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36 thoughts on “Lu the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. True. For example, if she and that guy don't work out, she wants to come live with me again or somewhere nearby so we could support each other and our daughter. Which makes me smh since I doubt she'd be able to support herself and she'd just end up living with me

  2. Just because you choose to be sober doesn't mean you can force it on everyone around you. If your bf wants to get drunk it's his choice. You can go to a party and drink non alcoholic wine/beer/drinks and still meet people. Alcohol is not necessary to have fun and spend time with people.

  3. Didn't realize it did until I lost all that weight, but I thought I was getting better after gaining most of it back.

  4. Uhh, 4 kilos isn’t hardly anything.. methinks you have a terrible case of self-loathing or he’s a total prick.

  5. This is probably not the answer you want but it is the one you need.

    Do not wait around for your mind to change. Take the risks to change it yourself. You will always hurt people one way or the other and love is always the risk of being hurt. So rather than trying to avoid hurting people, do it the honest and proper way by opening up about who you really are and what you really think.

    I am bi-sexual myself and i stayed in a heterosexual relationship through a time of me discovering my needs and wants and i made us both miserable in the longrun with it.

    Learn from my mistake and do the right thing for you. You know deep down what it is, just listen to yourself every once in a while. You will be alright and so will she, sooner or later. Forgive yourself your thoughts because you have done nothing wrong. Judge yourself by your actions and not your intentions and hold others to the same standard. Life will be just a bit easier this way.

  6. I can't either but i use a vibrator or my finger on me during sex and then I can. I think for me its the pressure of worrying about taking too long or not being able to finish then makes it even harder. You know better than anyone what you like. So do that while he is inside you 🙂

  7. You need to talk when the brother has left.

    No it would be normal that you knew and you meet the brother. The problem is that your bf sounds very juvenile. He wanted a night out with the boys and forgot about you. If there are other examples of this kind of behavior – then I would rethink the relationship.

  8. OP, Mitch telling your gf beforehand so you don't have to is probably the best thing you could be hoping for here.

    Do absolutely nothing. Not a thing. Let Mitch get the idea of you proposing in Italy out of her head for you. She won't want to share.

  9. Where is her reassuring that he isn’t cheating? How does she know that he isn’t fathering children on the side?

    If you can’t trust your spouse then you need to leave them.

  10. You described him as a wonderful man with many attributes. Are they all gone, or have the hard times changed the way you see him? Marriage isn’t a sentence, but a journey you decided to take together. Journeys aren’t always smooth and you can lose your way at times. Reassess your partner and see if you can still find a glimmer of gold. Peace & love.

  11. If there is, it works the other way people in OP's family think. I can't imagine any power benefit in being 60 rather than 37.

  12. Just want to give you some respect for your maturity. I was nowhere near as mature at your age, or 10 years later for that matter.

    Thank you for acknowledging her feelings, your feelings, both ‘readiness’, and how impactful abortion* can be. I respect your approach to care for both of your feelings. I recommend you talk to your doc as a trusted source on birth control, often trusting one source is easier than looking at a poll of random people.

    *I’m pro choice with awareness of impact.

    P.S. I do offer a sarcastic and dirty answer, but respectfully only offer if you ask for it thru DM.

  13. Just want to give you some respect for your maturity. I was nowhere near as mature at your age, or 10 years later for that matter.

    Thank you for acknowledging her feelings, your feelings, both ‘readiness’, and how impactful abortion* can be. I respect your approach to care for both of your feelings. I recommend you talk to your doc as a trusted source on birth control, often trusting one source is easier than looking at a poll of random people.

    *I’m pro choice with awareness of impact.

    P.S. I do offer a sarcastic and dirty answer, but respectfully only offer if you ask for it thru DM.

  14. Y’all are growing into adulthood and discovering who each other really are. It sounds like he’s committed to being an asshole and a bigot. He might be different in ten years, but today that’s who he is. And you can’t force him to change.

  15. “She's obviously got major problems and using her bc you find her attractive is top notch douche behavior.”

    Thanks for the advice but I'm not using her. I always made clear that don't I want a relationship or anything serious and she kept insisting on just having sex as friends.

  16. He is not going to change. Either you leave or get used to it. The more you complain the sneakier he will become. But he WILL NOT change.

