

  11. I don't need his permission. If this were my own country I would feel comfortable doing things I wanted but in a foreign country, it's very hot to do these things alone and for the most part I depend on the family hosting me to provide for me. Things that are simple at home are hard in a new country. For example, while the Dutch use english fluently most things at the grocery store would still be in dutch. Or if I ran into a problem, I can't just make a phone call because my phone wouldn't work here.

    The age gap question is fair. I had a slower start to adulthood so I feel that we're at a similar stage in life and that we're not too different, but I definitely think he has little to no life experience training. His mom seems to do everything for him and he has no motivation or skills to step up. I've mentioned this before but I'm not sure if I'm getting through to him. How do people convince their SOs to learn independent living skills like cooking or shopping?

  12. Not to be too harsh, but you’re really considering staying with a woman who told you she’s in love with another man? She suggested you all stay together but she’s permitted to explore this new relationship and “see wh were things go?” So, what happens when they go well? You’re out a wife, that’s what. You’re her back up plan and safety net in case things don’t pan out with her affair partner. Are you really comfortable with that? Probably not. Divorce her and let her date her boss. Then she can really see how things go like she so desperately wants.

    Oh also, mental health is not an excuse to treat the people who love you like shit. She cheated. Hold her accountable.

  13. You think OP won’t be helping her daughter that’s about to have a baby in highschool? Shielding her from the reality of her situation isn’t helping, it’s enabling. She was a big girl when she decided to have sex so she can be a big girl and tell her father.

  14. Your answers are as weird as your post. Are you sure you guys are 22 and known each others for this long? This sounds like something you'd have much better understanding of then random people on the internet, especially with so little given information

  15. Indeed. People here feel bad for the guy, but he is a spineless twat for dumping his friend of 17 years for a girlfriend he is together with for one month.

    I have been in that friend's situation. And then I'm talking about 100% platonic friendship with zero romantic or sexual attraction either way. Friendships with women that ended whenever they met a jealous boyfriend who sexualised an innocent, platonic friendship. It's heartbreaking.

  16. Did she break in or just invade while you were gone? If she isn't living with you it's a huge violation of privacy, so, you should definitely have a boundary setting discussion with her. Maybe change your locks and possibly break up.

    Fucking scary tbh

  17. Yes definitely. Idk why people think there is no problem in it just because you are only fucking. It’s creepy and disgusting either way

  18. I mean it was like “just so you know us Florida people hate Philly people. You guys think the world revolves around you. We don’t care.”

    That’s not joking. If so, that’s extremely mean spirited. He then started writing the next day “hey my phone died! How are you?” “Hello??” “Why aren’t you responding?!” Etc.

  19. Too bad the guy is a POS who was willing (or did, we don't know) to cheat with a woman whom he has a crush on. You better believe that if the BF was single, the woman wouldn't give him the time of day. It's because he's taken that she's running after him.

  20. We’ve been together almost 2 years. And I’ll give her credit. She went to therapy and was diagnosed with depression and she’s taking medication now that has really seemed to help her. I hope I’m not wrong for feeling like it’s not enough though.


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