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ThickJerry, 39 y.o.


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44 thoughts on “ThickJerry the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Perhaps stop framing it as PERMISSION, and call it what it is. She’s talking about CONSENT. And yes, anything around kissing, hugging, etc. absolutely requires consent.

  2. I'm so happy that you held strong, OP!! You didn't fold and allow him into your hotel room and I'm so proud of you for that. He needed to learn a lesson of how inconsiderate and uncaring he has been towards you. He's not a man. He's a selfish, awful, inconsiderate excuse for a man.

    Glad you're going to be rid of him now. Thank goodness for legal aid assistance. You will get a chance to start over and that's really great.

    Please be sure to take a long time by yourself to heal and regroup before moving on to the next relationship with anyone. Become confident in who you are again and know your deal breaker list and stick to it. Don't ever let a man manipulate you again, OP.

    Just know that you ARE strong and can be independent once again! ??❤️ Again, I'm so proud of you for standing up for yourself and sticking to it. ?

    Thank you for this update, as I was biting my nails waiting to see/hear what happened to you. I hope to see another update when you're back on your feet again. Please thank your friend for us for taking you in and helping you when you needed it most. That's a great friend.

    Take care, OP, and we hope to hear from you again soon. Sending you hugs of support in the meantime. ?


  3. If their issues are unresolved and they do not undergo therapy (sometimes even if they do), you are at risk of becoming their emotional vent or therapist. This will ruin you emotionally, but they usually after getting better will not be interested in continuing you relationship. So be careful going into as to avoid this trap. As for fidelity itself I have no idea.

  4. Thank you, one of the reasons I am considering going to her NYE event is so I get to see one final time what I'm dealing with. My doubts started to kick in around 3 months ago, but I've tried to observe however little things have happened. I know I won't like what I see on NYE, but it's another chance for me to see if this worth salvaging.

  5. Honestly it sounds like your mom is toxic. If you really only see your mom 2-3 times a year then I think you should continue that strategy or maybe get it down to once. If you cut her off completely you have to be okay with that decision knowing that she’ll pass away one day and you could feel some guilt over it.

  6. Don’t salvage it. To be honest I couldn’t get through most of this post. But there are enough issues in the first few paragraphs the only reasonable things to do is sell the house and cut ties.

  7. Hello /u/Saigeman123,

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  8. I've been in your position before so I definitely get how it feels. I got past it and we're married and super fricking happy together.

  9. Trust him when he says that he'll say it when he's ready. His actions are far more important than what he's saying. If he treats you food you shouldn't be worried.

  10. Ok good. it sounds your bf is probably pretty cool. You're talking about things on a pretty permanent way. Like him finding happiness elsewhere. Maybe just a frank talk. Like hey until I got some therapy under my belt, can we please take a break from sex. And maybe dont get ahead of yourself saying you don't want kids. Especially if being a mom is a goal of yours. Perhaps by dealing with it clinically some of your concerns around all of this can be alleviated. But sounds like you do need to have an open honest talk with your man. But maybe keep things way more open ended. However it plays out, best of luck to you.

  11. This is not a boundary.

    HIS boundaries are about HIM and HIS behaviour.

    YOUR boundaries are about YOU and YOUR behaviour.

    The moment they touch becomes control.

    This is NOT a healthy expectation.

  12. If you were the father, she’s be closer to 18 weeks along, which is a big gap from 10 weeks. She may not know who the father is and is pulling you in because you’re the “safe” option. Whatever you do, don’t agree to pay anything until you get a paternity test.

  13. I think your wife needs therapy. As great as it is that you found a solution regarding chess, it won't make her feelings of feeling less loved by her son magically go away. Same goes for her feelings of jealousy and having to compete with you.

    Chess was her way of compensating, of having one thing to bond with her child over that she didn't let you have. But there are still all the other things left where she feels your son prefers you.

    As such, I strongly recommend that she gets individual therapy (to work through her feelings) and that you two also get couples counselling so that you can both work on a shared strategy when it comes to parenting. Otherwise, I fear those feelings of hers will still grow and she might become more and more jealous/resentful and it will damage both your marriage and her relationship with her son.

    Your wife needs help and a lot more than just playing chess with her son gives her. That's just a band-aid over a giant wound. The fact that she hit you, no matter how much you want to gloss over it, shows how much resentment and emotional pain there already is.

  14. I hit my bf up on IG 4.5 yrs ago and he loved it, we’re happy that we got to meet in this way since we lived 3 hrs apart. And we’re older, I’m 51 and he’s 41, men of any age appreciate a woman making the first move. That rules stuff is not accurate and hasn’t been for decades. Good luck!

