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Elsa, 20 y.o.


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43 thoughts on “Elsa the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Put things into perspective here; if you were “incompetent,” why would he stay with you? Why just tell you over and over, destroy your self esteem, but stay?

  2. Yes, you should care about politics. And you should care about politics in a relationship. Remember what Trup and his party stand for in regards to women, immigrants, and other minorities.

  3. No, spouses and dependents. You need their social security number and date of birth, but that's about it.

  4. Ugh, gotta stop setting yourself on fire to keep them warm. It’s only going to get worse. Do you guys really want to spend all your free time helping people who refuse to pay for help? Does your guy feel like he owes them this level of support?

  5. Past experiences impact trust, so if it’s bothering you, probably might be useful to discuss it so you can move on from it.

  6. It sounds like you and your boyfriend have different comfort levels with these things. Nah unless you haven’t previously discussed these things.

  7. I would start making you and the baby priority. Take the baby out on walks, store runs, family/friends house. Make a plan, maybe move on your own when it makes sense or with parents? I would do nothing to raise suspicion to him, if that's how you feel. Make a plan, spend less time, and when you think of him, think of all the reasons it can't possibly work for you and your little one. Decisions will be easier when you have no feelings attached. Good luck!

  8. Then she should follow the guidelines given by her parents. Her education should take priority and if she's not allowed to date while her parents fund her life, she should stick to the rules. You don't have stick around for that obviously, but I wouldn't expect someone to sacrifice their education for me.

  9. “Hey, I like you and I’d like to get to know you better. Do you want to…” and then pick something to do. Asking doesn’t cost you anything.

  10. Just tell him that his answer is unacceptable. He broke the boundary and this is the end of your relationship and you’re asking for a divorce.

  11. That's not the same and you know it. Becoming a parent is completely different than finding a partner. There is a big difference between romantic love and parental love, one being that parental love is unconditional (in most cases, obviously. Sadly, there are plenty of awful people who don't love their kids unconditionally). You choose your partner, not your kid. People who choose to have children go into parenthood prepared and willing to sacrifice for their children. They know that it's not going to be easy. Parents sacrifice their time and energy for their kids, but not their entire personalities, and they do it out if love. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, but to many it's worth it. Strong partners parent as a team and work together to raise their children to not be ungrateful jerks as adults. Unfortunately, it appears that your parents failed in that area.

    If you think that stress and feelings of inadequacy are all that come from having children, then you probably shouldn't have any.

  12. He will say that you are still having sex with him which is an act of reconciliation and can reset the separation date. You need to file a police report for raping you and get a restraining order.

  13. He stalked you, manipulated you and would've raped you had the opportunity arisen and you're describing that as the ONLY red flag??? Say that out load to yourself and keep saying it until it sinks in that you need to get as far away from this person as is humanly possible

  14. It is EXTREMELY toxic. When he first started having doubts it was because of all of his buddies were telling horror stories of their ex wives only wanting to be with them for their money.. It was only then his trust in us began wavering.

  15. The biggest problem here is not her going on a trip with her ex, but her dating a teenager who is barely an adult.

  16. To me there are 3 possibilities. The first is that something happened that made her change, that could be her mental health, her falling out of love or any number of things impossible for me to know. Secondly, it could be that she isn't and was never into you, which would make me question why she married you in the first place, but stranger things have happened. Thirdly, it could also be that you have mismatched love languages. So while you are very physically affectionate she might express and feel most loved another way and it leads you to feel like she doesn't show affection when in fact she shows in in a way you just don't perceive. Whatever it is you need talk to each other to figure it out and work on it together. If she is unwilling and uninterested to do that then I guess you have to decide if you want to be stuck feeling unloved and unhappy for the rest of your life or if you will call it quits.

  17. Mate, I can get wanting to be open minded and all, but she quite literally has no respect for you or your marriage if she was willing to cheat on you with this fella while also covering it up. If she asked first maybe things would be different.

  18. Just ask him directly. If I was in this situation and my SO asked me, I wouldn’t even mention a detour. It just seems irrelevant

  19. The general assumption is that you're making this up.

    If you're not…

    Accept you likely cannot fix it or have any sort of relationship with your daughter.

  20. Lol. Mine was “database” when I still lived with my parents and couldn't afford my own computer.

  21. Thanks a lot for your advice! I think I’ll continue with my prep for further studies and see what happens when the right time comes. Hopefully we can make it work.

    Thanks again!

  22. I've encouraged her to find other partners outside our relationship, but she said she would only want to do it with me. Which I'm okay with but no one is to her liking. So I thought let her seek out our partner. I feel she expects me to be something I'm not, its too much.

  23. There is no friendship. He wants her, he got close to try and be with her, friends don't do that. This is someone pursuing and the other not denying it. Not a friendship

  24. So it strikes me that even if you are clingy now that it is clearly the result of being abandoned. And let's be real, becoming clingy when you've been hurt like that makes sense.

    Now, be careful here, I am not saying it is okay to be clingy. Being clingy can indeed drain a partner and end relationships. You should consider therapy, really assess yourself and the state you are in to see what damage he has done. Clearly your whole life suffered as a result of him.

    But none of that justifies ghosting. None of that makes what he does okay. It was always a bad thing he did that and it is really sad that your friends chose to victim blame you.

  25. I get it. A lot of people don’t open up because they have been burned too many times. I’ve been married for almost 42 years and just about every time I have opened up to my wife about something I’ve had it tossed back at me in a negative manner. It usually isn’t immediately, but 6 months or a year later, so I don’t talk much and of course complains that I don’t. We tried counseling and when I opened up there (I don’t remember the subject, nothing dangerous though), I got told that I’m NOT ALLOWED to think that way. Not that I should look at things a different way or that I should modify my thinking.

  26. This isn't about his dental work. You're just sick of this guy and so everything he does annoys you. How to break up depends on whether this is a real engagement – meaning you've got a venue and a caterer booked, or just one of those 'let's call ourselves engaged but never actually get married' kinds of things. If it's the former you're going to have to contact all your wedding vendors and see if you can get any of your money back. If it's the latter you can treat like any regular breakup. So find a new place to live!, figure out how to break a lease if you need to then just tell him it's over.

  27. You’re probably right. My grandmother passed away in January and I’ve admittedly been in a depressed funk. Tried to sign up for therapy twice and it didn’t work out. Got a new appointment though in May.

  28. I do agree 100% that she should know better, but she was likely 15/16 when she met him, and he was 25. Although her actions are definitely wrong, we can't overlook the ages and consider whether grooming is a factor in this. She was a legit child when they met. OP's been with this guy 2 years. How do we know he wasnt taking advantage of her always trying to one up her sister and manipulate her into this?

  29. When people show you who they are. Pay attention.

    Your ex may have not cheated on you, but your sister did.


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