Lonewolfffy the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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39 thoughts on “Lonewolfffy the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Hum religious girl not wanting to marry? Red flag man, may not the usual one as in cheating and all but her slowly opting out of the relationship.

    Have a good sit down with her and quickly.

  2. Well, that was a twist.

    I think you need to talk to your dad about it first. If she’s actually violent to the point where you fear for your life, the affair is kind of small potatoes at that point.

  3. Mid twenties are for experiencing life and trying out stuff, she has 3 degrees, let her toy around and enjoy herself a bit.

    What about yourself, where are you in life, how many degrees and how are you using them?

  4. I personally would never be okay with this. It's one thing to share experiences with someone else together, but another entirely to DATE a whole other person. Dating involves emotions and that's way worse than sex in my opinion. This would be divorce, for me. You need to dig into what you are truly okay with. Start by telling him you absolutely do not want this, and that you are willing to end the relationship over it. And then follow through if he refuses to stop. I'm sorry this is happening to you, good luck. You deserve someone who makes you first priority.

  5. Yeah I honestly think so too and I'm totally open to it but given my past that wasn't the best way to go about it and that is what hurt me.

  6. Right? And if she actually doesn't remember saying that (fat chance), that means it's like a normal every day occurrence for her and not a big deal in her mind.

  7. My last relationship I was in the exact age gap. She was 21. Simply put, this guy loves you for who you are. I would be more concerned about your fiends and family that would have questioning if they would stick around because they can't accept something or somebody in your life. Especially on just a first meet. Age is just a number. If you two have something good going, commit to, disregard others(to a point) Best of luck.

  8. Honestly, you sound like my mom. I’m 32 but if she knows I’m going out for the night (because I mention it in passing), she always wants me to text her just in case so she knows nothing happened to me. I get really irritated when my mother does it (and I tell her), so I can’t imagine how he feels when his girlfriend plays the parental role. Leave it alone. It’s none of your business when he gets home. Live your life, go to bed, and seek professional help for the panic attacks.

  9. there are children involved in this situation, and your finances aren't in the best place. regardless of what happens between you two, I'm sure she's a good parent right? your kids deserve two happy healthy, present parents not splitting time or not seeing one parent or missing out on a family. even your finances may be drastically affected by a divorce and custody battles only for what outcome, for the kids to lose a loving mom/dad just because of marriage trouble? there are people who stay and work though it provided the one who had the affair is open to working and putting in the effort. reddit is quick to jump to divorce and are completely intolerant to cheating, but this is YOUR life, your kids best interests need to be protected. so don't feel pressured by any of the responses and take it one step at a time.

  10. Before you started dating he was casually seeing other girls aswell as you because he didnt know id youd work long distance? Thats pretty reasonable

  11. Even if he says it's because of his experience, it still doesn't excuse the fact he lacks empathy for people struggling and honestly, I would side eye the heck outta him for it. That would turn me off so quickly. It just screams pompous little jerk to me.

  12. Some people just aren't compatible. For example, I would feel awful if I couldn't just reach over and touch my partner whenever I wanted. The idea of having to ask to cuddle with my partner sounds terrible to me as well. My partner and I are both touch and quality time-oriented for reference

  13. yeah from what I've heard sometimes the significant other will appreciate when they're protected from something and it's like they're testing you. I heard this from my blabbering big brother so I wasn't sure how much stock to put in it

  14. Yes. Years ago my husband called me a “selfish bitch” whilst angry. When he calmed down I showed him how much child support he'd be entitled to from me and talked about moving out. I pointed out to him that either he really thought I was a selfish bitch, in which case he didn't love me, or he was just trying to hurt me, which was abusive. Either way, it meant the end of the marriage.

    He hasn't sworn AT me since. We both swear about things that annoy us but we never swear at each other.