  17. You're either a moron or a troll.

    This is relationship advice not civics class. Of course they have the right to talk about what they want. But they are also free to deal with the consequences of damaging the relationships of people around them and alienating people they love.

    OP's husband is an ass for not being considerate of the person they were there to celebrate and it's weird that you are trying to make this a free speech issue

  18. So this is the comment that actually nudged me into realizing that the only solution here was to just talk to my gf. I sat her down and laid out everything about how I was feeling and she was just concerned with how worried I was over the situation. She said basically we view sex differently, sex is something she doesn't really need to be happy in a relationship, so she isn't gonna dump me over something like this. She basically said not to sweat it, if she wants to do things to me, she will, if she doesn't she won't, and she wants me to feel the same way. Mostly she wanted to check in on how I was feeling about the stuff that got brought up in therapy. Thanks all for the advice, everything was just way blown out of proportion by my crazy little head :')

  19. So this is the comment that actually nudged me into realizing that the only solution here was to just talk to my gf. I sat her down and laid out everything about how I was feeling and she was just concerned with how worried I was over the situation. She said basically we view sex differently, sex is something she doesn't really need to be happy in a relationship, so she isn't gonna dump me over something like this. She basically said not to sweat it, if she wants to do things to me, she will, if she doesn't she won't, and she wants me to feel the same way. Mostly she wanted to check in on how I was feeling about the stuff that got brought up in therapy. Thanks all for the advice, everything was just way blown out of proportion by my crazy little head :')

  20. I mean you definitely desperately need it for how your treating your partner because you will not seek help for yourself

  21. No one can identify her as an alcoholic except her

    I have absolutely no problem identifying her as an alcoholic.

  22. She has nothing to say because she knows what she did was wrong. She led you to believe that after the first kiss she had strong feelings for you. But if that were the case, why did she use the excuse that she didn't know you'd be together? People commit themselves when they feel strongly. She didn't do that. She kept seeing him and coming on to him.

    Not only all of that, but she lied about it all. I think it's safe to say that your trust in her has been destroyed. That's a relationship killer.

  23. Horrible just Horrible. No respect or consideration for you at all. This is pathetic of him.

    If I had been in your place, I would definitely do something that his entire bubble is realigned.

  24. You're worth more unless you think you aren't. The choice is yours. All choices are. Good luck, human.

  25. im so sorry for your loss ❤️ im happy that you got to experience true love and happiness with him and im glad that hes shown you how to be genuinely loved because we really all need to experience that in our lifetime. thank you!

  26. A lot of people hesitate to break up long after they know they should because they don't know where to start or what to do. It seems impossible, so they drag their feet.

    Sit down with pen and paper- seriously- and start writing down every thing you'd need to do, and the best order to do those things.


    You don't need to do this in person- he clearly doesn't deserve a face-to-face breakup, and if it's possible that he could get violent there's no reason to put yourself at risk. One of your final steps should probably be blocking him from all forms of communication, but understand that you also need to actively ensure he's not taking up free space in your head. What I mean by this is trying your best not to daydream about where he is, who he's with, how he's feeling etc… If you catch yourself doing those things, shake your head and focus on something kind for yourself. Go to a movie, read a book, go exercise- whatever. Focus on putting yourself first and try to change your mindset from thinking about him to thinking about you. Reach out to friends and family. Tell them what's going on and ask them to help by hanging out with you. Going to meals, movies, shopping- whatever. It's such a help to just be with other people, seeing a friendly face, and getting your mind off things. Remembering you have worth, and people care about you. It's important. Strongly consider being single for a while. Rediscover who you are and what you want your life to look like. Where do you want to be in 2 years? 5? 10? Make a plan.

  27. I wouldn't either. No offense. This a preference, i got nothing against those who do like that.

    But your bf is probably the same as me, and he has hemophobia to top it off. He has told you his boundary, and that he doesn't feel okay doing that. It doesn't have to make sense to you what his answer is, a NO is a NO. Not a “maybe if push harder, they'll change their mind.”

  28. If this is real.. because sounds like some bs to me.

    But as a bi woman myself I fucking love when this bullshit blows up irl! When men are so fucking audacious to think they are entitled to use our sexuality as a tool in the bedroom.

    Because why wouldn't we all want to be used as sextoys for men's enjoyment? And lure other women into our bed simply so that these men can watch and get off on it!

    For fucks sakes. OP is gross. I hope she leaves him. That would make this even funnier!


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