A L I N A the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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A L I N A, 20 y.o.


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21 thoughts on “A L I N A the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Okay, and did she post things like this before she started dating you? As in, when you met her, did you already know that she liked posting selfies where she feels good? And if yes, were you hoping she would change herself to date you? (Hoping being the key word here, okay? I’m not implying you want to force her to change or anything)

  2. You're literally the help…. I'm not saying you are actually that right now but that's what she's trying to work you into

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  4. Even if the phone died, that’s not a very good excuse. He still needs to let her know if he’s not showing up.

  5. I don't think it's your place to jump in and say something to the brother but talk to your bf about it. “Hey I noticed your brother was kind of x, y, and z towards you- are you guys always like that with each other?” It's entirely possible he doesn't even notice or care- guys, especially siblings, can be kind of brutal to each other and it doesn't seem to affect their relationship at all.

  6. It can't be good for a person to be more stubborn and inflexible and unwilling to learn new tricks than a cat

  7. Get the abortion and get into personal therapy and couples therapy. Your husband might just be having a horrible reaction to you being r****. Therapy will help you see if it he actually serious or just a misplaced idea of helping. Do not have that baby, in some places the biological father can still have rights no matter how the child was conceived

  8. This is true and I fundamentally agree, but bosses also aren’t hitting the same deep, core triggers. The interactions tend to be more scripted, rigid, and compartmentalized— people can have horrible and unhealthy relationships with work and their boss and still compartmentalize it. It’s rare to be able to compartmentalize all your feelings about a romantic partner who sees and has access to basically all of you.

    That’s not an excuse for poorly-regulated people, but I do think it’s a meaningful difference in scale and context.

    I’m someone who won’t tolerate irate yelling or insults. Not everyone who can and chooses to is trapped in a terrible situation, but it would be bad for me in both directions and I won’t do or put up with it.

    The boundary is super fair, and obviously people can learn self-control. But, still, it’s more complicated and requires more baggage-processing to master that in your most intimate life, compared to a binary workplace on/off switch.

  9. You get paid the same rate! What's his problem? You just work more hours than he does. If he thinks it's unfair, he just needs to increase his hours too.

  10. Big red flag here. This is not the relationship for you. He needs to learn to pull his weight and live! on his own before living with a partner.

    Move out at the very least, you deserve a room mate that helps with all the chores. He's treating you like his mum.

  11. Are you in therapy? If not, get therapy ASAP. You've been through a lot these last few years and need help.

  12. And she told him she should not let him have dinner for “putting her through that”, Like holy shit I'd probably not want to be polite when I wasn't sick if I had a wife like that.

  13. I don’t know man, you want the stability of a husband before getting married. I’m not sure who’s holding things up, but if you are going to get married no matter what, seems like you should pull the trigger.

    That’s said, I see you as an adult, specifically as an adult who has a masters, I would expect you to earn your own living, or at least contribute to ours together. If I was him I wouldn’t be stoked about your take on money, it sounds like a sugar baby relationship.

    If I was you I would also be wary of a man that makes promises then holds them over your head. That’s early signs of controlling.

    Advice: sit down and talk about what you want, what he wants, narrow down where there’s a gap and compromise on the gaps, or at the very least understand them.

  14. Are there any other red flags. Is he pushing you to go further or faster, has he asked to move in yet, is he talking about marriage already?

    “I think he's genuinely sweet and very awkward” if he hasnt had much experience when it comes to this and felt like it was the “right” thing to say now that you are exclusive? Maybe even nervous about this. I can imagine it be a red flag if he told you he was moving in next week.

    It is how your partner makes you feel that is important and give those words deeper meaning and value. How do you feel around him, you seem to like him.

    Again, if there are any other “red flags” it is something different but you have kissed twice and held hand once. Do you feel like he is pushy or creepy, clinging on to you? If not than have a talk with him and take it slow like you intented to do.

  15. I disagree. She's insecure because the person she's with has a history of lying and cheating in the past. And how does he go about regaining her trust? By using an app where his messages with another woman will vanish. If it was simply maintaining comms to avoid being 'screwed over' by his employer (mmmmkay) why not just text like a normal person?

    OP you're insecure because the person you're with is behaving in a way that makes you insecure. You do not, by definition, feel secure in your relationship or his love for you. Thats because your subconcious mind is connecting dots it recognises from your previous issue with your boyfriend. Cheaters follow the same patterns. Your brain, your gut, your instincts are all intertwined in a way that is meant to keep you safe and aware of potential wrong doing. Don't ignore it. Explain this to your partner and tell him your insecurity is a direct result of his shady behaviour, and that if he loves and respects you the way you deserve, he will prove there is nothing to this exchange.


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