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40 thoughts on “Mariya the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I mean strip clubs are designed to make stupid guys depart with their money. But the stupid guys with families need to more than make up for it. Unless your lives are such that you’ve ever dropped $800 in an hour on nothing. Which with this post I’m sure you haven’t.

  2. Blood test is the doctor confirmation it's more accurate as false positives happen it's normal to go to your doctor for confirmation as it also starts prenatal care. He likely thinks she's pulling the well I'm pregnant card just to talk to him given she went to stalking

  3. Yes She said that it was out of character NOW but that he was actually WORSE in the past…so not out of character at all he has just been able to hide his contempt for her long enough to baby trap her. The leading cause of death for pregnant people is murder by their partner….

  4. Never heard of this as an issue… is it possible to make an offer and see if there’s any takers who can absorb that extra drive? I think they may not charge you for the service. But nude to say these days we on-line in a strange world. ?

  5. they have accumulated a lot of wealth in between the time,

    They don't have accumulated wealth. He has money. Come on. She married someone +25 years old and she married him when she was like 25 a week after meeting him. They have a 7 year old. Most likely this dude made her sign a prenup and that's why she doesn't want to divorce.

    Stop talking to her. You are going to get in the middle of a lot of problems and you have a 5 year old. You have been in tons of relationships and the only thing you are thinking here is with your dick, because it's not like you are interested in this woman outside of that. It's like you are looking for drama and more drama.

  6. She gave a fuck more about getting a dick appointment than actually caring for y'all child, there's no way to fix this. Divorce and fight for custody of your child. She's not the right fit The most important thing you should want is for your kid to be happy. If y'all stay together, everybody will be miserable. You already knows she's cheating and she doesn't care to make up for that

  7. Tell your girlfriend the situation and let her make the decision about staying with you or not. Then tell your therapist about it. Part of the process is training yourself not to feel you need to be in control of every situation. It shouldn't be a race to see which partner can break up first.

  8. My partner doesn’t either but I was trying to say they can see their partners hard at home in person for free and not risk getting in trouble.

  9. I’m surprised so many comments are telling you to try to talk this out? And see if she’ll stop?? How is this not cheating? No person of sound mind would think this would be acceptable behaviour in a monogamous relationship without prior discussion

  10. I’m not gunna do the research for you but keep on this subreddit and the similar ones and you’ll see the countless stories of women dating these older men only to find out they’re really shitty people and there was a reason they only date younger people

  11. You're definitely right, and I've tried expressing my feelings so many times but he would just choose to ignore them, and for some reason it ends up becoming my fault for getting hurt for what he did.

  12. You will always have people that remember every little detail about things and then there is people like me who retell things that happened all the time cause I can’t remember if the person was already told. It doesn’t mean he loves you less his longtime memory is just shit

  13. I figured something as such. I almost view it as trying to retain the friendship prior to dating but just unrealistic

  14. OP-are you Meghan McCain?? The only person under 50 who thinks anyone would be interested in their memoir is her. At least Meghan looks after her friends though so can’t be you. You’ve given me a good laugh tonight with your post. When I read you offered $5 out of the $100 your friends gave you to give her I actually snorted out loud. My dogs looked at me funny so I told them what you said. I swear they understood because one of them had to immediately go take a poop. You are absolutely the effing asshole. YTA in case that wasn’t recorded.

  15. From the way you described if he stays with you it would only be to please you and he would be miserable. If you want to see other people let the poor fella go

  16. Please do update us. Sending you the strength to make positive changes in your life for yourself, and when you waver, please re-read this post.

  17. TBF, go back and read the original thread.

    So many commenters assumed OP was a dick trying to one-up his 10 year old child and blatantly ignoring a textbook example of Gaslighting. They honed in on “lol chess is a game and you're taking it way too seriously” that they bashed OP repeatedly instead of accepting the very likely scenario that something was very wrong with his wife.

  18. I had a boyfriend like that. Never met ONE SINGLE PERSON in his life, and we were together for over a year. For the first six months I didn’t care. But what did bother me was what happened when I started asking to meet people. He made EVERY KIND of excuse, which I didn’t like.

    I gave him an ultimatum. Either he introduces me to someone (actually anyone that he knew), or I was going to break up with him. He stuck to his guns and so did I. We broke up, and at NO POINT did he relent.

    I was sad at the time, but this all fitted into what was beginning to reveal itself as a very manipulative, secretive nature (yes-absolutely gaslighting! In fact, I think you could hardly get away with this kind of behaviour without resorting to gaslighting). I knew it meant something about him that made him a person who it was best to get away from. I haven’t regretted it since.

    When you meet someone more “normal”, if you’re like me, you’ll look back on this relationship as an oddity. “How on Earth did I get persuaded to put up with that?”, I think.

  19. It’s a pretty big lie and you are still thinking about staying with this person still? What else has he lied to you about?

  20. This is standard predictable behavior for someone who knows they have been guilty of inappropriate behavior. He is not uncomfortable with you being there, he is afraid you will tell everyone else.

  21. No, but at the same time…he doesn't even have a relationship with his family so dating him doesn't really even involve them in the slightest.

  22. He doesn’t FORCE me to do it, but I understand what you’re saying. My last 3 relationships before I met him were so abusive that it makes what’s going on here look innocent. Perhaps that’s why I’ve endured it for as long as I have. Other than doing this, he’s incredible. I just wish these “moods” were fewer and further between… If ever again at all.

  23. This was bad to start and now it is actually Cursed Wth is that edit, WTF the guy is catfishing his friends with pictures of your sister ?⚠️?⚠️?

    Holy narcissistic tendencies batman ?

  24. What? What kind of bike race teaches thirty year olds to put condoms on bananas? Isn’t that junior school sec education? Did they start with “When one bike loves another bike very much they have a special kind of hug”?

    Your girlfriend may be telling you the truth, but she needs to find a different bike club.

  25. No, the ring is yours. You are the eldest granddaughter, your “sister” decided to become female but that does not mean everyone needs to comply and justify her gender dysphoria.

  26. I don’t want to minimize your feelings at all, just suggesting that you might be overthinking it. I do it pretty much all the time but I’ve gotten good at calling myself out. If I’m off-base I apologize. Honestly only you know how she might react so if you have a helper it might be easier to just roll it up. Maybe if the weather is nice you could rent a rug cleaner and freshen it up. Lmao now I’m overthinking giving you advice.

  27. I’m in my 40s and actually only know one long-term couple my age who met while they were in their mid-20s. At least where I am, settling down early isn’t common anymore. Also, most of us compromised a lot more when we were younger, and would only really start standing their ground in their 30s. So I guess I personally think people are much more likely to settle for someone when they’re young instead of when they’re older and really know their own worth.


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