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55 thoughts on “Ash_Jaz10live sex stripping with Live HD

  1. I’m in the camp that’s it’s not that big of deal. I would expect to be told if he felt like he was getting a cold sore. Lots of people have cold sores.

    Maybe do your own research decide how big of a risk you think it is and how impactful to your life it would be going forward if this didn’t work out.

  2. Just ask her directly “when you talked to me about your friend and her creepy uncle it made me wonder if it was you. Are you the one experiencing this?”

  3. Are you mad about the rebound or the lying. Rebounds are normal most of my failed relationships I found someone within 2 weeks, usually ended up being a FWB but I just needed something to fill the void. Honestly in my situation I would have lied too, I never got back with an ex but if I did then I would do the same as he did, there isn’t really a good way to tell someone you love that right after you broke up you found someone else to sleep with. It just ends up hurting both of you. He feels like shit that he moved on so quickly and you feel the same. Idk if the relationship is good why kill it over this? Is it worth it?

  4. you should get her fired. It has to be enough to get an ethical violation to date a student so soon after graduating.

    There is not way to believe their relationship started ethically organic. they met when she was a teacher and the flirting had to of started before graduation.

  5. Toss a coin and by the time it land you will pray for 1 side and when it land you will be happy or dissapointed, that will be your answer

  6. So essentially, even though you were already feeling ill, you still went on the date with her because she mattered that much to you? It sounded like you perhaps had food poisoning, or maybe the 24-hour stomach bug.

    It sounds like you tested for covid already and you were negative. If you were going to catch it, I think you would have tested positive already. Still test the day of and let her know.

    You know, instead of canceling the date if you test positive, how about a back up plan that you both can still do? That way she doesn't have to worry.

    Can you do something nice for her just because?

  7. This is emotional cheating. I’m sure your husband would not appreciate this “friendship” who have with someone who confessed feelings to you and you flirt with. You’re married. Cut this shit out.

  8. He lied. He pretended not to understand why.

    Stop being nice. Be tough. Pack harder. Punch in your luggage. Stomp harder. Glaze coldly at your ex. Ignore him. Block him.

  9. Intimacy in a real relationship is very different from “intimacy” in a rebound situation. Post breakup most people fall into one of two camps; those who swear off dating until they're emotionally healed, and those who go out and nail everything that moves as a distraction. All anyone can really say to you is that this guy is likely just blowing off steam and isn't investing any real emotion into these physical encounters. Good luck.

  10. We had a weird relationshio tho, I wasnt so happy in it, and I only think if the positives now. Also it broke me so much when she said «I really thought we could fix it this time». That line is stuck innmy head

  11. Your bf called you plump at 124 lbs???? Oh hell naw. Please continue taking your meds. Depending on what you are on, stopping them abruptly can be dangerous. A man that criticizes your weight when you gain 12 lbs is not someone you want to be with. Weight fluctuates over time. It can be mentally exhausting if you have to worry about your partner saying something about your weight with every slight fluctuation. It is far better to find someone who loves you for you and not just what your human meat suit looks like.

    You can talk to your bf about how he made you feel and that his comments are not healthy or helpful, but calling you plump when you are a very healthy and reasonable weight is not a great sign.

  12. Hello /u/throwRa4312093480921,

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  14. Your friend is completely at fault. How are you 22 years old and you don't know not to leave candles burning unattended?

    If something happened, she could have burned the apartment down and possibly killed or injured her roommates.

  15. Your honor,I apologize for beating Throwrabby to death. I’m usually sweet and caring. She triggered my little anger problem. I was going to see a therapist.

    He has no reason to change.

  16. My wife has dating apps simply because we broke it off for a bit when we were long distance after university and she was using them, and when we got back together she didn't know how to delete them. I believe her, she's not good at that stuff. Your situation is different. You know she's using it.

  17. I can’t afford to buy one on my own with the current economic situation. My last two boyfriends were dismissive and cruel at times towards me. I feel I’m always having bad luck. It’s only until I leave them they show remorse. This guy won’t even show it. He can’t express it and I wonder how much he actually cares about me..

  18. If you search through places like Reddit, you will find that when a partner suddenly asks for an open relationship it is typically due to one of 2 reasons.

    1 They have someone in mind and want your permission to step outside the relationship 2 They are already involved with someone (emotionally and/or physically) and just want to make things easier to cheat

    As for your list of scenarios, there is another.

    4 You say no and they start/have been cheating behind your back.

    The number one truth about open relationships is that they only have a chance of working if both parties go into them whole heartedly, and generally only if it is from the start of the relationship. When they suddenly are brought up by one partner in an already established relationship, it's their way of saying “I am not really in love with you anymore, but I like the comfort and security of our relationship”.

  19. Cold sores are very common so you will be ok but id recommend dumping this asshole of a girlfriend and not speaking to her again because this is genuinely so worrying.

    Shes happy to give you herpes because you asked for some drink?

    Think that through. Shes not normal. At least dodge that bullet whether you get it or not.

  20. Yes you absolutely let her make her own mistakes. You do not want to date someone identical to you. Most relationships need that. Tinder is a fine place to meet someone.

    But dude, end it. It's clear you have 0 faith in her opinions or capabilities of handling herself, her goals and her life. All of this is about your expectations of her – not her behaviours, not who she is, not how she makes you feel. Do you ever listen to her? Do you believe her? Because it sounds like you want a rise n grind sex bot. And that's not how relationships work, especially as a young adult.

