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Abie, 25 y.o.


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38 thoughts on “Abie the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. What are you doing about the things you want?

    I’ve been in a relationship where the other person put it all on me. If they wanted to hold my hand, all they had to do was either ask or hold my hand. If they wanted me to walk next to them in a store and bring it up to me. If they wanted some thing they would put it on me, but wouldn’t make significantly strong attempt themselves.

  2. Ok then. Here's my advice:

    You've been with GF since you were 17. You said you've noticed your feelings for GF have gone down over the past year. That is normal-ups and downs in a long term relationship. But it's also normal to grow up and grow apart especially when you're in a relationship with someone during the teen—>adult phase of your life.

    My advice is to be brave and be direct with your GF. Sit her down and tell her you know it is devastating and hard and you care for her deeply bla bla bla but that you feel like you've grown apart and you value your years of being together but now it is time to end things. Don't string her along or give her false hope. Don't indulge in “you know everything about me so I'm going to keep telling you everything” If you want to stay friends, I strongly advise a very firm no contact period.

    Honestly, it's not necessary to tell her about the other girl. But if you do, don't elaborate. Just leave it at “there's someone else”. But I really advise against this. It's really just not her business and will give her something to latch on to to be angry about. Sometimes it feels easier to be angry than sad.

    Good luck

  3. This is going to be your entire life. Finding out of its genuine friendship or a guy just trying to get with you. For the most part I would say most start out genuine and once they get to know you it becomes more. We all want to be with someone we consider a friend. Besides a lot of boys aren’t shown affection the way that girls are so give them a little bit and they don’t know how to handle it, “obviously shes in love with me”. Im not saying its going to be every guy you ever cross paths with, but there will be more.

  4. If she is not better then don’t get back together. You are not her professional therapist. You want a normal relationship and be with someone who can make you grow.

  5. So that means he cannot process his emotions in a healthy way. This is not good. It feels like he is saying eventually you will get the wrath of his anger. Even if not, someone who cannot process emotions will eventually blow up, sometimes at something minor.

    To me this would also mean that if something is bothering him about your relationship, he is not going to sit you down and talk about it to try and fix it. He will just let it build up until he loses it and takes it out on you. Without you ever having a chance to try and fix it or help.

    This is terrible and a huge red flag.

  6. What's the long-term plan here? His parents could live to be in their 90s, so how many more decades is that, & are you ready to continue spending this much time with them? What about tending to your kids?

  7. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you and her? Marrying her is the worst thing you can do and having a kid is the last thing you two should be doing. Your relationship is so fucked up.

  8. Always set up base expectations before doing anything with another human. Literally anything. They will always play by their own rules, unless you both hash out a relationship rule book. I had a relationship where he didn't know monogamous meant no sexual contact with anyone else. He thought it meant no emotional romantic attachment. This is the world we now walk around in. A world where unless you explicitly tell someone not to, they can claim ignorance. Don't hurt your own feelings expecting others to have the same definitions, rules, expectations etc as you have. Take this as a learning experience for the future, and try your best to put it out of your head. Because it wasn't a term of the separation, they had no idea that would hurt you.

  9. Do not join yourself legally with this person. If you want to keep dating and seeing if things get better than fine but….making a lifelong lasting commitment with vast financial implications….just no.

    I’ve been with my husband for 5 years and we had a bad fight at the start of dating where we broke up. I told him I hated him. I told my best friend and she called me on how awful that is to say and pushed me to apologize (even if we didn’t get back together). And that was ONCE. I couldn’t imagine saying things like that over and over to someone I truly love.

    Please check out r/BPDLovedOnes – you may recognize some of the stories.

  10. I'm sorry but the answer here is that you can't help him. You can't get a job and go perform it instead of him, you can't care about it instead of him. He's an adult man! You are lying to yourself if you think you can. Things will only change if he WANTS them to change and decides to act, and then acts.

    I hate to say this because it's obvious you are kind and are trying to help him, but you have become an enabler.

    You are doing the opposite of helping – you are making his current lifestyle possible by paying for him and catering to him. f he had no choice, he would get a job. As long as the choice is: OP will keep me clothed and fed, then he won't.

  11. This information made him feel incredibly guilty, he kept saying to me that he couldn’t blame her for what just isn’t in her, which had played a major role in him wanting a divorce.

    So he should continue a relationship with her where his needs are not being satisfied because it's not her fault?

  12. Are you okay with the fact that he cut off his wife when he was battling cancer? I know it's a complicated situation, but for me it would be really concerning that he just took off instead of communicating in an honest way with his wife. And now he's not communicating honestly with her, but is instead apparently leading her on, leading you on, and not actually facing anything. That pattern isn't emotionally healthy. Even if he loves you, he needs to work on himself before he can be in a healthy relationship.

  13. You're not going to get a reasonable answer on this sub. Even if it was the other way around and she had a hook up from 5 years ago on her social media and you had an ex on yours, you would be wrong. Actually, there was a similar post recently. i have to look for it but I know Redditors called the guy insecure and accused him of slt shaming. You are moving in with someone who is going to want to control your social media.Hopefully you don't look at anything on the screen to masturbate cause that will be a no. Got any pics of your life in the past with other girls. Gotta delete them, concrete memories aren't OK. Get rid of everything on your devices that may indicate you have had anything to do with other women ever.

