Call me Ghosty the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Call me Ghosty, 22 y.o.


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19 thoughts on “Call me Ghosty the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. He DOES have control over it. He was asked to do this open and can choose NOT to. He will still have a job if he didn’t do this.

  2. 2 days. WAY too fast. This smells like someone who will absolutely smother you and then when you get sick of it, stalk you until you get the law involved. Block and move on.

  3. I feel like its unrealistic too but she always want us to do things and i was alone for along time and i like being alone and stuff be she wants to do every single thing with me, she even used to stop me playing videogames cuz it was distancing me away from her.

  4. Thank you buddy, yes that is probably a better way than my slightly unfortunate assumption. Overthinking, Lord every day of my life ffs!!! I even overthink that I’m overthinking ? Happy to chat whenever, if appropriate ?

  5. These just aren't the words of an abuser to me.

    This is just as potentially dangerous of a viewpoint as the opposite reaction imo, because those can absolutely be the words of manipulative abusers.

    The safest bet is to admit we'll never have the context to properly judge the story here, and that OP should lay off the drinks and work with a professional or two to figure out what actually happened.

  6. Look you both have to figure out two things

    1) how to substantially increase your income. This might mean one or borh of you need a career shift

    2) a reprioritization in getting the both of you working together to move out. This involves looking at lower cost of living places in the country. If you can earn the same amount of money on the east coast or abother part of the country you mighr be able to make it work

    The reality is he seems less unhappy about staying at home than you do. At a combined income of 100K you aren’t ever buying a house. Especially wirh a young child.

  7. Tell him what you said here. You aren’t in any hurry to marry him or move in with him and you don’t like him throwing you under the bus like that. People are going to comment and he has to figure out a way to deal with it that doesn’t include making you out to be some desperate woman who wants a ring. His answer can be as simple as “we are both happy with the way things are” when people persist, which they will, he call roll his eyes, pull you close, and say “life is good and we are happy.”

  8. The other commentors have already hit the nail but I'll add some advice.

    Have a signal. Lit candle. Specific light on, like a night light or table light you buy for this. That way there is a physical reminder for when its okay and when its not. Like on a more seditive medication.

  9. Thank you very much man, don't feel comfortable talking about this in real life. I will change, thanks. What about a scenario of her following other guys when she goes on nights out and tells me that she only followed them because they're her friends friends?

  10. He talked to his mom about this before you? Or is he assuming that his mom will help?

    If there was a problem or safety issue, the kids would talk about it. If you find out that dad told them to keep their mouths shut, then you have a problem. Don't grill the kids.

    You have every right to know what's going on in Your home. If there is still payment due to the sitter, then talk with her when you close out the books.

    Is this control issue/no discussion normal for him,?

  11. My husband had a heart attack yesterday. I just got home from seeing him. I'm going to take a quick nap, then I'm going back to sit with him until the nurses kick me out. I absolutely can't fathom leaving him alone and helpless when he's this vulnerable. It was part of the commitment we made to each other, way before we even got married. When you're weak, I'll be strong for you, blah blah blah. He's a big, burly heavy metal vocalist who runs a warehouse shipping department. He's always said he would hate being seen as weak and helpless and has told me multiple times that if he's ever incapacitated, if I don't put the pillow over his face, his other best friend will.

    Of course, today, he's barely been able to lift a cup to his lips. Breathing is hot for him. I don't see him as anything other than the amazing guy I married. Right now, he didn't give a shit about anything he's said about not wanting to be weak. He's just happy he's not alone and that I'm holding his hand.

  12. Sweetheart, none of this says love.

    The people who were supposed to love and protect you, failed. It was their job to teach you that you're worthy of love and respect. Because they failed you, you don't know what love is supposed to look like. You don't believe you deserve love and respect, or that you have value besides what others can take from you. These terrible things you're being told to do are not something anyone should EVER have to do, and none of them have a single thing to do with love.

    The crap you were taught to believe about yourself are lies. You DO matter, you're WORTHY of love, and you DON'T have to do horrible things you don't want to do just because someone else says so.

    Call your old roommate. Find somewhere safe to stay. The sooner you get away from this situation, the better. You are not safe with this man, and I'm afraid of what else will happen to you. Make a plan, hide a bag with clothes, ID, anything else you need, and go someplace safe.

    When you're finally safe from this man, find the social services available there. Get counseling to figure out how to rid yourself of the lies you've been told, learn how love should look and feel, and that your worth comes from nowhere else but you. You aren't for others to use, you deserve to feel safe, and you should never have to do anything sexual, with anyone, unless you want to.

    There are good people in this world, and this man is not one of them. You'll find your own way forward by standing up for yourself and demanding to be treated like you matter. Because you do.


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