Slem the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Slem, 23 y.o.


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16 thoughts on “Slem the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. You are young very . But I would advice to have a serious talk with him. It's best to keep things open. Take as much time as you need and if he asks you why so late. Say what you told us. You were afraid and confused and didn't kmow what to even say

  2. Sounds like he sucks.

    Also i had two abortions then two kids. Both kids were unplanned.

    Why would you want a kid to have this guy as a dad? Recipe for toxicity and abuse.

    Have a kid with someone who wants to be a dad. Or have this kid and handle being a single mom plus handling all the damage he causes kid. There is no way to magically change him. He will not support you and will cause harm.

  3. They're mad that their little doll has a mind of its own and is pushing back against them.

    You will never maintain a good relationship with people who look at you like you're property, and not a human being with your own thoughts, ideas and feelings.

    I had to let go of my family too. My mother was controlling like this. She fat shamed me frequently. She put me on a diet at 10. I wasn't even fat. I was a normal sized kid. No chub anywhere. But she hated me for whatever reason and started restricting what I could and could not eat.

    I haven't spoken to her in almost 3 years. This is the best I've ever felt. My mental health is more important than her need to tear me down – which stems from her own self-hatred. She hated herself. She's been on every diet known to man. She was never thin enough or pretty enough. And she projected that onto me.

    Now she has no daughter.

    That's called consequences.

  4. r/polyamory is a thriving community.

    Also, you're assuming that divorce is the worst thing that could happen. Its 2023 divorce is not the behead-2-wives issue that it used to be.

  5. Ok, so you don’t actually have an explanation for why what he said was a jab. You just made it up, then? That’s cool.

  6. At the end of the day it shouldn’t really matter why he wants what he wants, you just respect it. You don’t have to stay in the friendship if you don’t get what you need out of it, but you have to respect his boundaries.

    He likes talking to you, but he does not want to hang out with you. I don’t think that’s bs, it’s just what he wants. Take it or leave it.

  7. But it’s not misogynistic to call out a blatant bias based on gender. That’s just flat out not misogyny.

    Calling out specific women for saying shitty things doesn’t make you a misogynist and it doesn’t apply to women as a whole. It’s just calling out shitty behavior and peoples’ bias, whether it’s based on gender or not.

  8. 6 years and you're still not sure? Time to let her go. You've wasted enough of her time. You talking about later later later meanwhile she's made it clear what she wants and by when. Hopefully she has the backbone to leave you. If you can't decide she will decide for you.

  9. It's not that I expect him to make the same effort I do, but just some effort so I can feel thought of once in a while too

  10. My gf doesn’t ever want me to kiss her after I eat her out, even if I wipe my mouth. I don’t find it disrespectful. Some people are just incredibly sensitive to their own taste/smell and don’t like it. Idk, it’s not necessarily a red flag to me.

    “All my friends say that my bf is wrong for this” does though tbh. Would you want him asking all of his friends for their opinions about your sex life?

  11. I will tell you that people can and will suffer for years and years to try to keep a relationship together, but it all comes out eventually. My boyfriend gets extremely bothered by a few of my more off-putting tendencies, but he just “endured” it for years. We functionally never fought, he never let it show that it was bothering him (except for asking if I could tone it down a few times), never let it affect how he acted toward me.

    Then the tipping point came. It took over nine years, but he finally… I wouldn't say “snapped” because he still is pretty good about not crossing certain lines, but he is certainly “done” indulging me in that manner. Now we are trying to find a solution we can both live! with. I feel like he wants me to take a turn with the “smash down your emotions” ball, but I don't think that's a suitable long-term solution (and not one I am capable of), so I'm trying to fix our fundamental communication as well as work on toning down. It's not going so hard, but I don't think it's hopeless.

    Now, this is different because I'm the “difficult to deal with” person here, but it is still a situation where somebody is actively ignoring their feelings for the “better” of the relationship. In your case, your boyfriend intends to just ignore an anxiety-based disease, that is a recipe for disaster. He needs to get professional treatment or else all of his delayed anxious responses are going to burst out at once. Probably sooner rather than later. At that point your relationship may be destroyed in the initial blast and fallout of a million unaired grievances spilling out at once.

    I would just end the relationship now if he refuses to get treatment. You're just delaying the inevitable with your “ignore the severe mental illness” circumstances (and the inevitable will be a million times more painful.)


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