  14. About swimming: it's amazing excercise

    About your knee: you may wnat to do strength excercises, starting with your body weight, then with weights. I had my patea dislocated twice and also had a constant pain. Physiotherapy, meaning excercising helped me. Now I can run, hike and anything I want. The pain comes back if I don't excercise regularly, but since I do strength training, my legs are much stronger. I recommend!

    About your relationship: the fact that he doenst want you to excercise without him is one red flag, the fact that he is putting you down over your choice of excercises is another one. He sounds like a controlling asshole and abuser in the making

  15. So a conservative that is a hypocrite in HER sexual history and is overcompensating by cheating?

    How very cliché.

  16. Dude. Dude! My DUDE!

    Sex. Is. Life.

    By getting married you are giving up a power dynamic where you already so far behind the curve you are about to be lapped.

    Postpone the wedding until she commits to certain conditions. Working. Contributing to the household and raising of your daughter, and a healthy sex life.

    Otherwise, take it from me, I was a divorced dad of a 3 and 1 year old and now they are 21 and 19, being not with kids mom is not the end of the world and not really all that difficult.

  17. Eat what you can afford for yourself. That'll mean staying home while he goes out and it'll probably make him mad at first… But his hunger strike won't last long. Don't go broke over his lack of common sense.

  18. I think you’re downplaying this situation. A man that gets angry because you want to pause sexual activity is a dangerous man

  19. I feel like someone should give you actual advice!

    Any difficult conversation where you have to express something in a serious way without hurting someone else has to start with recognising that person's feelings. If it were me, I'd go with something like

    “I want you to know that I love you very much, and I've always found you very attractive. I appreciate that you're enjoying your new facial hair styling, and I support the decisions you make and will continue to do so. However, I have tried to put this across to you in other ways and I'm not sure if you've heard what I'm trying to say so I would like to try to discuss your mustache in a way where I've made my feelings clear so you can make a decision knowing the potential ramifications. I find your mustache unattractive and it is creating a barrier for me that is causing me to be hesitant about intimacy with you and I don't want that. While it is your body, it would mean a lot to me if you would consider shaving the mustache so that we can lift that barrier, in the same way that I don't cut my hair short as to ensure I'm at my most attractive to you. What are your thoughts?”

    I'm an actual married woman and I can tell you I'm 100% with you about taking your partner's physical preferences into account when deciding how you should present yourself. My husband isn't keen on dark lipstick, so I don't wear dark lipstick on date night, it is not a big deal like some other comments are suggesting.

  20. I've had partners who were ridiculously jealous/insecure like this. They were all serial cheaters.

  21. That comes across as an attack to her. She cheated 4 years ago and in the last 18 months has, other than posting a hard on Reddit and messaging random guys 1 night for a couple hours, not hurt me or herself (other than vomiting from drinking a couple of times which I don’t think is the end of the world). She’s down to drinking 1 night a week and doesn’t always get smashed when she does. At least, that’s her defence to what you’ve suggested.

    She finished her degree, got a new job and a promotion, she’s doing better all round, and so are we. I just don’t want to attack her when explaining why I’m not comfortable with it.

  22. You’re such a piece of shit and a pervert I hope you are miserable forever. married a teenager and then cheated on her with a teenager. Fucking tell her if you ever loved her at all which I’m assuming you don’t

  23. Ok I will. Thank you so much. You've been kinder to me than my ex was for our entire relationship. Thank you for helping me to see that I wasn't overreacting and that it was fucked up. He treated me like I was being ungrateful and tried to act like there was nothing wrong, like it was totally normal.

    He almost had me convinced that I was the problem. I was still going to leave him anyway. He completely broke my trust and was emotionally cheating and for me, there's no coming back from that. Thank you again.

  24. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So for context, I met my boyfriend 5 months ago when he moved here on military orders. He was very different from the start(my mom said rude), but I attributed that to his military background. From day one I told him that I'd like to wait until marriage for sex. At the time he said he respected the decision and wouldn't mind at all. The last two months however, he's been pressuring me non-stop for sex. When I remind him that he had agreed to wait also, he says “I've fallen in love with you though, which I didn't expect to happen, and a man in love can't be refused sex” He proposed to me on Valentine's and I accepted, but then he told me if I didn't have sex with him he'd revoke the proposal. I asked for time to think about it and he revoked the proposal and I didn't hear from him for a few days. He came back and apologized, and said he would still be my boyfriend if we could agree to hand jobs and BJ's for him, but marriage scared him and he needed time. The last few weeks have been bad, with daily requests for sex, etc. and at one point he threatened to shoot my cat when he was angry. Yesterday was my birthday, and I asked if we could go out to dinner. He lost it and started screaming that I was selfish and insensitive, and didn't care about his stress and needs, so he didn't care about mine. He said “If you f*ck me I'll take you out to dinner, if not I'm breaking up with you” I was devastated and cried all night, and this morning he texted me and said that I have until Sunday to decide. I don't want to lose him, but I'm so hurt by his actions in my birthday I don't know what to do. He never wished me a happy birthday, got me a present, just the fight. Advice please!

  25. It's not really the lack of spending money or going out, so much as just not wanting to hang out with her. That just raises red flags to me. It tells me the OP is probably just a fuck buddy/friends with benefits for him.

  26. Girl you know that this isn’t normal for a serious relationship. Trust your gut that it seems weird and just talk to him about it. Tell him what you want

  27. I agree with you speaking your peace isn't to get them to apologize or admit fault it's for YOU to feel better and know you stood up for yourself. I personally choose to speak my peace these days, no way will I silently disappear so this a hole can think they got away with it.


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