  21. Understood and that's your boundary. He will not change his view so you can either choose to keep going or end it. The one thing you can know for sure is that if he would cheat around his friends, they probably won't tell you. This is not to say he will cheat, but still. For me, that would be too big of a risk and I wouldn't feel secure enough to continue a relationship. But of course, it's your choice in how you deal with this. Goodluck!

  22. Forget about what's “normal.” He's doing it because you're allowing him to do it.

    He's not interested. Don't try to find a way to believe it's going to happen. You need to move on. Good luck.

  23. She's just trying to keep you sweet enough to keep using, until she can jump ship.

    Her circumstances mean she needs someone else to provide her means to live! so until she is out, you're her mark.

    Get your state of mind into “It's over and i refuse to allow myself to change my mind, i just have to run the clock down until she fucks off”

    Taking any other line will only bring more PAIN

    I rid myself of someone that turned into a bottom of the barrel human, the key is to give no reaction to anything, just be bland and boring with them and keep saying no to any request, make them staying with you the last place on earth they want to be without ever being an asshole about it.

    Simply put, people who pull and say stuff like this don't deserve a second of your time or help. So don't give them it.

    The only time you do help with her personal circumstances is anything that speeds up them moving out so don't feel bad about helping her get a place, I did the same as it rid me of that person quicker.

    I didn't care about the guys she was pursuing or what she was up to, it used it to grease the wheels of getting her out as i don't tolerate the stuff you mention, even the threat was enough for me to mentally dump her on the spot

    Whilst all that was happening, i started my single life up again, the only person that knew nothing about that was the outgoing partner.

    To be blunt normal partners do not do what she is doing and saying, those are the actions and words of someone with a personality disorder and each day you are free from someone like this, is a little better than the last

    Once you stop caring about her, your mind will clear and you will see the type of person she is (abusive and dysfunctional), until then do not give in to anything

  24. So it would be okay if she picked up another GI and went to the No-Tell Motel, but not in the barracks? And maybe you know the dudes?

    Don't punish someone for what happened after you broke up with them. Give this some very serious thought and if you can't get past this, break off the engagement; but I think you're making a mistake.

  25. And to answer your questions,

    ⁠I’m not happy atm because we’re not in contact anymore. In general I do feel happy. However I do have doubts of future (He said wants to get married with me and I couldn’t give him clear answer) Not sure if this is a problem of mine. ⁠I am having doubts because now I feel like i’m running out of energy, and future seems unclear. He says things that seem like he wants to ‘change’ me into a more understandable person.

  26. This situation sounds miserable.

    Don't sleep with someone who is not sure if they want to have sex. Why sleep with someone who doesn't even consider you a friend? Don't sleep with someone who makes you feel bad about yourself (unless that's your kink, then carry on)

  27. I’m nearly 30, and I never said anything about sexual favours?

    I don’t think he’s a predator, I think self worth needs to come from within to be sustainable.

  28. Break up with her. She’s using you to get over him but it’s obviously not working.

    And now he’s single again her obsession is going to ruin your relationship anyway because she doesn’t love you, she loves him and will dump you if he ever asked her out.

    Even if it’s one-sided and he’s not into her, he knows how she feels and loves the attention of knowing she loves him so he’s just going to keep leading her on.

  29. I don’t know your dad or your past interactions, BUT if this is the first weird thing he’s done and he’s otherwise been a loving and non-weird father, then give the benefit of the doubt. If there’s more to the story about his past treatment of you and the family, then that context is rather important.

    These comments have covered all the negative takes and advice, which I think are valid, but maybe someone in the comments needs to assume the best:

    My middle school art teacher told us a story about his friend in middle school gave him a hickey as a prank so that his parents would get mad. This was probably in the 80s where a lot of things were more acceptable. There’s a chance your dad saw/did something back in the day. Now that you’re grown he wanted to bond as equals by pranking you or something. Idk.

  30. I wouldn't say it was shitty.

    I read where you said you're on the spectrum. Maybe just apologize and tell her you don't always get subtleties.

  31. Just have a serious talk with him about not wanting it and it being a turn off. Make sure he listens. Get a dildo or a butt plug, and if he asks another time, enthusiastically say yes, whip out your tools, turn him around and give him the anal he so badly wants.

  32. Why can't he just sell any property and split all assets between you and your brother? What is there to pick and choose?

  33. Reply to everyone who commented – Wow, thank you alll sooo much for all your advice and I feel really validated in wanted to take a step back from her cause there’s more I struggle with in our relationship. I’m from a Nigerian household so I’m really bad with boundaries cause our culture doesn’t really recognize it but I’m trying my best and this is going to be one boundary I put my foot down on and practice with. Thank you all so so much, I’m but a stranger and you all gave me your thoughts. I appreciate it 🙂

  34. No one on reddit can answer this. You have to ask yourself: Will I be happy in a sexless relationship? That is your answer.

  35. Yeah you should definitely tell her she needs to shower. It’s gross that she isn’t more hygienic and self-aware. I would always worry that I am clean and I always ask my partner if I ever smell bad. Next time she says “she’s okay” tell her, “no you really aren’t…”

  36. What would you advocate your daughter do if her future boyfriend punched her in the face?

    There's your answer.

  37. thank you!!!! he told me he plans on spending time with his friends from work and they’re even having a sleepover!! i’m excited for him 🙂


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