  15. I’m sorry this is going to sound cliche but it starts with the person in the mirror. You have to be fulfilled by your life and not seek reassurance and validation from the woman you are in a relationship with. That will allow you to stop being blinded by the sweet sweet punani and to hold women accountable for mistreating and disrespecting you. Women test men by trying to punk them and once they sense you’re weak it’s over, or worse if she’s a predator. It’s almost certain that this woman in the post gave off red flags for this guy to see if he only knew what he was looking for. Men have the tendency to project their attraction level and their fantasy onto the women they date and completely ignore when the women is being disrespectful and testing them on purpose. For instance, if she breaks dates or changes plans during the relationship then she senses weakness in you and if you accept her last minute disruptions you are, in fact, weak and will lose her respect. If she stonewalls you after a disagreement and refuses to text back, when you initiated contact, for days or weeks or to open up emotionally after her cool off period that’s a red flag. If she stops wanting your attention or stops wanting to have sex, that’s a red flag because a woman who’s in love simply wants to be the center of your attention as long as she’s feeling strength from you. They already have a p**** they don’t want another one. If she doesn’t stand up for you when you’re not around or if she hides things or white lies (these are simple to see yet most people ignore it and plow ahead with their fantasy of how she can be saved) it’s a red flag because someone who respects you and admires you won’t lie to you or try and manipulate your feelings with a fake version of themselves. Lmk if you want me to go on

  16. Just. No. She’s the AH for asking you to leave. It’s your house too, so she needs to figure out how to coexist.

    But, I can’t help but wonder… is there more going on? What does she plan to do when she has the place to herself?

  17. Yeah. It's kinda immature but shit like this happens all the time.

    Unless it's it's bullying but they're still friends so probably not.

  18. I…listen, not to echo people, but I’m 29 and the idea of dating a 19 year old is icky. The differences in our life stages would tell you that too. Exactly how long have you two been together?

  19. Sorry to tell you this buddy but she might have gotten the ick. You did nothing wrong she's just not equipped to handle you

  20. He’s coming across as a supercilious pedant (with a touch of mansplainer) but the true issue is that he’s afraid he’s pronouncing words wrong. He’s worried about himself and how others perceive him. Tell him to snap out of it and stop framing this as if YOU are automatically the wrong one. He can quietly take note of the word and later go look it up for his own edification.

  21. There's never a situation where speaking to somebody about your problems and trying to improve your life is a bad idea.

    We need to remove the stigma that therapy is only for disasters.

  22. I am sorry for your families loss. I am sure Emily was lovely in every way. You do need to find a grief counselor.

    Looking at your post, you are setting yourself up for failure. Emily is no longer here. Talking about her as the love of your life and saying you will never love anyone that much is putting a wall around your ability to love. You will never love someone the way you loved Emily, but I am sure you love your kids as much as you loved her. We have a limitless ability to love. The more open our heart, the more love fits in. You need to change how you talk, to yourself and others, about Emily, to open a door to your future.

  23. The dog is totally her way of staying in contact and she’s severely downplaying their relationship to her current boyfriend. You only stay at someone’s house while they’re away if you’re very close to that person. There’s a lot more to this relationship.

  24. Name, remember how I said months ago that I don’t think this is working? Now I’m sure of it. I’m sorry this is making you sad. We both deserve to find someone who is all-in, but it’s not happening with us. I wish you the best.

    There will be tears. Drama. But HOLD FIRM. Breakups will always be sad. Set boundaries. She wants to text daily? Say you’ll respond when you can, but you’re not her boyfriend anymore so it might not be as frequent as before. She wants to still be friends? Sure, you’ll share about your day but there aren’t going to be any more dates. Kissing sometimes? No thanks, you’d like to explore being single, or date other girls, but it’s easier to move forward if there wasn’t anything physical or boyfriend-like about your interactions.

    Being sad is not a reason to stay together.

  25. he just showed you that he values money over the lives of you and the children.

    yeet this man out like he wanted you to toss out a flaming, actively on fire air fryer.


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