  15. Pregnancy is a trip. Her body is going through changes you can’t even fathom, many of which are a real mindf*ck. Also, society treats pregnant women a lot differently than non pregnant women. It can be a really uncomfortable and surreal time and difficult to feel confident and comfortable in your body. Before you offer any opinions of your own, ask her how she feels about the photos and LISTEN to her answers. If these photos have helped her feel confident, sexy, powerful, and strong, it would be a real shame for you to tell her that you don’t like it.

    Also, please think about how you said that “motherly” and “sensual” are mutually exclusive. Do you not find your wife sexy? Will you never be able to see her in a sensual way again now that she’s going to be a mother? Please rethink. And don’t you dare tell your wife that she isn’t allowed to be both motherly AND desirable.

  16. This is pretty messed up if true. Dude clearly gets a kick out of being “risky” and telling you when you're half asleep. You should definitely go through his devices, I don't think you owe him anything after this.

  17. Cave in? It was a trip OP was invited to where the brother also invited his gf. Simple as. Why are you implying it’s one rule for one brother and another for OPs bf? Why was she allowed to go but the brothers gf wasn’t?

  18. Wow, you really are 19. Why don’t you stay single for a while and let yourself date and have fun. Your girlfriend would be really hurt. If she knew you had somebody else so be kind or let her go and you do whatever it is you’re gonna do for the next 10 years?

  19. You have to decide if it’s a dealbreaker or not. He’s made it clear he doesn’t want to marry you. He’s getting the perks of a wife without making the commitment as a husband, so there’s no incentive for him to get married.

  20. Normally I’m in favor of 50/50 splits but there is an extreme income disparity between you both. $1k is half of your monthly income and not even getting to other bills yet. 50/50 only works if you both can survive comfortably on the arrangement. Either he needs to pay more or want less. If you’re at the point of buying a house together, maybe it’s time to start viewing your incomes more if combined than separate? I don’t love that option but maybe in this situation itd be better.

  21. Honestly I think you just do your best to enjoy your life by yourself and look at this as a free vacation from marriage. Not in the being with others sense, but being able to explore the world by yourself. Or sit home and watch tv in quiet. Do whatever you want and travel. Maybe if you go on and continue to improve yourself as a man, she will be drawn to you again. Support from afar, but only when asked. Give her the space she wants. Yes it sucks but she’s already done it. You can accept it without agreeing with it.

  22. Get rid of the boyfriend unless you look forward to a life of innocent things being held over your head for months or years at a time, only to be thrown into your face when you least expect it.

    It was very kind, but totally unnecessary of you to hold off on getting a puppy. This young man is not kind to you, or to anything he doesn't deem *his* – and, even when he does deem things *his*, he is only kind to them when they do what HE wants them to do – case in point, you getting yourself a dog without his permission.

    IOW, he's controlling. This is just a wee glimpse of what your life will be like if you stay with him and, god forbid, get married and have children with him. He's already started with the emotion abuse, the physical abuse won't be far behind now.

  23. I dunno Keith my good man, seems like most people agree with me. Self-reflection is your friend, good luck to you ❤️

  24. I don't understand how this is a workable solution. When she stopped it before, she gained all of the weight back and more. That's not sustainable, that's the classic pattern with dieting and it's extremely hot on the body. Her girlfriend is bring inappropriately mean, but let's not split hairs. It is not a good idea to join a program that ultimately resulted in weight gain last time.

  25. Thank you for your input! He works out 5-6 times a week but I think he mostly eats chicken and fish. Will look into Fe and whether he likes veggies. 🙂

  26. If it makes you feel better I have a ridiculous amount of free condoms in my house. They had cute packages ??‍♀️

  27. I think the saying that best applies to your situation is “you can’t make a ho a housewife.”

    In this case both y’all are the ho.

  28. You think you aren’t paying for all of that in your rent? I own houses it’s not that bad…

  29. 100% agree. If I was in any relationship where my partner was begging me not to cheat because they'd be cheated on before, I'd feel uneasy knowing they have unresolved trauma and tell them (with care) they're not ready for a relationship. That's like a bomb waiting to go off.

  30. I think i always like a bit sociable, extroverted people so that might be why. I also like when he has other things going on in his life because it seems like im so busy/have a lot of things going on while he doesnt… that makes me feel weird

  31. Are you sure she had no parts in those abusive relationships. To me this relationship looks abusive for you. You are being abused. She is the common factor in all these abusive relationships.


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